THANK YOU Massachusetts!

Who is really the one judging here? Obviously, you do not see it because you have judged the same thing about me. Your logic: When I judge=bad (hoarder, elitist, and other lovely judgments). When you judge=God is on your side and you are pure. I see.

im not saying you are a evil person, but i do believe you make some bad judgements. if you were on the other side of the fence, you would have totally different judgements. i call that a follower. you act like you are blind when you want to.

i do tend to forget that you are an engineer, not a scientist. if you were, you would do experiments to find out what you are missing, like put yourself in a similar position, just to see if folks knew what they were talking about, or if they were whiney crybabies.

you teach alot, but when was the last time you decided to learn something new?
I once knew a successful stock market investor.

At a Christman party in 2002, after finishing dinner, several of us gathered around a table in a quiet area of the host's home and had a discussion.

The stock investor was a wealthy man, but had a thick Russian accent. The conversation soon led to questions about his life and this is what he said ( condensed version )...

" I had nothing. A wife and children, yes. In Russia of those days you were told what it is you will do in life. What you get, is whatever the government gave to you, and that was it. I grew up without much learning, was never provided the opportunity to go to any University to learn more.

The government decided for me what I was to become and I ended up fisherman.

Ever see bread line ? When we went for food, it was not like here in America. We had to wait in line for any food that was available. Not like here, with giant supermarket.

One day, our ship came close to the shores of America, and after thinking about the life of myself, my family, and our future, I jumped over the side of the boat in the darkness of the night and swam towards the lights of New York City. I almost didn't make it and nearly drowned in the waters of the Ocean.

I crawled onto shore, surprised I made it. I had nothing but the wet clothes I was wearing and no money in my pockets. I did not speak English very well, but was able to figure out how to use the American phone to call police and ask for help.

Those were very difficult years for me. My life was very much a struggle, but I want to become what I want to become, not what the government tell me to become, and so I continued to struggle for what I want.

Amazing, the opportunities you Americans have, and I was able to learn about stock market, and with what little money I made from doing many jobs here and there, was able to become wealthy man.

My family is all together now, and I am no longer poor fisherman. My children now go to American University. Only in United States of America, yes ? "


What makes it so different that a man who jumps over the railing of a ship, can't speak English very well, and leaves everything he has behind, able to achieve what he wants, while others do not ?
Yes, indeed, Kerr. And just a few semi-famous quotes to tidy up here, because I have learned that the most important thing I can give someone is what I give them when I teach.(And BTW, my teaching provides continuous lessons to me, despite what some who are uninformed may think, as I learn from students who seek to achieve and further themselves):

<font color="red"> Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Knowledge is the best charity.
To learn a lesson is a far better reward than to receive a gift.
It is better to know how to help yourself than to beg from others. [/COLOR]

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Knowledge is the best charity.
To learn a lesson is a far better reward than to receive a gift.
It is better to know how to help yourself than to beg from others.

heres some of my own personal quotes:

give a man a fish and he is grateful. teach a man to fish, and you pass the knowledge that was passed to you.

knowledge is power.

to learn to give is a far better reward than to recieve a gift.

it is better to know how to help others than to gain for yourself.

thats how my train of thought works.
In the hopes that this does not turn into 20 questions, I am more than willing to help you find another solution to the problem you pose.

Well....personally I would suggest a UK style ' National Health ' system.

In the UK, I don't have to pay a penny to see a doctor. I've had several minor operations done.....not paid a penny. X-Rays for a broken bone.....not a penny. And so on.

Of is NOT free. You do pay for it, but by means of an income related National Insurance system towards which you contribute out of pay. It is similar to the tax system, in that what you pay is proportional to what you earn.

Prescriptions are a standard £7.20....which I think is about $12. So no matter what the drug is, you always pay that fee ( even if the drug is actually cheaper ). That's a huge benefit to those whose drugs may actually be $1000 a time.

People in the UK tend to whine and moan about the NHS ( and the weather, and a bunch else ).....but in fact it is the envy of the world.
i did, in fact have a job once upon a time, and i did not complain when they took a large portion of my money.

Lol...don't get me going on tax. I am one of those people who firmly believe that NOBODY needs the money I earn....more than I do !

I recall a few years back....being made redundant, and facing having to get by on peanuts ( the NHS may be good here but dole money is a pittance ). It occured to me that in the previous 15 years I must have paid well over £150,000 in tax. Where was that money when the person who EARNED it needed it ?
Twighlight, the national health insurance system can work in the UK, but not in the USA.

In the UK you have 90% of the population working and contributing to the costs that cover 100% of people. You have 90% of people who are fit, healthy, and eat right, reducing the costs of healthcare. The UK limits genetically modified foods and does not import vast quantities of processed foods.

In the USA, you have 50-60% of population contributing to the costs that cover 100% of the people. In addition, you have 50% of population that does not exercise. 30% of the population that is obese. And 50-60% of the population that stuffs their faces with sugar laden drinks and foods, fried foods, food full of artificial dies, preservatives, and favorings. We are also the king of genetically modified meats, fruits, and vegetables that are full preservatives and pesticides and lack real nutrients and trace elements.

That is why national health care does not, will not, can not work in the USA.