The Fundamental Principle of Time Travel

Morning timer,
Google search : Bohring Einstein by Wayne Powell in this year's Journal of New Energy, my best effort at explaining this
I'd like to read it, but unfortunately the google search you suggest does not work. Do you have a direct link you can provide?
Yes, that's an important distinction : changing momentum vs static momentum.
Yes it is. Quite important... and this relates to the maths I will be describing in the other thread. Since you have quoted Newton's First Law in your post, it seems almost natural for me to make an important point about Newton's Second Law here. Most people know it as F=ma, but there is an alternate form which I think sheds more light on the importance of momentum, and how this can help us understand not only what gravity is, but why our current means for defying gravity (thrust production) works. The alternate form of Newton's Second Law which is more useful in understanding both gravity and how Mass/Space/Time are a mixed bag would be:

Force = d(mV)/dt Or IOW: Change in momentum per change in time yields an unbalanced force.

Expanding this derivative using the product rule yields:

Force = m*dV/dt + V*dm/dt

Now, this is telling us something very interesting, and I do believe it may be related to some of the things you are saying. Let's look at the two terms:

1) m*dV/dt - This is the "normal" version of F=m*a that we are familiar with. Or in terms of weight due to gravity, we would say it is Weight = m*g. If we were only to stop with this definition, this is what would lead us to believe that Mass is a "real" thing, which is solid and unchanging, and can be measured accurately. But when we look at the other term, we discover something interesting.
2) V*dm/dt - This is the term which explains why & how a jet thruster can overcome the force due to gravity that we call weight. "V" is of course velocity (a pseudo-constant of the combined dimensionality we call SpaceTime, if we assume it is flat). But more importantly, "dm/dt" is what is more commonly known as MASS FLOW RATE, but what I have termed in other posts MATTER (i.e. how what we call Mass changes over Time).

It is easy to see that if we make term #2 equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to term #1, that we achieve a net zero unbalancing force... or in the case of a gravity field, we nullify it. This is exactly what a jet engine does in one manner. However, a jet engine does not keep "V" constant from its inlet to its exhaust. So the key to how a jet engine overcomes gravity with its thrust force is via a large change in "V" from entrance to exit, and a VERY small change in dm/dt (Matter).

Using term #2 in a different manner from a jet engine is, IMO, not only the key to the oft-misused term "anti-gravity", but it is also the clue to understanding how to manipulate both Matter (dm/dt) and Motion (V) to achieve control over what we perceive of as linear Time.

Now... a question/request for clarification from you when you say:
Look at the equations : momentum = mv and mass = mv^2
Whoops. I agree with the first one, but don't you mean the following for the second one:

KE = mv^2

thus the "other v" in momentum is hidden, invisible MATTER WAVELENGTH that is many, many orders of magnitude shorter than the visual range of 4000 to 7000 angstroms.
OK, I need some help comprehending what you are saying here. Perhaps you can expand a bit more? What do you mean by "the other v in momentum is hidden"?

As you can see, term #2 in my explanation above is the resulting momentum term that falls out of Newton's Second Law. And I think there is a relationship between my term #2 and what you are saying about momentum... but I need a clearer undestanding of what you are saying to make that connection.

No' Seattle page open electronic inventions.

Don't have the link.

Guy used bridge between op amp and circuits, tuned and hung a paperclip in-between these wires.

Stereo pulsed and paperclip disappeared, only to reappear some hours later.

I do not approve of this device, as it does not have margining and or control sets to it.

What you are doing, simply is overloading time and space, to an object to where it cannot hold this assigned scalier component and the object simply blips into another time and space manifold.

Examples in fiction are the Vorgons in Star Trek.

These beings are, were skilled in using a interspatial tuned, form of locating to other times.

Reality, UFO tellings, of being, with pointed device on end of arm, had a kind of Afro was white it seemed and have really bad overbite.
As to Titor, knowing that time is kinetic energy is mass is wave energy not = to particle energy, and the second law of thermodynamics, he's a hypothetical construct, certainly not from 2036. Why? Simple. First, like a 5D movie(xyzwp)you would have to RECORD every energy event in the entire UNIVERSE at one instant. Hey, you can't even record a single blade of grass waving in the wind, down to the subatomic level, how are you going to record the 10^95+ particles/waves that make up the entire universe? THEN at a later date you have to STOP the entire universe and return it back to that original record, what about on-going entropy(2nd law of TD)?...changing everything except YOU, "john titor"... Nah, "john titor" is just for suckers, you'll know its a scam when they ask for money... So much for travel into the past...Proviso, our SPIRIT BODIES use MATTER WAVES that CAN travel faster than light speed, by DeBroglie's formula U=c^2/v and thus its possible, SPIRITUALLY, to reach into the future as a prophet.......As to travel into the future, you're doing that at some kinetic energy rate, movie running fast, normal or slow speed; su-mo just freeze frames you. As to Bill Ramsay, it really did happen, as a fluke, he hasn't been able to reproduce the effect even with many repeat tries; it's a STABILITY problem.......As to chaos vs order, "old age" is the signal of conception (order) slowly turning to noise (chaos) as we live our lives and age in this hostile, competitive world. Chemical threats here, background radiation there, etc; or as my dearly departed father said : from sperm to worm......Yeah, I thought that su-mo would be GREAT for prisoners : do your time in a single W=P blink, and wake up on JUDGEMENT DAY to face the music a thousand years from now... W=P
>As to Titor, knowing that time is kinetic energy is mass is wave energy not = to particle energy, and the second law of thermodynamics, he's a hypothetical construct, certainly not from 2036.<

I thought wave energy was equal to particle energy; I thought there was a link between matter and energy and I thought both matter and energy can appear as a wave.

>Why? Simple. First, like a 5D movie(xyzwp)you would have to RECORD every energy event in the entire UNIVERSE at one instant. Hey, you can't even record a single blade of grass waving in the wind, down to the subatomic level, how are you going to record the 10^95+ particles/waves that make up the entire universe?<

Sagan, while trying to explain that astrology is not a determining factor in one's birth, i.e. "being born under the sign of Capricorn" has no effect on your life said in essence "while the gravity of the Capricorn star system may have indeed had an effect on my birth, the doctor's hands were a lot closer". He then used that analogy to explain gravity itself, being the weakest of the four fundamental forces on Earth but it's dispersed everywhere throughout the universe.

>THEN at a later date you have to STOP the entire universe and return it back to that original record, what about on-going entropy(2nd law of TD)?...changing everything except YOU, "john titor"<

Theoretically, if you had a time machine and used a VGL system to traverse time, the least of your problems should be a safe return back the "same wave form you came from" to your original departure point. Titor alluded to this many times.

>Nah, "john titor" is just for suckers, you'll know its a scam when they ask for money<

But he never did! I wish it was that easy.

>Proviso, our SPIRIT BODIES use MATTER WAVES that CAN travel faster than light speed, by DeBroglie's formula U=c^2/v and thus its possible, SPIRITUALLY, to reach into the future as a prophet.......As to travel into the future, you're doing that at some kinetic energy rate, movie running fast, normal or slow speed; su-mo just freeze frames you.<

I see the science of this and this is amazing stuff, akin to Titor's saying "the past may be a string of alternate universe you's". This nails one of my inherent truths: you can say whatever you want- you're a time traveller, you had a vision, you saw the future, whatever- but the proof is in the information gleaned from that event, not the event itself, and Titor had lots to say.

>As to Bill Ramsay, it really did happen, as a fluke, he hasn't been able to reproduce the effect even with many repeat tries; it's a STABILITY problem.......As to chaos vs order, "old age" is the signal of conception (order) slowly turning to noise (chaos) as we live our lives and age in this hostile, competitive world.<

I believe you, I believe it's possible.
It was this immense snake, that came out of its hole, as I hover my helicopter above.It had this horrible head, looked like Rainmantime and was spitting at me.
I dare not then, landed my craft, because this horrible snake, was so huge!
Adaptation, of a Dutch helicopter pilot, who saw a said giant snake, in the Belgian Congo:

> Creedo rocks head from side to side with smoke coming off the top of his head and out of his ears and says, "Ohhhh' me thinks they are dummies within this thread.

Nobody jumped on flux capacitor, expert to ruin what was brought forth and the people in this thread, don't understand that the Titor zero timespace well, is a standoff and does not directly involve velocity of any kind, other than the tenants of C, as it is opposed to zero starting point"???
Alright- what's your deal? Your postings sometimes resemble beautiful Haiku and other times they literally make no sense to me. I know you alluded to ebonics in the past- is that what this is supposed to be? Then you speak in the third person sometimes making it even more confusing.

>Nobody jumped on flux capacitor, expert to ruin what was brought forth and the people in this thread, don't understand that the Titor zero timespace well, is a standoff and does not directly involve velocity of any kind, other than the tenants of C, as it is opposed to zero starting point"???<

Are you trying to say that time travel does not involve and acceleration or velocity? I agree. That's why I presented the concept of "turning cold air into hot air" because fundamentally, a zero degree air is still hundreds of degrees above Absolute Zero; in a universe of no absolutes, we can get energy from ANYTHING in the universe. So we may not need 1.21 gigawatts of power to make it work, in fact we might need to find a way to lose 1.21 gigawatts instead!

I have read posts in the past with the point being you can travel time, but you can't prove it and I agree, Titor would too. My point is to present the fundamental principles of real time travel that will lead directly into people building a working model from scratch, not deciphering Titor's posts. And if we know the damn thing works but we can't prove it does, it's still a time machine. And speaking of that, I found one Titor contradiction of his but it's also explainable.

He said something like "Here's a funny story. Early unmanned prototypes went back 30 seconds but never re-appeared. Later on we discovered they did, only they reappeared 1,000 miles away and 5,000 feet in the air". Well if ZD is impossible, then how would they reappear? The explanation is that he starts it with "here's a funny story" as in, this is not literally true. There is a moral to this story regarding gravity or accelleration or the need for a VGL or something.

Apart from that, and the occasional differences in different transcripts, I still find the whole of his postings logical and consistent and don't see any flaws in it. Even if we don't bust out in a Civil War he still had a point to make- even before Bush became President Titor predicted all kinda of stuff (granted in a vague way at times) and they've all pretty much come to pass when he said they would.

Anyone have any glaring mistakes from his postings?
In re to alternate universes, if there was some way to win every time at the gambling tables in Vegas, wouldn't there be some guy there cleaning up? So these wizards that say they know all about alternate universes are nothing more than self-deceived types that confuse probabilities with acualities. This probabilty function is explained by the wave-galaxy model at the core of every fermion(electron, proton, neutron). Picture a tiny little lenticular galaxy at the 1/3 fermi radius(10^-15m). It expands equatorially with increased velocity(heat)and contracts with decreased velocity(cooling). Two rim quarks on opposite sides and the third quark in the middle of the probabilty bubble. For a neutron that's a DUD or Down(-1/3)Up(+2/3)Down(-1/3)as to fractional electric charges. The polar axis is the bose wavelength determinant, thus as the WG approaches c it flattens as explained by Einstein's Relativistic Rocket, and the 2 D rim quarks orbit further and further apart, and "time" slows down because it takes them longer and longer to complete an orbit. Think of a spinning blob of liquid.... The central U quark is both bose-attracted to either of the D rim quarks and fermi-repelled, thus the wave form(upper and lower bulges)that is the probability function(gaussian bell curve of statistics). The equatorial dimension relates to the transverse matter wave length and is 720 deg in phase, ie, start at one D rim quark, up and over the top to the other D rim quark, reflect and back under to the first rim quark = two reference circles(figure 8 or infinity symbol) is that central quark then, being virtually always off center, that gives statistical variations and why the house wins in the long run in Vegas.......there is of course smaller entities that make up quarks, and I can tell you where to look for that info......As to astrology, it's been called a failed science; or as astronomers point out : about 16 days off from today's sky because it was invented back in the chaldean era and the 25,000 yr polar axis rotation has moved the earth around to a new orientation; ie, thuban was the pole star then, polaris is our pole star now. And too, Randy the Magician has completely debunked astrology as pure psyhco-babble.......Again, the wave-particle duality of complementarity applies to both bosons(light/the EM spectrum)and fermions(electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks-the stuff you're made of). Bosons are interger spin particles : -1,0,+1 etc whereas fermions are half spin : -3/2,-1/2,+1/2,+3/2 etc. The bose force is the LOVE force or as Feynman puts it : with n number of bosons in a given state there is an n+1 enhancement factor for the next boson to join that state; or the lasar wherein millions of photons LOVE to get in the same state; or birds of a feather flock together. The fermi force follows the Pauli Exclusion Principle : in any given atom no 2 electrons can have the same n(principle), l(line), m(magnetic) and s(spin) numbers; thus the stacking of electrons in the electron cloud around the nucleus(chemistry)and virtually all the facts of the world around you(no parking signs, etc, etc). This is the basis for uniqueness and HATE. Thus 1F+1F=1B is, in spin dynamics, 1/2+1/2=1, thus by pairing HATE you get LOVE......we can go into more detail about this universal love/hate relationship Schrodingers Cat wonders wheather you're dead or alive, at FEEDING TIME.....and too, BUY a university physics book, you need to read it for us to make further progress in understanding the mysteries of time and quantum physics.... W=P
I just love stuff like this... always hard for me to not chime in:
He said something like "Here's a funny story. Early unmanned prototypes went back 30 seconds but never re-appeared. Later on we discovered they did, only they reappeared 1,000 miles away and 5,000 feet in the air". Well if ZD is impossible, then how would they reappear? The explanation is that he starts it with "here's a funny story" as in, this is not literally true.
If nothing else, your interpretations of Titor's words and your apologetics for him (explanations for where he may have slipped up) are entertaining. I'd say it is a bit of a stretch to claim that by his use of the words "here's a funny story" that you can decidedly claim he meant it was not true. In fact, the subject of the funny story was foundational (legalspeak) to his explanation of how the VGL technology came about. If the story was not true, then how else did they figure out they needed VGL? That was the point of his relating the funny story... to explain how they eventually figured out (allegedly) that they needed VGL to make time travel work without space travel.
There is a moral to this story regarding gravity or accelleration or the need for a VGL or something.
If there is some kind of moral, my vote would be for the "or something". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I still find the whole of his postings logical and consistent and don't see any flaws in it.
So you've just been ignoring all the flaws that people have pointed out here, and elsewhere on the internet?
Even if we don't bust out in a Civil War he still had a point to make- even before Bush became President Titor predicted all kinda of stuff (granted in a vague way at times) and they've all pretty much come to pass when he said they would.
I'd have to say that the lion's share of historical evidence would disagree with this statement (the "come to pass when he said they would" part). For example, the biggest one that has not come to pass (in 2004 when he said it would, nor now in 2005) is the civil war. That's a big miss considering the subject of his prediction was the big catalyst that would set into motion the later events on his worldline. Beyond that fact, there are VERY few cases in the Titor postings where he actually committed to a specific time when something would happen. This is a primary element of his hoaxing tactic, so he can't be pinned down.
Anyone have any glaring mistakes from his postings?
Well the fact there has been no collapse of western stability, nor any US civil war breaking out, I would easily classify these as glaring mistakes. But there are others. Let's start out with his predictions about CERN:
Titor on 2-NOV-2000: ...the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE.

Titor on 15-FEB-2001: When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together.
So far, no big breakthroughs at CERN. In fact, as is common with large and complex system construction projects, the completion of the LHC at CERN has been plagued by delays. The current projection for when it will be operational is now in 2007. But you can then claim that by "soon" Titor could have meant 2007. Except for that annoying first quote where he nails it down to the year 2001. In any event, I would classify this as a glaring error. IOW, he was wrong. And I'd lay a wager that even in 2007, if that is really when LHC comes online, that we will not have any groundbreaking discoveries that will lead to time least not in the way Titor wanted you to think it would come to pass.

Maybe Darby would wish to chime in with a couple other glaring errors in Boomer's work?

He said something like "Here's a funny story. Early unmanned prototypes went back 30 seconds but never re-appeared. Later on we discovered they did, only they reappeared 1,000 miles away and 5,000 feet in the air". Well if ZD is impossible, then how would they reappear? The explanation is that he starts it with "here's a funny story" as in, this is not literally true. There is a moral to this story regarding gravity or accelleration or the need for a VGL or something.


ZD is impossible. Yes. When he travels to the past, he’d land up on a Worldline with about 2.5% divergence. To travel to the exact worldline, he has to travel to a point before he originally arrived on that worldline in the past and then travel forward in time. The divergence of that would be somewhere near 0.002377%.

With infinite worldlines, ZD is impossible, if it is possible, you might cause a paradox as in the single worldline theory. But with infinite worldliness it doesn’t really matter. But the Time Machine will take to the point where you left.

JT: Getting back to my “proper” universe is tricky but possible.

JT: If I go forward on this world line, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.

JT: The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of “homes” that I could return to that don’t have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .002377%.

The machines will reappear, its not a funny story.
>In re to alternate universes, if there was some way to win every time at the gambling tables in Vegas, wouldn't there be some guy there cleaning up?<

If anyone won a jackpot in Vegas more than once they'd be blacklisted. There was a great show on the Travel Channel about these MIT guys who devised a three person system that gives them a statistical advantage. First time out they won over a million each. They were all subsequently blacklisted.

If I could affect outcomes like that I probably would win a few myself but I think after a billion dollars you start looking for more rewarding objectives than money!

>So these wizards that say they know all about alternate universes are nothing more than self-deceived types that confuse probabilities with acualities.<

Wasn't it science that gave credence to the science fiction premise of multiple universe in the first place?

>As to astrology, it's been called a failed science; or as astronomers point out : about 16 days off from today's sky because it was invented back in the chaldean era and the 25,000 yr polar axis rotation has moved the earth around to a new orientation; ie, thuban was the pole star then, polaris is our pole star now.<

I think Astrology is a total crock but there is actually proof that we are affected by these constellations. Also, more recently in the Intelligent Design case the defense used the definition of I.D. and showed to the court that astrology falls into the same parameter as Intelligent Design!

>Bosons are interger spin particles : -1,0,+1 etc whereas fermions are half spin : -3/2,-1/2,+1/2,+3/2 etc. The bose force is the LOVE force or as Feynman puts it : with n number of bosons in a given state there is an n+1 enhancement factor for the next boson to join that state; or the lasar wherein millions of photons LOVE to get in the same state; or birds of a feather flock together.<

Can you meet me halfway? Can you say that "somewhere, sometime in the next million years or on any of the infinite planets out there someone developed a time machine that actually works" then work backwards?
You are confused in re to travel into the past by a movie analogy. With a camera you look thru a peep hole and record on a moving film or tape instantaneous snapshots of a "moment in time". Looking thru a peep hole is one dimensional/two dimensional whereas the real world is FIVE dimensional(xyzwp or 4 dimensional xywp, z is replaced by Pv direction and matter wave(Ws)FORCE). Thus you run the movie backwards and ersatz-think you've reversed "time". What you fail to understand is the vast difference in SCALE between the tiny little pinhole camera and the ENTIRE 5 or 4 dimensional UNIVERSE. How BIG does your camera and movie reel have to be to see/record EVERYTHING going on in this vast universe at any given instant? THEN at a later date you have to STOP some 10^95+ particles/waves that make up the inter-related universe and rewind back to your selected stop-point in the past, reversing universal entropy in the process(except YOU,our intrepid time traveler, that's called chutzpah, or pure I'm-the-center-of-the-universe nonsense).......If you finally GET IT, you'll understand that t=dKE=m=(W>P) or deceleration which is TIME ITSELF(and gravity), the over running MATTER WAVE FORCE thereof; and know("know thyself")that you are a sperm-to-worm aging organism(order to chaos)in this vast, dynamic universe, one of 7 billion homo saps, part of hominids, part of mammals, part of earlier reptiles, worms, ameobas, self replicating molecules..........the other mis-perception is the "missing time" trick that the aliens do in abductions. It's just W=P(super-momentum). I've known all about it for YEARS and YEARS, can describe it in excruciating detail to anyone willing to listen, and OVERCOME their innate "common sense". What did Einstein say about "common sense"? W=P