Why we had come here from the center of the galixy, is to observe set patterns within your societies social structure.
We have been back here on Earth for four months now and with this internet device of communications, have learned many new items about human kind.
We use a large cobalt crystal interface, which is very distantly realited to the old Atlantian way of communicating.
One of our conscripts from a boating accident, who was dead for only two hours, recieved some electronics equipment.
With a keyboard as well as parts from a refuse yard, we could construct an i.p. hookup and from there learn vast amounts of information about your society, we had not known before.
One item which disturbes us greatly, is the toying around with nuclear weapons.
These devices disturb the spacetime quantum and make an unstable adjustment in return outphase flux of materials you refer to a return quantum flux.
We are aware of both third world coutries, your guest humanoid aliens, as well as amatures proposing the use of these very dangerous weapons.
We had one woman who was used as a vessle who had died of a heart attacking in New York.
She was taken to us, imerced in a preservation bath, interfaced rigged and had one of our sentients placed within.
She was also female.
We had found after while that the places your call New York was very intresting to us.
Our conscript unfortunatly did not understand the principle of human lower preditation and was raped and as a process of noninsulate precautions, expired.
The human who raped her, suffered burns and died himself as a result of his attack upon this Airline Steward.
This event had disturbed our continum greatly, as from what we had seen of City New York, this place looked like a wonderful place
Hibrisb ne