The third Fatima Secret unveiled at TTI


Temporal Navigator
The pope dies without unveiling the third secret of the Fathima Prophecies.

"Third part of Fatima message was subject of speculation for over 80 years.

It’s long awaited release, which occurred in June, 2000, left many with the conviction that the official Vatican’s interpretation was aimed at creating the believe that the Message relates to our past.Over the years important amount of consistent information was accumulated reveling significant contradictions between them and officially presented Message content interpretation.

In 1994, members of the Italian National Library in Rome rediscovered a secret Nostradamus manuscript illustrated by prophet himself, whose purpose was to introduce the Popes of his future in to the correct readings of his prophetic quatrains. Findings emerging from this discovery, together with startling explanation of the meaning of the symbols engraved on the Handaye cross, confirm the believes that the events described in the third part of Fatima message, related to the tribulation of the Holly Father, next and the last Pope, Catholic Church and its followers as well as world as a whole, are still in our future.

Immediate future."

Read the full story here:

But this third secret, I guess is unleashed here at TTI:

Now with this interpretation, check out the picture in the bottom of this page:

Check out these pictures but dont read the interpretation, I guess it is wrong:

A picture shows a group of soldiers ambushing the civilians.

And I guess this is true:

"The scientific demonstration of "Permanent Time", already anticipated in Carl Gustav Jung in his studies on Synchronicism, to an extend which is no longer totaly out of reach, is better brought in light by the elaboration of a succession of letters, gleaned from the quartains according to a progression which has been a secret so far.

This provides us a reading in "soluta oratione", i.e. with the decipherment resolved, as Nostradamus himself had announced in his "Epistole to my son Cesar".

In this letter, he also announced that one day the prophecies will become "plus esclarci", i.e. clearer. That day has come."
In UFO Universe Magazine, there was evidence revealed, that some parts of the Fatima Miracle, may have been UFO, E.T. grades of materials.

Woman in globe, annoyed in quilted outfit, seen by said other witness, at time of Fatima?
Pick one?

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I looked after all of the links that hercules provided, and I hate to go here but it all points to signifigant Biblical Prophesies. If all of this is true and there is a new push for the New World Order, and not Hogan Nash and Hall(bad joke) the new pope will play right into the hands of the anti-crist. This means the rapture will happen soon,and so will the seven year tribulation. Anybody not understanding what this means GO TO A CHURCH SOON!!!! All hell is about to break loose literaly. But I find it fasinating that Nostradamous's Quatrains follow along with biblical prophesies. :eek:
But the trouble is,

Really no-one can specifically put what he says in the right detail or context. Hense why we'll never know if he is correct or not. Also a lot of his other prophocies havent come to pass. From what people can tell, some also 'seem' wrong.

I believe He was an astral RV traveller. But his prophocies are related to time. Some will happen, others were seen because at that time, the prophocy was due to happen. Things/events/time changes constantly.

His predictions will always be hit and miss due to this factor. Which doesnt make them any less ligit, mind.

Kind regards,
German magazine Stimme des Glaubens has published Pope John Paul II’s conversation with a small group of German Catholics, on the occasion of his visit to Fulda, in November of 1980, related to the content of third part of Fatima prophecy. Relevant parts of the conversation were as follows:

Question: "Holy Father, what has become of the 3rd Secret of Fatima? According to Our Lady's instructions, wasn't it supposed to be revealed in 1960? And what will happen in the Church?"
Response of the Holly Father: "Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication”

Here, one can conclude that it has something to do with the US since the Pope said, “in order NOT TO ENCOURAGE the world wide power of COMMUNISM to carry out certain coups” and interconnecting all the interpretations, it all points to one: The Yellowstone.

This interpretation, of the Quatrain 10.49 of Nostradamus and John Titor was first made by MEM.

Interpretation of the pictures of Nostradamus:

The first picture shows a volcano with a stick (many call this a walking stick) on top of which is a skull and on the top of the skull is a moon.

The “stick” on top of the volcano is not a walking stick. This stick is found in Hindu mythology in India, the ancient Monks carry this stick along with them. When they meditate, they place this stick under their wrist and they remain in a state of meditation for hundreds, and even thousands of years. The ancient Tales depict that they meditate for so many years and at last God comes in front of them and grants their wish, whatever it may be.

So Nostradamus, in his illustrated manuscript shows this stick on top of the volcano, which means the Yellowstone Super volcano is in a state of meditation for thousands of years.

I have merged the two pictures of Nostradamus.

The next picture, shows a group of soldiers a attacking the civilians- Is this the civil war described by John Titor?

When I read that the late Pope said, “It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted” and “If there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth, that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish, there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message”

It coincides with Titor saying, “Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?”

Did Nostradamus really saw the world Titor described? I don’t know.

This is just another interpretation of the pictures, which may not be true. The Jury is still out on this one and may be very close.

“In 1994, members of the italian National Library in Rome made an amazing discovery: buried in their archives was an unknown manuscript consisting of 80 mysterious paintings by the famed prophet Michel de Nostradamus.”

I guess these paintings, when CORRECTLY interpreted, can tell the future and I guess up to 99% accuracy after I saw Zeshua predicting the future. Unfortunately, I searched for this book and the pictures, but I could not find it:

The Nostradamus code
(By Daedalus Books - U.S.A.)
The lost manuscript that unlocks the Secrets of the Master Prophet.
Ottavio Cesare Ramotti
Inner Traditions (laminated cover) $ 25.00

If anyone has this book, please let me know. I am very curious to see those pictures!

But I don’t think by knowing the future, one can change it. These things have already happened somewhere and knowing the future cannot make any MAJOR changes in History. Somewhere I read, its like throwing a stone into a flowing river. The ripples are formed and then the river continues to flow, as if the disturbance has not been there. Same is the case with JT and History:

“However, this type of gravity manipulation is not sufficient to alter your worldline.”

“Yes, you will remember me if you want to. Worldlines do not change that way
and I will only become an insignificant part of your history.”

He will not or he cannot bring about MAJOR changes in History.
Hercules, I understand your interpretation of the 3rd secret. I have to admit it's scary.

“He will not or he cannot bring about MAJOR changes in History.”

Yeah but HE could have told us flat out what was going to happen. If he was real, he could have told us the truth about the volcano. I think more people would have moved away from the area. Maybe only a few, but even one person getting away is worth telling us.

Meanwhile, the Old Faithful visitor center, is still "not staffed" until April 22nd. The past week, it started going down and they changed the message:

The Old Faithful Visitor Center is not staffed at this time.
While we will attempt to keep this WebCam running,
it may go down for several days in a row.
Staff will return to the visitor center on April 22.

It went down 2 days ago around 11am. In it's place they put up a still from 8am.

It's back up now, today's timelapse :


Today's :
Please note that the ninth post down in this thread, concerning actions of people, can not now happened exactly as predicted by past seer Nostradamus.

There are two reasons why.

We already know how the future is going to unfold.

Two if you tell of events to come in the future, then you cause a variance of those events to come.

These facts could possibly be interpreted in two ways.

One, trying to tell of events in the future in which case, the event to come would either skate in difference, or not happen at all.

And two, a circuitous motive, in which case these events could be planned to happen.

The second carries either a disbandment charge, if orchestrated by alien influence, or an automatic death penalty, if it is found that forces behind the scenes, are trying to cast the nature of the future for their own intent?

It was already said, that the Montaukians had changed the future, so it would not happen as predicted.

In the past 911 event, entailing the saying, two towers would burn at such and such a latitude, I feel that Nostradamus was relatively correct.
“Yeah but HE could have told us flat out what was going to happen. If he was real, he could have told us the truth about the volcano.”

Good Question. This was already asked to Titor:
“If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us

Titor’s answer:
“I am not qualified to judge if you deserve it or not and I have no idea if
you may be the next (for lack of a better reference) Hitler.”

EVEN this sentence coincides with the Pope’s words:

“in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication”

What would you think would have happened IF Titor told publicly that Yellowstone would erupt in 2005?

In fact this is a large piece of the whole “Titor” Puzzle. Titor never gave away this piece, but he gave the rest, which made his story very VAGUE and a lot of people skeptical. Even those who believed Titor were not able to make out the “cause” of the Civil War.

“I think more people would have moved away from the area. Maybe only a few, but even one person getting away is worth telling us.”

Yes if he had told the truth, a large amount of attention would have been focused on him, because he has given out everything. And if you see the “ash zone” in the chart MEM provided, a large area is going to be affected.

“There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. In my travels, I have discovered that most people really don't want to know about the future because if its different than what they want it ticks them off. Actually, I don't blame them.”

“You could still give us details about the future that wouldn't harm anyone
and still add to your credibility.
Again, I do not seek to add to my credibility. There is no point to it.
Actually, by providing information that was useful, I would be adding to
your collective fear that I am real. In that case, this cycle we are in
concerning "truth" only spirals and gets worse.”

I mean, this is all really VERY SCARY and I’m NOT hoping for a disaster either. But if you and I try to warn anyone, do you think they would listen to us?

And regarding changing worldliness, I think “paradoxes” really means changing the “birth” and “death” of a person(and not Y2K). These things are fixed. One cannot change it. Have you seen the movie, “The Time Machine”? That is the reason why Titor never revealed to his grandfather that he would die in the Plane Crash. This was already explained by MEM.

Also read:
“Hawking believes it's possible to build a time machine but a mysterious energy will destroy it if anyone tries to use it. In my opinion, manipulating gravity is not the hard part of time travel. Also, with great power comes great responsibility. If man has a limitation, that's it.”- JT.
Hercules said> “Yeah but HE could have told us flat out what was going to happen. If he was real, he could have told us the truth about the volcano.”

Creedo answer> No he couldn't have Hercules.Seeing into the future then, was considered heresy and he would have been put to death, if his writings would have been discovered.
This was the era, that the witches were starting to get some flack, as they were getting in the way of the church.

Some witches were even getting kicked out of the royal courts, as court advisors, so the influence of the church could get in there.

So the mysticism advisement, was on the way out.

Strange history note: The Roamn Catholic Chruch it seems, is fading in some parts of South America in favor for Protestant Evangelicalism.

This was an NPR report, which told that SouthAmericans, in some cases, no longer what to wait forever to be saved later-on in the afterlife, however want to experience joy now.

This is odd, is that after humans muck things up, along with all the hidden aliens, it will probably be more advanced robots, that give both company and advisement to mankind?
Ahhh, getting close to your "big day," eh MEM? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Are you getting excited? Gonna pop-up a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's, kick off the shoes, and settle in for the big volcano show?

The thing of it is, I don't think anything is going to happen at Yellowstone this coming week. If you want a prediction that I think is more likely, I'd day we are more likely to have a moderate to large earthquake here in SoCal before anything happens at Yellowstone. The Pacific plate's been pretty active over on the other side of the ocean. Just a matter of time before we get affected here where I live.

Titor wrote :
"the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska."

If Yellowstone explodes, how would we be able to still have a viable city in Nebraska?
Titor’s answer:
“I am not qualified to judge if you deserve it or not and I have no idea if
you may be the next (for lack of a better reference) Hitler.”

That is utter crap. It's not for him to judge. It's his duty to as a human being to save lives and he blew his chance. How does he know the person who stops the next Hitler is living 100 miles away from the park. He doesn't. He doesn't have a clue.

These things are fixed. One cannot change it. Have you seen the movie, “The Time Machine”?

Yea I saw that movie. He was able to change death but not his liking. The movie showed he gave up too fast. Patience is a virtue.

That is the reason why Titor never revealed to his grandfather that he would die in the Plane Crash. This was already explained by MEM.

Well, I'm not convinced that name you dug up was actually his father since he's not real in the first place. And if he is real, he's not trying to get a 5100 so he wouldn't be related to that guy anyways. He's here, with millions of others, to ease the population of an overcrowded world. And if a bunch of people are here, let me tell you this: Russia doesn't win this time, and anyone with prior knowledge is in big trouble. Mark those words.