The government is monitoring everything you say online and the phone

The point is, if an independant person or people's started rumagging through your mail, or hacked into your personal tech, you would be mad as hell! Yet when the government do it on shakey legal standings everyone just shrugs and let's it happen. Would you let your senator poke around on your hard drive? Or phone? I sure wouldn't.And who knows what they do and don't see. Or which words and phrases are indicators.
Where's your warrant for this search of private information?

It's a stupid process costing the tax payers a fortune, that yields questionable results and has the potential to undermine every Americans right to freedom.

If I was caught doing this, I would be in jail. But your paying people to literally ignore your rights and spy on potentially every correspondance you make.
Several cases of industrial espionage against foreign corporations have resulted in American companies filing patents for the Research and Development of inventions by foreign companies.

And I bet those foreign organizations are pretty pissed. Is it any wonder US businesses are being targeted by foreign agencies. But that's another topic.

I live in the UK, but knowing our government, it wouldn't suprise me if they were allowing the US to spy on me too. Germany have been assisting them for a long time now, and the EU is a mess. Your so called leaders are well known for preaching ideals they themselves are happy to contradict, for example torture! And I'm not saying my leaders are any better. Did you see the candidates for our PM? A bunch of fools too concerned with history to focus on effective and decisive change.

The question you guys need to ask is how much more your willing to put up with from a gov. that can't handle any of the serious issues facing us in the future.

Manipulating the markets by rigging Libor rates and printing money to bail out the bond market institutions is not a free market' date=' nor is it capitalism. It is a merger of state and corporate interests.[/quote']And still, more of the same. What's "libor" rates? If you mean labor rates, they only determin the minimum wage.

Several cases of industrial espionage against foreign corporations have resulted in American companies filing patents for the Research and Development of inventions by foreign companies.
Really... name one.

The question you guys need to ask is how much more your willing to put up with from a gov. that can't handle any of the serious issues facing us in the future.
Hopefully, only until November 8th, 2016.
I think most western societies need to push harder for effective change whithin their respective governments. A good start would be to get younger people in and stop letting the older jaded polititians push their out dated agendas on us. An overhaul on the legal system as well, I mean, it's well over due right?

What would we call it? "Neo"-privacy? Such term doesn't exist, since a huge quantity of information leads to risks. Everything that we say now, and I think that even me typing now are being stored somewhere in this world. We can talk as much as we like about our fundamental risks being trespassed, but we only see the surface of the real things that are being discussed right now about how they could monitor us better. Them listening to our phones is really minuscule compared to what we will see in the future, trust me.

I understand what you're trying to say but it honestly doesn't bother me. At all. It's not like someone suddenly is going to expose whatever I do to everyone I know. Also they might record your calls and messages, doesn't mean they listen and read them. If you think about it, yes, they might be violating our rights in terms of law, but what if information they gather is used for a greater good?

It's all well & good when outside forces are monitoring you until something is misunderstood & you're arrested for 'thought crimes'. All those searches about how to kill your wife or certain types of porn you may have clicked start to look real horrific at your trial. NYC's 'cannibal cop' is a great example of this. All that information would not have seen the light of day & he probably could care less about being monitored before this happened.

I kind of look at it as our government has been taken over and is now run by terrorists. And since war has been declared on terrorists, it is perfectly legal to kill terrorists.

I kind of look at it as our government has been taken over and is now run by terrorists. And since war has been declared on terrorists, it is perfectly legal to kill terrorists.
All enemies, foreign and domestic? Who enforces the constitution if not the free militia of it's citizens?

I tend to think that just because I have nothing to hide (or so I think), that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t bother me. Who knows what little thing could be used against me in a certain circumstance? I guess all I can say is I’m thankful this world isn’t any more like 1984 than it could be.

I tend to think that just because I have nothing to hide (or so I think), that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t bother me. Who knows what little thing could be used against me in a certain circumstance? I guess all I can say is I’m thankful this world isn’t any more like 1984 than it could be.
What is to stop such agencies from fabricating digital evidence against you?

I don't have any faith in those people and I'm pretty sure I will most likely never meet them. So why worry about it?

In my opinion it's a waste of time getting mad about it and you most likely can't change it anyway.

My main concern is this; we have a lot of work ahead of us to undo the poor choices of previous generations, and we should be very careful about what we allow to follow us as a generation. Do we want to be remembered as the age of apathy? Throwing away our long held ideals of freedom and self reliance out of fear is not how I want to live. There are more effective ways of dealing with our problems

Well, that's another way of looking at it! But how do you expect fighting against this? Of course there could be protests and various events to get some attention, but will it change anything? It's really hard dealing with something as big as this. And perhaps it's a better idea to make your life worth living rather than fighting something you might not be able to beat, get an education, do sports and so on.

Its not about fighting an issue, it's about thinking carefully about what's being offered at our expense, and as a society discussing these issues clearly and openly so that we can move forward.

I know this makes for a good conspiracy but, what if the facts are;

The only information gathered under this data collection are:

The initiating phone number, IP address

The receiving phone number, IP address

The time and date of the call, e-mail

Which actually "are" the facts under this data collection process.

No content is collected during this step.

Only "if" a number is found to be associated with a known terrorist are any further steps taken to determine "who" in this country was contacted.

I've been pretty vocal on this topic, and I can't dispute what your saying. In reality it probably is as benign as we're told. I just find that too many people are either afraid to question governance or simply don't understand the importance of doing so.

World politics has recently become a passion of mine, and the more I research the more dissapointed I am. To have got to 2015 and still be struggling with century old problems even with the knowledge, tools and man power to fix them, it makes me feel a strange mix of anger and sadness

I think it’s partly because people aren’t willing to discuss things as groups. Most are too concerned with their individual problems to come together and try to solve collective societal issues. Or they view such issues as too abstract, or not affecting them. Or they simply don’t give it any thought at all.

I think there is a point with information where you can just have to much. How does one go about sifting through a whole worlds communication and find what is relevant? Sure you can go search terms and words and narrow the list, but even then how much of it is truly relevant?

This makes me think about the web bots back in the 80's and 90's that were suppose to predict the future, I don't know that they did or could, it seemed the design in itself was limited to the information on hand, it is the same with communications collected en masse. I suppose you could find something if you looked long enough, but it is equally as likely that all you would be doing would be trying to make information fit a hypothesis. Perhaps someday it could be valuable for some societal research, but I just fail to see this as an effective crime prevention technique. Pin pointing one loon out of billions of correspondences seems like one heck of a long shot.
