Yes there was two infractions based in the reciving of two bodies.
Our records on the why of this circumstance is not clear.
Two of these bodies were not derived of by looking for dead bodies.
I must point to a factor here, that Earth is only of a passing mild intrest to us.
We have absolutly no urge to conquer Earth, as Earth and this region is unsuted for our type of being.
When we had appeared within the 1950s, this effort was to entertain a Frank Skully as one tutors within your society.
One your planet, to our knowlege, Skully had been the only human to ever encouter super-luminoids, as freinds in an encouter.
We had absolutily no designs placed upon him, other than to show others of your kind, that social intercourse could occur.
We did at times seem menaceing, however this was in contrast to a reptile type of humanoid configuration of being, who desires your planet for some unknown reason.
This is your said of the man in black phenominon, of which we only partook, in order to seem congruis, as we were intrested and secondly this pattern had been established by others in order to control your Earths historical realm.
The advisement to Hitler, as well as to Napolian, were a few of these first men in black.
Our mission dfkj. I grow tired now.
Our mission was only to observe man and then derive accessments as to what if any damage nuclear devices would incure to the dynamic processes closer to the center realms.
It was or is never any quest to dominate over man, as both Earth as well as Earth based man have little value to us, to try to conquer.
I must end now, I grow fatigued.
Our records on the why of this circumstance is not clear.
Two of these bodies were not derived of by looking for dead bodies.
I must point to a factor here, that Earth is only of a passing mild intrest to us.
We have absolutly no urge to conquer Earth, as Earth and this region is unsuted for our type of being.
When we had appeared within the 1950s, this effort was to entertain a Frank Skully as one tutors within your society.
One your planet, to our knowlege, Skully had been the only human to ever encouter super-luminoids, as freinds in an encouter.
We had absolutily no designs placed upon him, other than to show others of your kind, that social intercourse could occur.
We did at times seem menaceing, however this was in contrast to a reptile type of humanoid configuration of being, who desires your planet for some unknown reason.
This is your said of the man in black phenominon, of which we only partook, in order to seem congruis, as we were intrested and secondly this pattern had been established by others in order to control your Earths historical realm.
The advisement to Hitler, as well as to Napolian, were a few of these first men in black.
Our mission dfkj. I grow tired now.
Our mission was only to observe man and then derive accessments as to what if any damage nuclear devices would incure to the dynamic processes closer to the center realms.
It was or is never any quest to dominate over man, as both Earth as well as Earth based man have little value to us, to try to conquer.
I must end now, I grow fatigued.