Do you have any practical ideas on how to
create a mini spherical vortex? A tornado
is a good place to start. It is a vortex
created by ionized gases being moved
through the earth's magnetic field which
causes the gases to spiral into a vortex.
Or, how many times have you watched the
water go down a drain? The water spirals
in opposite directions in the northern
hemisphere as to the direction of flow in
the southern hemisphere ( as do
tornados). Water also contains many ions.
So forcing an ionized substance through
a magnetic field creates a vortex. If the
vacuum created were strong enough, the
vortex would infold upon itself to form a
spherical vortex. And, if strong enough
create a radio vacuum spherical vortex
(matrix) like that of the earth's core or
our sun or if larger a mini black hole.
What type of a machine would you
design to do that? Let the creativity
begin...The Doctor...
...The Doctor...
...Magi Systems...
email at the icon above
<This message has been edited by The Doctor (edited 01 October 1999).>