Einstein, Temporal Engineer. I have been seeing your posts around the net. Paranormalis, Youtube, etc.
In regards to the Tesla Zero Time Generator, you can go more basic than this for the understanding of what you are seeing. It is what Boyd Bushman is trying to tell you (or trying not to) in the following interview starting at about 3 minutes in.
What he is saying is that:
Spin couples with spin.
You are old enough to remember the days prior to digital clocks, I would go into a clock shop and both be fascinated and a little creeped out in seeing and hearing all the pendulum clocks, which would, over time, all start aligning their pendulum motion with each other. Reminded me of one of the old Outer Limits episodes on time manipulation.
How important is this to your temporal engineering? Huge.
What happens when you take a (Light) Ion plasma, and use a relativistic Pulse chirped laser to spin it?
It may be thought that matter cannot travel at the speed of light,as it would become massive, but isn't plasma a state of matter?
And, what do the Titor machine, the Anderson machine, the Fluxliner, and many other interesting machines have in common (rather than their differences)? The Titor Machine is necessarily deceptive, who needs a microsingularity?
You are probably aware that in the physics circles related to this field, it is expected that the General Theory of Relativity will fall within 10 years (once the math is worked out).
Why? Mass does not create gravity; Gravity is from the “space” itself. What you are looking for is the method of connection. This is in the books at this time.