I also believe that as a result of this that even theories such as Einstiens theory of relativity that exibit a high level of accuracy will lead every theory throughout time built on the highly accurate theory slightly off course. Although, at first, these deviations may be miniscule and insignificant: after a period of time these small deviations will add up down the time-line to theories that are way off coarse and highly inaccurate causing us to question and even toss out Einstiens nearly accurate theory all together. In light of this I believe that we ought to revise science periodically and never throw out a theory but constantly adapt science to new ends so that this cycle of discover-stray off track-through out discovery- forget the discovery- rediscover the discovery.......n may be broken and science and knowlege may truelly be able to advance. I am not for sure if this is possible though on account of biblical profecy in ecclesiastes that states that, "there is nothing new under the sun". And where it is written that, " the door that the lord openeth, no man can shut; and the door that the lord shutteth, no man can openeth.".