The repeating day problem

With all due respect, mathematical "idiot savants" is what has destroyed this website. For all intents and purposes, the idiot savant Einstein, though credited (rightfully so, of course) with mathematical bombshells, was functionally illiterate when it came to living in the real world. He could hardly keep himself dressed correctly without outside help. The same has also held true for many other "geniuses" like Everett who came up with the ridiculous concept of "many worlds" idiocy while sequestered for months like a monk because he couldn't work on a mathematical model and interact in the real world at the same time. Hawking fits the mold very nicely, thank you very much. Unmistakably genius, he is also real-world retarded--bouncing back and forth about his "beliefs" on whether there was intelligent design, or the complete lack of it.

As you may have garnered, I have little need for "linear literal thinkers" who have much difficulty thinking out of the box. If, indeed, there are seven literal dimensions at every point in space and time as proposed by the "Calibau-Yau spaces" hypothesis, your "linear literal mathematical models" are about to take a paradigm shift into obsolescence; because by the authors' own definition, literal linear thinkers are going to have to actually "perceptualize" geometry in the real world, rather than immerse themselves into the netherworld of idiot savant mathematics.

Can you idiot savants even PICTURE what would happen to a single photon passing through Calibau-Yau space or the possibility of that single photon passing through a seven-fold every single instant of space/time/matter? Not only does it allow for a "seven-fold" (at least) quantum entanglement of particles and all of its attendant possibilities" it CERTAINLY allows for the "simple" proposition being put forth here of a particles ability to exist in two places at once--thus allowing for the "conservation of mass" principle to be upheld with a little "non-linear" thinking. Instead, idiot savants like TIMELORD drive any would-be posters from even discussing what is on their minds on this site, which used to be lively and interesting. Darby, Ray, Tom, Anita, Transient and others have had great scientific, philosophical, and even religious input without having to resort to "marginalizing" the input of many who have a genuine desire to understanding of what makes our universe tick without having to resort to defending themselves (however "crazy" their ideas) from smug little know it alls who, in my opinion, don't really have a clue about the "real world". Mathematics, to me, has allways been boring, though I could probably write computer programs along with the best of you. Human beings and their nature has always been far more interesting and satisfying. My God, even Creedo, as weird as he was, gave us all something to ponder about in his madness--and oftentimes, a chuckle to go along with it.

With all that said (and off my chest) I probably will just continue to lurk now and then, pondering the "good ole days" of when we had fun here, being human, being open; using satire, humor, and a plethora of unorthodox ways of thinking to unlock mysteries that NONE of us (however intelligent we may think we are) REALLY have a grasp of. Even Machio Piku (however he spells hisname), the whore that he is for the physics world, saw us as LESS than a type I civilzation. I always get a kick out of seeing these so-called "elites" of the genius world walking around thinking that somehow, they are not part of that Type 0 civilization--lording it over the rest of us. Don't get me wrong. I actually LIKE him. I just can't ascribe to his particular brand of Zen-colored glasses and his particular Zen-biased view of how the universe works. That makes him just another idiot savant. To the originator of this thread, keep thinking out of the box. Your view of the universe is just (if not more so) as valid as the linear thinkers on this forum. I have a feeling that the LHC is going to show that "massive space/time" is going to get much more "massive" (a little pun for you Ray). I really mean it when I say that we are all headed for a "paradigm shift", and it is going to cover all the bases--scientifically, philosophically, AND religiously. I can almost taste it. It is going to be SO delicious--and probably quite tragic in its own ways. Heads are definitely going to roll--and I don't just mean metaphorically.

Ok, I'm done. You can mock on now.
You've clearly misunderstood the tone of my and others' posts. Nothing here is meant to be insulting or degrading. However, if one is describing an established scientific theory, whether it be quantum mechanics or anything else, it is helpful to do so in the proper manner. I don't know everything about these things and I wouldn't pretend to, but when your refutation includes a link to the kaballah and the statement that you don't like math, I am left to conclude my post without the need for a counterargument.

For all intents and purposes, the idiot savant Einstein, though credited (rightfully so, of course) with mathematical bombshells, was functionally illiterate when it came to living in the real world. He could hardly keep himself dressed correctly without outside help. The same has also held true for many other "geniuses" like Everett who came up with the ridiculous concept of "many worlds" idiocy while sequestered for months like a monk because he couldn't work on a mathematical model and interact in the real world at the same time.

I think that you're giving short schrift to the above men.

Our (literal) picture of Einstein is of an old man with grey, wild and uncombed hair. That recollection is based on photos taken of him in the 1950's when he was approaching his 75 birthday. By that time he was well past his prime as a scientist, retired from the faculty and largely dismissed by the physics community (though still revered by the public).

The real Einstein was a young, handsome man circa 1905 to 1930 before he left Europe. That Einstein was treated as an international "rock star"; he was a playboy, hung out in beer halls and always had a beautiful woman hanging on not only his every word but his arm. He was a flambouyant public wild child. Hell, he left his wife to marry his cousin. Einstein most definitely did not live the life of an idiot savant social hermit.

Hugh Everett was not as much a physicist as he was a mathematician and engineer. True, he wrote the famous paper that partially fulfilled his dissertation requirement, but once he had published the paper, defended his full dissertation effort and received his PhD he left academia forever. He spent the rest of his professional life wotking for DoD developing computer game theory, missle technology and artificial intelligence for the US military. Most of his research was (and some still is) highly classified. "The Paper" was never intended as a theory, is very short both on length and rigorous support and he didn't coin the term "Many Worlds Interpretation" (that was done by Bryce DeWitt 15 or so years later). While famous as a pop culture paper, pop-culturists rarely read it. That's not Everett's fault.

In any case, Everett had a very successful career hanging out with the military working on Cold War projects. Not very conducive to having a public social presence. But he did have sufficient social grace to get maried, stay married and have two children. Hugh must have had some party boy in him to have raised his son Mark who formed and is the lead singer for the rock band Eels.
Actually, I've understood all too well, the tone of your post.(s) EVERYTHING (whether you realize it or not), is MEANT to be insulting and degrading. Your response is typical--arrogant and condescending--and you are foolish enough to think that it is an aspect of your "genius". Of course, only you "know" the "proper manner" of presenting "these things" of which you (yourself), do not "pretend to know anything about"--and in the next breath use a "discipline" such as Kaballah as the final word on your "counter argument" as if it actually has anything other to offer than linear thinking and circular logic.

Darby debunked me right off. (you evil debunker, you). Einstein the man. Everett was really interesting too. I loved watching the video of him sequestering himself to totally dedicate himself to the problem--awesome focus, the mind of Hawking, Feynman--what an intellect (and a joy to listen to, just for the fun of it.) There are so many others, Lederman, Hubble--giants all of them. I think it was Lederman who said something to the effect that if nothing else, the universe teaches us that it is rationally intelligible, it operates according to specified recipes, but in the end, however complicated series of mathematical models is used, nothing can be done to make it "fly". It operates upon a series of "defferential equations", but we cannot make it "live" or be alive. It may have been Wheeler--another champion--who stepped away from pure science to get into "real life", "real reality". Kaballah, stripped of its applied mysticism, (as has long been discussed here on a myriad of threads) is still valid (just in terms of how it impacts our daily world--not the least being the current practice of medicine), but also other central disciplines as well.

So I guess I am saying, I don't have much respect for wannabe time lords. I guess that sounds arrogant and condescending. Dr. Who is a cool guy--every incarnation of him. He doesn't take anything seriously--I mean, who would? The guy's been all over the universe. Now don't clearly misunderstand the tone of my post. What you see is what you get. Bet my tardis is faster than yours.
For those who do enjoy mathematics and "proper" scientific methods, it is hard to escape some of the fundamental principles contained within the Kabbalah. That Pythagoras traveled to Eygpt and had discussions with Ezekiel, does cause one to wonder what the conversation's were about, taking into consideration the roles that each of these men played in history, and that which has been attributed to each of them, as well.

Mathematics and scientific method has their place within the discipline of Kabbalah, but, one has to ask what the purpose is for engaging within Kabbalistic mathematics and scientific inquiry ?

Is the quest for knowledge or for experience ?

As per Wikipedia :

Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of these concepts and to thereby attain spiritual realization.

Based on the Wiki description :

Is the attainment of spiritual realization a mathematical equation and/or formula; Or is the attainment of spiritual realization a state of mind and/or experience ?