Theory The Dual Language Diagnosis of John Titor


You're right Javier, it aint gonna make no difference. I’ve come to the rationale that it really doesn’t matter (to me) if you’re Titor or not. What DOES matter is that this story is a hoax and hidden behind this whole smoke screen are some very foul and tactical players.

Ok, I think I finally agree with you on something. Yes, they are foul players.

So tactical that they have infiltrated the internet hitt'n certain talk forums and radio shows with rumormonger debris trying to spread this story like an epidemic in the attempts to make some money off of some crackpot books, tee-shirts and coffee mugs and other hokey merchandise, while gaining popularity and attempting to make a movie. LOL, articles are even in Hustler magazine!!

That's insane, it's obvious someone is deliberately doing this, and cashing in on this B.S. Which issue is the article in again /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif?

These players have been keep'n this scam alive by posing with different user names on this forum as well as many other science and time travel forums just by mention'n (or hint'n) about John Titor and his gloom and doom for the future. This is how they kept the scam alive for all these years.

Though, I haven't been posting for 3 yrs, I knew that back in the infancy of JT's story, that it would spread fast, and that it was destined to be a pandemic era of JT's gospel, whether I or anyone else did something about it.

These players may stem from a club, (Time Travel Or No Time Travel?) who were roam’n the landscape in search of an idea.

Not from my club.

Its now clear to me that these were some of the same original posters and (players) from way back in the old Art Bell days that followed (met up) and congregated to this forum.

After reading a thread I had created after Art Bell's forum, I just realized that I was also banned from it. And much how it was here, it was by a mistake. However, I was reinstated shortly after on Art's forum. But unfortunately, the very next day they closed it down, isn't that ironic? I was in e-mail contact with one of nicests admin's of the AB forum at the time, but I don't remember what the reason for it's closure was.

Tell me something, what would make one so committed to a forum for all these years? Its gotta be more than just inquisitiveness about time travel. This Titor crap kinda reminds me of the moon conspiracy, where some loony with a degenerate degree decides to stir up an article that said that the US never went to the moon. There are certain types of gullible people that actually believe this crap AND GROUP TITOR KNOWS IT!!

Part of my reason why I was JT's 1# critic back then (perhaps only critic back then) was that I could understand what his posting could entail to the masses. It was B.S. I knew it, others probably did too, but they were also playing along with him in some pseudo - could be real or not kind of way.

But it was for what many would later come to realize now in hindsight, what the ramifications have inevitably resulted in today.

Javier, its my reason'n that this world can be a demoralizing place at times in which people are very greedy. I’m sure at some point greed has gotten the better of most of us. Would you at least agree with me that the obscure and ruthless escalation of the Titor story is NOT an HONEST way of making a go at it? Some people after reading this thread might think it’s a sparkling idea!! But in my judgment it genuinely consists of scum and villainy.

I agree with you, it's not an honest means to justify the ends. The TTA has never appreciated those who would B.S. the masses, and who are overcomed with greed, power, and content for humanity. And the JT story is obviously one of no regard, irresponsibly and disrespect. And one of the main motivating factors still remains, money $$$, and where is it going?

This story has certainly unfolded further and exposed new truths since my return. And as it stands now after 3 yrs later, it bound to turn a huge profit $$$ on the JT story turn movie, and other merchandise.

Since lying has never hurt you before, It would give me great pleasure to have it documented that you wholeheartedly feel (and agree) it’s a dishonest and fouled way of making a live’n.

Not that I've ever lied to anyone on here before, but I do agree with you, it's a very dishonest way of making a living. If I was never banned & stopped posting 3 yrs ago, there is no doubt I would have made an emphasis on this point, and on others you have just made Scannell.

Off course now that I can see a weak spot in this club, I myself can make a club too, and continually debunk and muffle this story from ever expanding to the big top. Just for the general purpose and satisfaction of exspos'n dishonest people that take advantage of others. And not just for debunk'n those who claim to be time travellers, but the whole "feigned scheme" of the players, and not by exspos'n "who" they might be, but for what they're all about dag nabit.

Great, do your own investigation. And if your ever in Hollywood for the movie premier, let me know and I'll come and picket with you /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

kind regards,

Well if you are the guy, I'll put up $20,000 to make a documentary. Do you still have the "time machine" intact? I'm serious. Contact me if you are interested.

If you are the real John Titor...and I figure you are. You are the guy worth franchising. Everyone else is just dragging on you, I would not worry about any movie deal as you can mute it out by doing an expose' on the deal yourself and make much more.

LOL, no SimSapien, Javier smashed it into wood slivers when Cipher made the connection to him!! LMAO, but he tried sell'n it this past year on EBay.

Hot dam Javier, that was some skillful two-faced lying!! Kind of lackluster, but it might win you an act’n Oscar along with Creedo!! Well much obliged for the tainted testimony, I’m sure you had to get legal advise before posting your double-dealing plea.

It still stands to reason that you are Titor. Because lets face it, the facts are all here AND THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE ALL FIT'N TOGETHER NOW!! And since I’ve been watching these threads for a very long time I have witnessed you with many psychotic demeanor changes (including legend status) in your character over the past 7 year span of the Titor story.

What Cipher said strung a string in me with choral overture:
Whatever else the story has done, maybe there is a deeper matter as well. A higher purpose that the writer almost certainly intended. Which is to show that we're all vulnerable to the glamour of Time Travel. The whole point is to feel its pull and then reject it. That’s why it was compulsory for the TimeTravelActivist to fashion a dual character.


Though, I haven't been posting for 3 yrs, I knew that back in the infancy of JT's story, that it would spread fast, and that it was destined to be a pandemic era of JT's gospel, whether I or anyone else did something about it.

Your admitt’n that you knew it would spread like a virulent disease. Why don’t you just rename your book the “inquisition gospel of Javier Cortez”, LOL, with a big whopping booger stuck to the unknown authors name!!

After reading a thread I had created after Art Bell's forum, I just realized that I was also banned from it. And much how it was here, it was by a mistake. However, I was reinstated shortly after on Art's forum. But unfortunately, the very next day they closed it down, isn't that ironic? I was in e-mail contact with one of nicests admin's of the AB forum at the time, but I don't remember what the reason for it's closure was.

LOL, yeah after partaking in Art Bells forum, you knew there were suckers out there that would actually believe this bogus!! You were just feeling them out to see what you could pull over on them. You had these people pegged from day one Javier.

There is a guy buy the name of the “get rich jerk”. He has all sorts of similar ideas like this, except he makes money now selling his material of how to sit home and get rich on the internet. Sounds like something you bought into years ago.

Now you can continue your staggered agenda here all you want, but soon I’m start’n my club. And its going to be pointing out every Tom, Dick and Javier!! You had better up the ante on your armor, because bubble wrap and a feather duster aint cutt‘n it!! Prepare, because the dust is gonna start flying, mites and all!!

Run along now, shouldnt you be looking for some BIKE TIRES!! Oh and dont forget to round up THREE PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST WITH TITOR STORY!!
oh no you di\'int

Ok Scannell, or should I start calling you Cipher, seeing as how you are hard pressed to believe this JT/TTA conspiracy regardless, let's try a more classical approach.

I tried being nice with you and being your friend, but now let’s see how you like it when someone accuses you of being someone your not.

Hot dam Javier, that was some skillful two-faced lying!! Kind of lackluster, but it might win you an act’n Oscar along with Creedo!! Well much obliged for the tainted testimony, I’m sure you had to get legal advise before posting your double-dealing plea.

Skillful is an understatement to describe the TTA, Cipher. You should know by now, that you cannot bring the TTA to his knees by merely calling him a liar.

The TTA does not need to consult with his lawyer before he speaks. He can take you and your little two-faced sincere one day, and an @#$ hole the next day approach, and show you how much more skillful I can be.

It still stands to reason that you are Titor. Because lets face it, the facts are all here AND THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE ALL FIT'N TOGETHER NOW!! And since I’ve been watching these threads for a very long time I have witnessed you with many psychotic demeanor changes (including legend status) in your character over the past 7 year span of the Titor story.

And as it stands to reason, I can say you are Cipher, simply because I want to believe it. All the pieces fit together, let me show you: # 1 your an @#$ hole, that’s a given, so was Cipher, # 2 you’re a flamer, grow up a little, Cipher wanted to start trouble with the TTA too, & # 3 your agenda is to put anyone down who disagrees with you Cipher, simply to fit into your conspiracy theory and keep your short lived moment of fame going. Which it has not, and the people have voted, I am not JT.

So tell me again, how your vastly superior values for honesty and ethics see’s this harassing of me and others as any different then the scum, villainy & foul play you accuse others of?

But if you want to talk about character, I am sure there’s plenty of others you can go harass about their characters. Perhaps there’s a certain hateful, cynical, righteous and spiritually hypocritical personality you can go and expose. Since you don’t like the two-faced liar types, go harass him instead. The TTA was quite content in his retirement, enjoying his 47in. wide screen t.v. w/ surround sound system, while watching the latest season box-set on sale at my local Costco. Here’s something else you can dissect and find entertaining to play around with it’s interpretation: “It pays to be a member

Feel free to get all fanatical about a conspiracy now!

Your admitt’n that you knew it would spread like a virulent disease. Why don’t you just rename your book the “inquisition gospel of Javier Cortez”, LOL, with a big whopping booger stuck to the unknown authors name!!

That’s a good one.

When I do write my book, I’ll make sure your name get’s added and get’s special notary mention for your obsessive fascination to a connection that will surely be proven false in just a short amount of time. Imagine the embracement, when it’s discovered that I am not JT, and you were so convinced and went through all this trouble to start your own club to prove that I was.

Bytheway, what’s your club going to be called, “The No-TTA B.S. Club?” I’m sure you can find a few haters in here who’d gladly join your club.

LOL, yeah after partaking in Art Bells forum, you knew there were suckers out there that would actually believe this bogus!! You were just feeling them out to see what you could pull over on them. You had these people pegged from day one Javier.

Well, seeing as how you been a lurker of the boards for so long (creepier then it sounds), I don’t need to convince you of anything further. You should already know how things went down.

The TTA is not afraid to switch into Classic Mode at anytime.

There is a guy buy the name of the “get rich jerk”. He has all sorts of similar ideas like this, except he makes money now selling his material of how to sit home and get rich on the internet. Sounds like something you bought into years ago.

Is that right? I bought into it? Are you sure?

Your sick Cipher.

Again, you don’t know me!

Don’t talk to me like you know me!

Now you can continue your staggered agenda here all you want, but soon I’m start’n my club. And its going to be pointing out every Tom, Dick and Javier!! You had better up the ante on your armor, because bubble wrap and a feather duster aint cutt‘n it!! Prepare, because the dust is gonna start flying, mites and all!!

Yeah, like I said, you go ahead and do that. It’s your time you’re wasting.

As for your threat and warning to ante’n up my armor, you better believe the TTA is taken this very seriously!

Just bring it, Cipher!

My lawyer is standing-by.

Re: oh no you di\'int

Scanel, your not wanted here, because your destructive.

Your spouting has nothing to do with time travel and as far as Im concerned, your a jerk.

Gary Voss came out and said, that it looked like him as the instructor in the said Titor instructor jump film.

Its in print.

Gary and TTA also did not get along.

This is well known.

So this shoves TTA into thre algebraic states of possibly being Titor and not being Titor.

You cant and Im saying this twice, pin TTA solely as Titor.
Re: oh no you di\'int

Whoo hoo everyone, Javier is livid again!! We are now witnessing his other psycho demeanor. Sounds like a far cry from your latest INNOCENT sounding post.

LOL, you sound like an eagle being goosed!!

I’m sure whatever I say (TTA is a turd!!) surely doesn’t hurt you in the least when you cry all the way to the bank.

My lawyer is standing-by.

LOL what, for lost wages?

Or if you think I’m slander'n or defam'n your already nasty name, you should take a look at what you’ve accused me of so far. Accuse'n me of being Jscannell, Cipher and now somebody who is out to sabotage you. Man you are paranoid, I am neither, I just love debunking and setting the story straight. Its all in amusing fun.

For somebody who sure isn’t Titor, why are you getting all mighty defensive about it? Got something to hide? Because look, if you aint Titor, than you got nothin to loose, right?
Re: oh no you di\'int


Yes, and an innocent request it was for you to cease your unethical accusations of me being JT.

Since you did not respect the manner in which I first posed this request to you, I attempted a more classical approach

You can call it a "psycho demeanor" I don't care, but really it's no different then what we've seen of you here for the last month. And at the very least, I am not the one pointing fingers of those who could be in Group Titor and harassing them continuously.

LOL, you sound like an eagle being goosed!!

And you would know what this sounds like, how?

Have you ever even goosed an eagle?

You've certainly have never goosed the TTA, that's for darn sure /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I’m sure whatever I say (TTA is a turd!!) surely doesn’t hurt you in the least when you cry all the way to the bank.

Hahaha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Wrong again. I don't need to go to the bank. Direct Deposit, yeah!

Or if you think I’m slander'n or defam'n your already nasty name, you should take a look at what you’ve accused me of so far. Accuse'n me of being Jscannell, Cipher and now somebody who is out to sabotage you. Man you are paranoid, I am neither, I just love debunking and setting the story straight. Its all in amusing fun.

Oh big deal, only Jscannell and Cipher, whoopdy doo!

You sound more similar to them, then I do to JT, any day.

But look at what you have accused me of: being JT and countless other posters here, along with outrageous allegations about me. What's left in your dirty bag of tricks Scannell?

As for “slander’n or defam’n” my already nasty name, yours and no body else’s here are exempt of anything nastier, more or less than the TTA’s name is. The posts are there, read them.

So if you or anyone else wants to judge me for being "nasty," go right on ahead, and cast the first stone.

For somebody who sure isn’t Titor, why are you getting all mighty defensive about it? Got something to hide? Because look, if you aint Titor, than you got nothin to loose, right?

For someone who isn't Cipher, why are you so hard pressed to prove that I am JT like Cipher was? Do you have something to hide your self Scannell? Well hey, if your not Cipher, why be such a d!@k when someone tells you sincerely that they are not JT?

Move on already.

I sure did not miss posting here for 3 yrs. and talking about JT, and I was his 1# critic.

Now if you wish to go on like this, we can. Or we can move on, and attempt this in a more adjusted civilized manner. Neither one of us will get any where speaking like this. If you still want to make your investigation and debunk Group Titor and prove something to the world, wouldn’t it be better to have the cooperation of the TTA and others, instead of burning your bridges? The choice is yours.

Re: oh no you di\'int

And the moment we've all been waiting for!! LOL, the poll that "Javier HIMSELF" created:

47% say that Javier is Titor!! :D

Hoo haa, and lookee what I found!! Javier’s post here from another thread:

Which pretty much admits the motive, without coping to it as his self-fulfilling prophecy:

If the TTA understands your question correctly, I would say that my claim/assessment of JT's fraudulent character & prolonged influence long after he would leave. This was inferred quite often by myself at the time, hence my reason for being his #1 critic. His words have obviously been used as a gospel for linking occurrences or possible clues since that time, in hopes that his story would shine truth of things to come.

Yes, it all happened according to the Master Plan of Group Titor. And when you look at Javier’s profile, he even admits to one of his hobbies being Role Playing Games! He pretty much willfully "admits" to all the things that had been pinned on him, while consistently denying "the TTA" was Titor. He never TRULY lies, but never tells the whole truth. He has not lied by saying "the TTA was not John Titor", nor has he ever said anything to the effect of "Javier Cortez never participated in any group that created the Titor character". If he did say anything like this, it WOULD be a lie.

Is there anyone here with one last attempt to keep the Titor story above water from sinking into oblivion. Nobody here cares anymore, the story has flat lined....................................................

It’s my estimation that it’s just the Titor players left posting. There are no new posters or true believers anymore.

LOL, none of his prophesies rang true!!
Re: oh no you di\'int

Yes, it all happened according to the Master Plan of Group Titor. And when you look at Javier’s profile, he even admits to one of his hobbies being Role Playing Games!

Hehe /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Master Plan & RPG’s huh?

As good as I am, you give me too much credit.

After all, it was a group effort

He pretty much willfully "admits" to all the things that had been pinned on him, while consistently denying "the TTA" was Titor. He never TRULY lies, but never tells the whole truth. He has not lied by saying "the TTA was not John Titor", nor has he ever said anything to the effect of "Javier Cortez never participated in any group that created the Titor character". If he did say anything like this, it WOULD be a lie.

oh-oh /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif… you got me now.

Well, I guess there is no use in denying it any further.

Does this finally make you happy Scannell?

I was John Titor all along!

Your malicious destiny is now complete young & impulsive one. You can now rest easy knowing that you have exposed the Great TTA, Myth & Legend

Go now in peace, and remember these words:

S I K E :D!

Is there anyone here with one last attempt to keep the Titor story above water from sinking into oblivion. Nobody here cares anymore, the story has flat lined....................................................

Apparently, nobody else here cares more about JT then you do.

Re: oh no you di\'int

47% say that Javier is Titor!!

Scannel, IMHO you really need to get a life. Javier is no more John Titor than Pamela or Darby.

It’s my estimation that it’s just the Titor players left posting. There are no new posters or true believers anymore.
You estimated wrong big guy. I'm not a Titor "Player", I wasn't around when Titor was posting, but I am a Titor believer. People are not responding to you because you are simply throwing crap around and hoping it will stick.... or enflame the board. This board doesn't respond to crap.

It really amazes me when people like you come off the street and say "I know who Titor was" without doing the homework. Homework being TALKING to those that spoke to Titor. Crawl back under your rock, and please do not return unless you have something of substance.

This board might not agree if Titor was real or who Titor was, but it does it's homework and has chosen not respond to your infantile comments. I chose to just so I could say "Find another sandbox to play in."
Re: oh no you di\'int

Dang this just keeps gett'n bett'r and bett'r!!

As it turns out another piece of truth comes to light about Titor that has been smacking us right in the face all along!!

In one of Javier's long ago posts:

Javier said:

This forum has been a lot more then just a place to discuss
TimeTravel, to me it's been apart of my life, an area where I have helped to
write a great story. History will look back on this forum and tell it's
story for what it was, it will show the characters for their character and
judge them accordingly.

LOL, smack dab!! :D
Re: oh no you di\'int


I thought you would appreciate the latest poll statistics.

50% say that the TTA is Titor.

If you think that’s something, wait to you see the new character in the next act.

The stage is set

Very good correct and incorrect. Philosophy was a greater science much longer ago then near to now. However discredit for understanding must make way for the credit.
I would concede that "Titor" is not what many would scrutinize, however he is something of a possibility you have not looked at to this point.
In your "world?" there were two possibilities; the existence and nonexistence of what your thoughts had transcribed and given to you.
What you had not thought had not been given to you by yourself for reasons that will be apparent in "a future".

Here is my information for analysis; 0011101001
Mr. Cortez when you started this Role Playing Game, I think you bargained for a little something more than you thought you would get.

<font color="red">[email protected] [/COLOR] This predestined coded message was hidden within my e-mail name forlorn to the date of your termination and demise. (not once, but TWICE. I think you can figure it out)

It should also be a haunting indication to you that all future endeavors are futile.
This is just a post, not to anyone particular person.

Have some people been listening to the CoasttoCoastAM radio show too much lately?

(Just some humor. About as much humor as stating someone in the future is going to read this forum and it still will be here. Well, I guess for the most part, it still is with all the pages it has. But who has time to read it all?)

That college in the future sure must be easy then!

Oh, my!