The third Fatima Secret unveiled at TTI


Where is all your anger coming from? It's OK if you believe Titor is a fraud and others believe him real. You don't need to get angry about it.
"That is utter crap. It's not for him to judge. It's his duty to as a human being to save lives and he blew his chance. How does he know the person who stops the next Hitler is living 100 miles away from the park. He doesn't. He doesn't have a clue.

He's here, with millions of others, to ease the population of an overcrowded world. And if a bunch of people are here, let me tell you this: Russia doesn't win this time, and anyone with prior knowledge is in big trouble. Mark those words."

Newbie, I respect your beliefs and anger. Since I posted this thread pertaining to the Third Fatima Secret, You SHOULD ANGER at the Vatican.


The late Pope, isn't it his duty to as a human being to save lives? What about the Vatican?

"Holy Father, what has become of the 3rd Secret of Fatima? According to Our Lady's instructions, wasn't it supposed to be revealed in 1960? And what will happen in the Church?"

Response of the Holly Father: "Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication
On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much. If there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth, that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish, there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that to know implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted."

At this point, the Holy Father took hold of his Rosary and said: "Here is the remedy against the evil! Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God! We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-to-distant future, trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise.

We must be strong, we must prepare ourselves, we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary."
I'd be angry at them too for not publishing it. They don't know for sure. If someone lived through it in the future, they would know for sure.
When I look at this map, I am reminded of two other prophecies :

1) That California would break off and be isolated from the rest of the continent, and

2) The new Western coastline Edgar Cayce predicted America would have after his prophesied "Earth Changes".

While California's land mass would not be physically separated from the rest of the nation by a Yellowstone eruption, it would be functionally separated. And in much the same way, the edge of habitable land in the US would roughly correlate with Cayce's predicted new "West Coast".

- Peter
The late Pope, isn't it his duty to as a human being to save lives?
No, it's not. It's his duty to save souls. Every day, 155,000 people die on this planet, a few more some days, a few less others, but there's nothing the Pope or anyone else can do to change that. Sooner or later everyone dies. Granting them a few more days here and there is not the church's mission, and they know it. They know that if there is no hope of eternal life after death, then attempts to "save lives" are all in vain, and if there IS some possibility for eternal life after death, then "saving lives" is pointless and a waste of time. The church's mission is and has always been to save souls, trying to provide people with far, far more than just a few more days or years on this little piece of rock spinning in the darkness.
"No, it's not. It's his duty to save souls"

Semantics. If someone watches a global unfold tragedy without trying to warn anyone, that's twisted.

Are you the same Peter Novak that was on Coast to Coast AM talking about binary souls?
Are you the same Peter Novak that was on Coast to Coast AM talking about binary souls?
Yup, that'd be me. Good memory! Guess I must have said something on the air that night which stuck with you, eh? You can explore my research at . I started exploring the legends of binary souls for the same reason I'm interested in the Titor material -- because I have a lifelong fascination with all sorts and varieties of prophecy.

- Peter
have a lifelong fascination with all sorts and varieties of prophecy

Have you seen these?

And how it relates to the Titor story

Note for link above: Related to Titor's comment about places that are safe he said:
"Take a close look at the county by county voting map from the last elections."
Note: The YS ash zone is surely a best fit if one were trying to encircle the most number
of people in “red” counties and the least in “blue” counties. Please note that says nothing
about Titor being from a "red" or "blue" state.

And then this:
Yes. These are very impressive indeed. I'm sure that many in addition to myself would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to make these charts and graphics available to us.

But the one that has captured my imagination is at

I keep looking at this and wondering what the population levels are in these areas. Does this explain the "100,000 dead in a single day" reference? Are the population levels so low in these areas that an explosion this large could occur and only kill 100,000?

Perhaps the explosion won't be as big as previous ones suggest. The Nostradamus quatrain indicated that America's breadbasket would be impaired by this event. A little research on the net has educated me that while a little volcanic ash is a very good fertilizer, in the areas where numerous inches of the stuff fall, it acts like poison to crops. This suggests to me that the only human deaths will occur very close to the park, but crop damage will extend out much farther. Thus, the event would only kill a relative few immediately, but if it does seriously compromise our farmland, then far more people could eventually die later from starvation.

And of course there is the whole "bring back the army from Iraq to deal with this domestic crisis, declare Martial Law in USA, Iraq goes to hell, Middle East destabilizes, and Americans resist Martial Law and creat more Waco-type events" chain of consequences one could expect from such an explosion.

As a causal trigger of the rest of the Titor scenario, this one event would seem to be able to explain quite a lot.

- Peter
There are no large population centers near YS. The closest town is Cody, Wyoming, which has just 8,800 souls living there. Cheyenne, the biggest town in Wyoming, is as far away from YS as you can get and still be inside the state boundaries, and it only has 50,000 population.

If we had to have an explosion of a supervolcano within the US, YS is about as remote a place as one could pick anywhere.

My guess is that if this thing does go off, it won't be until sometime between Sept - Nov of this year.

- Peter
My guess is that if this thing does go off, it won't be until sometime between Sept - Nov of this year.

I don't disagree with that statement but I am curious why do you say that time frame?
My guess is that if this thing does go off, it won't be until sometime between Sept - Nov of this year.

I dont know why he said that. But he has done a nice work at Anomalies regarding Russia restoring the ancint Catholic Cristian Faith and related prophesies.

He also talks about the corruption of the Vatican. I guess this corruption comes in, where the Vatican didn't reveal the third secret, while it was told so.

Imagine if this secret is Yellowstone and what would have happened if the Vatican has published it at that time.

Russia would be the global SuperPower today.
I guess this corruption comes in, where the Vatican didn't reveal the third secret, while it was told so.
Yeah, and there might also be just a TAD of corruption inherent in the little child molestation thing the church has yet to truly face.

Even if there was no real 3rd secret of Fatima, there was a dirty little (?BIG!) secret alive and in the heart of the church (the priesthood). And they did nothing about it... Is that not a sin?

He also talks about the corruption of the Vatican. I guess this corruption comes in, where the Vatican didn't reveal the third secret, while it was told so.

Why not?

What if in this timeline was not reveal it?

Sound like this:

<font color="red"> Impending Signs:
Increasing violent disturbances on land, at sea and in the air; earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, windstorms, cloudbursts, breaking of dams,overflowing of streams and seas, hugh tsunamis, floods, unusual "accidents" taking many lives. Famines, epidemics, destruction, destitution, failure of crops, water and crops will change, becoming more "polluted" and less nourishing.

Revolutions, downfall of governments, dissensions, wars, confusion in high places,lack of respect for authority, treachery, corruption, brutalities, atrocities. Immorality, lack of charity, heartlessness, indifference and lack of concern for our neighbor, people turning against each other.

A cross will appear in the sky. All will see it, but some will reject it. It will be a sign that the final events are near.

Immediate Signs:
The night will be bitterly cold, the wind will howl and roar, then will come lightning, thunderbolts, earthquakes, the stars and heavenly bodies will be disturbed and restless. There will be no light, but total blackness. Hurricanes of fires will rain forth from heaven and spread over all the earth, fear will seize mortals at the sight of these clouds of fire, and great will be their cries of lamentation, many godless will burn in the open fields like withered grass. 75% of the earth's population will be lost.



This is a Description of a Pole Shift...

A Red Cross in the Sky is the description of Nibiru Passage...

The image of the Walking Stik is the season when it happened

And the Cross is Nibiru

in these pictures of the first post of the thread...


At about noon, on October 13, 1917, near the hamlet of Fatima, Portugal, a crowd of about 100,000 witnessed an extraordinary event.
Of that multitude, only a few (as far as we know) --newspaper reporters and a college professor among them-- looked carefully and left a record of what they saw.
Below is a partial description of the event as witnessed by Almeida Garrett of the University of Coimbra. The setting is this: a multitude of the curious and the devout have gathered in a pasture near a remote hamlet to witness an appearance of the Virgin Mary promised by Lucy dos Santos who claimed that Mary had been appearing to her and her two younger cousins as they tended sheep. It had rained earlier, and the sky was overcast and the sun occluded. The crowd, most of whom had spent the night outdoors, expectantly awaited the hour of noon.
Garrett says:
" The sun had broken jubilantly through the thick layer of clouds just a few moments before.
"It was shining clearly and intensely. I turned to this magnet that was drawing all eyes.

"It looked to me as a luminous and brilliant disc, with a bright well-defined rim.
"It did not hurt the eyes. The comparison (which I heard while still at Fatima) with a disc of
dull silver did not seem right to me. The color was brighter, far more active and richer than
dull silver, with the tinted luster of the orient of a pearl.

"Nor did it resemble the moon on a clear night. Everyone saw and felt that it was
a body with life. I was not spheric like the moon, neither did it have an equal tonality of
color. It looked like a small, brightly polished, wheel of iridescent mother-of-pearl.

"It could not be taken for the sun as seen through a fog. There was no fog at the time
(the rain and fog had stopped). The sun was not opaque, veiled, or diffused. It gave
light and heat and was brilliantly outlined by a beveled rim.

"The sky was banked with light clouds, patched with blue here and there. Sometimes
the sun stood out alone in rifts of clear sky. The clouds scuttled along from west to
east without dimming the sun. They gave the impression of passing behind it, while
white puffs gliding sometimes in front of the sun seemed to take on the color of rose
or a delicate blue.

"It was wonderful that all this time it was possible for us to look at the sun, a blaze of light
and blinding heat, without pain to the eyes or blinding of the retina. This phenomenon
must have lasted about ten minutes, except for two interruptions when the sun darted
forth its more refulgent, lightning-like, rays which forced us to look away.

"The sun had an eccentricity of movement. It was not the scintillation of a celestial
body at its highest power. It was rotating upon itself with exceedingly great speed.
Suddenly the people broke out with a cry of extreme anguish. The sun, still rotating,
had loosed itself from the skies and came hurtling toward the earth. This huge, firey,
millstone threatened to crush us with its weight. It was a dreadful sensation."

Reporters for the big city dailies described the event in the same vein. O Dia noted, "The sun seemed veiled with a transparent gauze to enable us to look at it without difficulty. The greyish tint of mother-of-pearl began changing as if into a shining silver disc, that was growing slowly, until it broke through the clouds. And the silvery sun, still shrouded with the same lightness of gauze, was seen to rotate and wander within the circle of the receded clouds!"
O Seculare commented: "The sun called to mind a plate of dull silver. It could be stared at without the least effort."

We might comment. first of all, that the real sun was hidden by clouds at the time of the apparition. A bright light was seen which was mistaken for the sun, except for the two instances above when the real sun broke momentarily through the clouds.
The event at Fatima is truly remarkable. It is not only the first mass UFO sighting of modern times (for, what else might it be?), but perhaps the outstanding paranormal event of history in terms of the number of people witnessing a single happening ,even though there have been more conservative estimates of the crowd's size put forth.
Most of the pious saw a miraculous event of the sun dancing in the sky ( the 'dance' per se can be attributed to a "zig-zag" motion as the craft descended, perhaps the famous 'falling leaf' descent pattern of classic UFO sightings. None of the observers thought they were seeing a machine, albeit a very sophisticated machine. Even the professional observers could not quite bring themselves to say that it was not the sun they were seeing, although Garrett noted the clouds "gave the impression" of passing behind the object. And yet even the reporters and Garrett, apparently, did not see it all. Lucy later described a much more detailed account involving associated apparitions.

Our private conclusion, based on this and other events, is that this represents a deliberate effort to change events on this planet (Portugal, incidentally, at the time was a focus of Communism), not by alien races or angels, but by legitimate human beings--our cousins--from elsewhere. Such individuals, who are the same sort of fools we are,( perhaps rescued and relocated elsewhere by real aliens during some catastrophic series of events of the past) have their own beliefs, and knowledge, of spiritual and social development and are concerned that their country cousins do not get too far off the track of normal development. It might even be that the greater number of the human race do not reside on our planet.

Now this brings us to an important aspect of such apparitions and their confused interpretations. Our cultural concept of perception assumes that every person has as much ability to see, or sense, an event as anyone else. If some see, and others do not see, the event does not seem real .
In the series of visitations by Mary to the children--in which she appeared over a holmoak bush--little Francesco, the youngest of the children-- could, at first, not see Mary until he had said a decade of the rosary. There were others of the countrymen and women who had been present during some of these visitations and some saw merely a light, and some merely had the sensation of something happening.
A young lady with a background similar to Lucy dos Santos was Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France, in the previous century. Bernadette was also a poorly educated, rural, girl who had spent the previous summer tending sheep in the mountains.
While gathering firewood with a group of children near Lourdes, Bernadette saw a "beautiful lady," in a grotto near a river the girl was preparing to cross. Bernadette's vision was hers, alone, for none of the others (later there were groups present) saw the lady who told Bernadette, "I am the Immaculate Conception." The parish priest , who had a less than sanguine opinion of the girl's experience, told her in no uncertain terms that the "immaculate conception "(of Jesus) was a thing, and could not be a person. Both Lourdes and Fatima are major Roman Catholic shrines, as everyone knows.
Bernadette in her earlier life had experienced troubling visions. Lucy dos Santos became a nun and also experienced a number of visions including a graphic vision of hell where tortured souls were punished for criticizing the Pope and the Church. So on one hand there is the mass apparition brought about through the agency of a young girl, and on the other , the religious fantasies of a pre-adolescent , poorly educated, religiously devout, shepherd of rural Portugal of the early 20th Century. We might say the same of Bernadette, of France of the 19th Century, who also had claimed to see disturbing vision of demons.
It is perhaps worthy of note that the principal characters in poltergeist are usually teen or preteen children--mainly girls.

We are indebted in the account of the Fatima visitation to Fr. John Di Marchi, an American Catholic priest who went to Portugal years after the event to interview witnesses, especially Sister Maria Lucia, who, as a ten-year-old country girl was the principal character of the Fatima visitations. Di Marchi published his findings in a little booklet, millions of which were distributed free. Synchronistically enough, the Imprimatur of the booklet was granted in 1947, a major year for UFOlogy.
It is perhaps worthy of note that the principal characters in poltergeist are usually teen or preteen children--mainly girls.



Q2: How do you know that the Warning will be April 10, 2009 and that the Miracle will be May 13th, 2010?

A: It's complicated. This is just a brief overview:

The date of the Miracle can be determined from the things that Mary said at Garabandal, and from a knowledge of eschatology. The Miracle occurs on the feast day of a young martyr of the Eucharist, and on a Thursday, and between certain months and days of the month. There are not many young martyrs of the Eucharist who fit. The only one that I found after extensive search is Blessed Imelda.

Here are 12 reasons why she is the correct young martyr:
[link to]

Her feast day is May 13th, which in some years is not only a Thursday, but Ascension Thursday. God places the Warning and the Miracle on important days in the Church's calendar so that people are not drawn away from the Catholic Church by these immensely powerful events.

There are various other future events that can be known from a study of the Bible and eschatology. The Warning and Miracle are closely connected to these events, have a strong influence on them, and so must occur first.

Also, at Garabandal it was said that Joey Lomangino would be healed of his blindness, but he is now elderly.

The only day that fits is May 13th, 2010. The next time that her feast day falls on Ascension Thursday is in 2021, too late because of Joey's age and because of all the other events in eschatology that will occur before then.

Once the date of the Miracle is established, the Warning occurs about a year earlier, as it turns out, one year and 33 days earlier, on Good Friday, as indicated by Scripture:

{12:10} And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of prayers. And they will look upon me, whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they will feel sorrow over him, as one would be sorrowful at the death of a firstborn.

and that date is April 10, 2009, the date of the Warning.

More at:

Link to data...

Re:Catholics ordered to keep quiet ...

Then to avoid People get warned by the Virgin Mary and get a safe place to the Coming pole shift , the Vatican as released this:

<font color="purple"> Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions
By Jerome Taylor and Simon Caldwell
Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Catholics who claim they have seen the Virgin Mary will be forced to remain silent about the apparitions until a team of psychologists, theologians, priests and exorcists have fully investigated their claims under new Vatican guidelines aimed at stamping out false claims of miracles.

The Pope has instructed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly the Holy Office of the Inquisition, to draw up a new handbook to help bishops snuff out an explosion of bogus heavenly apparitions.

Benedict XVI plans to update the Vatican's current rules on investigating apparitions to help distinguish between true and false claims of visions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, messages, stigmata (the appearances of the five wounds of Christ), weeping and bleeding statues and Eucharistic miracles.

Monsignor Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, a respected Spanish Jesuit archbishop, has been placed in charge of drawing up the handbook, known as a "vademecum", which will update the current rules set in 1978.

According to Petrus, an Italian online magazine which leans towards conservative elements in the Vatican, anyone who claims to have seen an apparition will only be believed as long as they remain silent and do not court publicity over their claims.

<font color="red">If they refuse to obey, this will be taken as a sign that their claims are false. [/COLOR]

end quoted

more at:

link to <a href="" target="_blank">[/url]</a>

:eek: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif :oops:
About four or five years ago I read what purported to be the Third Secret in a Jehovah's Witness magazine in the laundromat.

Off hand, I would interpret the secret to (the part about the rough bark covered cross and the Pope being stabbed) as the demise of the Roman Catholic Church. It is symbolic.

Sister Lucy was given to dramatic visions--she saw souls writhing in the flames of hell because they had said bad things about the Holy Father!

My personal take on all of this is that Fatima was an attempt at social engineering by --not an alien race--but transplanted humans from another planet to bring the hillbillies of Earth to a higher level. But, as human as we are, they are of course, the same species of fools.

A 'Miracle'.

by Clete Goffard, alias "Packerbacker."

At about noon, on October 13, 1917, near the village of Fatima, Portugal, an crowd of about 100,000 witnessed an extraordinary event.
Of that multitude, only a few (as far as we know) --newspaper reporters and a college professor among them-- looked carefully and left a record of what they saw.
Below is a partial description of the event as witnessed by Almeida Garrett of the University of Coimbra. The setting is this: a multitude of the curious and the devout have gathered in a pasture near a remote hamlet to witness an appearance of the Virgin Mary promised by Lucy dos Santos who claimed that Mary had been appearing to her and her two younger cousins as they tended sheep. It had rained earlier, and the sky was overcast and the sun occluded. The crowd, most of whom had spent the night outdoors, expectantly awaited the hour of noon.
Garrett says:
The sun had broken jubilantly through the thick layer of clouds just a few moments
It was shining clearly and intensely. I turned to this magnet that was drawing all

It looked to me as a luminous and brilliant disc, with a bright well-defined rim.
It did not hurt the eyes. The comparison (which I heard while still at Fatima) with
a disc of ull silver did not seem right to me. The color was brighter, far more
active and richer than dull silver, with the tinted luster of the orient of a pearl.

Nor did it resemble the moon on a clear night. Everyone saw and felt that it was
a body with life. I was not spheric like the moon, neither did it have an equal
tonality of color. It looked like a small, brightly polished, wheel of iridescent

It could not be taken for the sun as seen through a fog. There was no fog at the time
(the rain and fog had stopped). The sun was not opaque, veiled, or diffused. It gave
light and heat and was brilliantly outlined by a beveled rim.

The sky was banked with light clouds, patched with blue here and there. Sometimes
the sun stood out alone in rifts of clear sky. The clouds scuttled along from west to
east without dimming the sun. They gave the impression of passing behind it, while
white puffs gliding sometimes in front of the sun seemed to take on the color of rose
or a delicate blue.

It was wonderful that all this time it was possible for us to look at the sun, a blaze
of light and blinding heat, without pain to the eyes or blinding of the retina. This
phenomenon must have lasted about ten minutes, except for two interruptions when the
sun darted forth its more refulgent, lightning-like, rays which forced us to look away.

The sun had an eccentricity of movement. It was not the scintillation of a celestial
body at its highest power. It was rotating upon itself with exceedingly great speed.
Suddenly the people broke out with a cry of extreme anguish. The sun, still rotating,
had loosed itself from the skies and came hurtling toward the earth. This huge, firey,
millstone threatened to crush us with its weight. It was a dreadful sensation."

Reporters for the big city dailies described the event in the same vein. O Dia noted, "The sun seemed veiled with a transparent gauze to enable us to look at it without difficulty. The greyish tint of mother-of-pearl began changing as if into a shining silver disc, that was growing slowly, until it broke through the clouds. And the silvery sun, still shrouded with the same lightness of gauze, was seen to rotate and wander within the circle of the receded clouds!"
O Seculare commented: "The sun called to mind a plate of dull silver. It could be stared at without the least effort."
The event at Fatima is truly remarkable. It is not only the first mass UFO sighting of modern times (for, what else might it be?), but perhaps the outstanding paranormal event of history in terms of the number of people witnessing a single happening, even though there have been more conservative estimates of the crowd's size put forth.
Most of the pious saw a miraculous event of the sun dancing in the sky ( the 'dance' per se can be attributed to a "zig-zag" motion as the craft descended, perhaps the famous 'falling leaf' descent pattern of classic UFO sightings). None of the observers thought they were seeing a machine, albeit a very sophisticated machine. Even the professional observers could not quite bring themselves to say that it was not the sun they were seeing, although Garrett noted the clouds "gave the impression" of passing behind the object. And yet even the reporters and Garrett, apparently, did not see it all. Lucy later described a much more detailed account involving associated apparitions.

Now this brings us to an important aspect of such apparitions and their confused interpretations. Our cultural concept of perception assumes that every person has as much ability to see, or sense, an event as anyone else. If some see, and others do not see, the event does not seem real .
In the series of visitations by Mary to the children--in which she appeared over a holmoak bush--little Francesco, the youngest of the children-- could, at first, not see Mary until he had said a decade of the rosary. There were others of the countrymen and women who had been present during some of these visitations and some saw merely a light, and some merely had the sensation of something happening.
A young lady with a background similar to Lucy dos Santos was Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France, in the previous century. Bernadette was also a poorly educated, rural, girl who had spent the previous summer tending sheep in the mountains.
While gathering firewood with a group of children near Lourdes, Bernadette saw a "beautiful lady," in a grotto near a river the girl was preparing to cross. Bernadette's vision was hers, alone, for none of the others (later there were groups present) saw the lady who told Bernadette, "I am the Immaculate Conception." The parish priest , who had a less than sanguine opinion of the girl's experience, told her in no uncertain terms that the "immaculate conception "(of Jesus) was a thing, and could not be a person.
Both Lourdes and Fatima are major Roman Catholic shrines, as everyone knows.
Bernadette in her earlier life had experienced troubling visions. Lucy dos Santos became a nun and also experienced a number of visions including a graphic vision of hell where tortured souls were punished for criticizing the Pope and the Church. So on one hand there is the mass apparition brought about through the agency of a young girl who, and on the other , the religious fantasies
of a pre-adolescent , poorly educated, religiously devout, shepard of rural Portugal of the early 20th Century. We might say the same of Bernadette, but in France of the 19th Century. (Franz Werfel in The Song of Bernadette makes the interesting comment that in a far earlier age a maiden may have had a vision of the Goddess Diana.

We are indebted in the account of the Fatima visitation to Fr. John Di Marchi, an American Catholic priest who went to Portugal years after the event to interview witnesses, especially Sister Maria Lucia, who, as a ten-year-old country girl was the principle character of the Fatima visitations. Di Marchi published his findings in a little booklet, millions of which were distributed free.The Imprimatur of the booklet was granted in 1947.