Terrorism? How about mother nature.

Here's a good enough reason to bump this thread. With respect to the following prediction made by informer:
A third party canidate wins the 2008 election.
I found the following story on CNN today about what the former FED chief Alan Greenspan is saying:


From that article:
Recently retired Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan believes that there will be a major independent candidate for president from the nation's political center, according to a published report.
Now, I am not necessarily saying that informer is actually predicting the future. In fact, the entire issue of a 3rd major party forming in our country is something I have talked about before (and wished for quite awhile!). I can totally see this coming to pass, and I must say it is a natural evolution of systems (i.e. disparate opposing forces will often be mediated by a third, neutral force...as shown in the structure of the atom).

I've been a fan of Greenspan for a long time...he's a very balanced thinker. And as much as people want to credit (or blame) a president for the economy, most people that understand economics and the time spans of our economy know that the FED chairman has MUCH more power over the economy than does any sitting president!

What I think is quite amusing about this is, if a 3rd "party" (or at least an independent candidate) does win the presidency in 2008, this would actually be ONE MORE THING to prove just how wrong Boomer's assessment of our democracy was. Rather than the two parties tearing us apart into a civil war, the more appropriate mediation for such diamtetrically-opposed forces is the mediating power of a neutral force!

I'm keeping my eye on your predictions, informer!

Time for another bump.
* A 9.3 earthquake will hit San Francisco on April 19, 2006, in the late morning hours.
I just realized that informer's first big prediction coincides with the day that I fly to Australia to begin my 3 week dive vacation. My flight is late that night, so you can bet I will be posting to this thread before I leave...in fact, we should know by lunchtime, given his prediction. Right?

We should have moved to a quad or tripartite form of government, long ago.

The prototype would be, for example, Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson, and a republican, Cisneros, would have made a good representative, for the Hispanic community.

Each representative would have acted as a representative, kind of a mini-president for each branch of the community.

Ray, be mindful on you vacation?

The sharks are acting funny and do not be nonchalant, when in the water.

If you get stalked, immediately turn into your shark and keep a shark billy between you and it.

I've been feeling this for quite some time.

We should have moved to a quad or tripartite form of government, long ago.
Actually, we have been a tripartate form of government ever since 1776.

What Creedo has failed to recognize is that the form of the US government, as instantiated by our founding fathers, was perfectly modeled along the lines of the balance inherent in the human body. And yes, I am again referring to the 3x3 matrix represented by the Tree Of Life upper architecture.

It is well known that the primary "movers and shakers" who formed our government were Masons. And I tell you now that Masons are a body of people who know, understand, and apply the geometric truths inherent in the Qabalah. It is one part of their body of "secret knowledge". So it should come as no suprise that the Masonic influence on certain founding fathers would lead them to envision and create a balanced, triplex-form of government at the federal level (Legislative, Executive, Judicial), and it should also be no surprise that they replicated this tripartate structure in three discrete "levels" - Federal, State, and Local. Thus the US form of government is unique in this manner, that it is comprised of the ultimate form of balance as exhibited by the human body: A 3x3 matrix of interrelated entities that help each other, and balanced out each other's power.

If you don't believe me, next time you "create" any type of system or element in your life, try applying the Tree Of Life 3x3 matrix as the central design principle of whatever it is you are creating. When you do, you will find that you create something that is truly lasting, efficient, and balanced.

Ray, be mindful on you vacation?
Thanks for the concern, Creeds. I assure you I will be "mindful" of a great many things as I drive up the coast of Queensland and explore the Barrier Reef and the rainforests. If you PM me your home address again, I will send you a postcard, my friend!

No one can Predict mother Nature, not even chaos Theory could define it, but one thing is
for sure its getting more unpredictable as time goes by.....
No one can Predict mother Nature
In the Absolute, this is of course True. However, in the Relative One will see that we have gotten better and better at predicting how Mother Nature's Outputs react to specifically quantified Inputs. There is a balanced Input/Process/Output relationship in Nature, although it is certainly not linear.
not even chaos Theory could define it
Again, this is True. But at the same Time I would hope you would agree that understanding Chaos helped us understand Nature's continuous feedback loops in a deeper sense. IOW, Chaos Theory advanced our knowledge of Natural Processes' dependence on Initial Conditions, and how Chaos Dynamics describe a system's non-linear, TIME-varying behavior.
but one thing is for sure its getting more unpredictable as time goes by.....
I might actually be willing to argue the opposite stance. If one comes to understand non-linear Energy combinations that result in specific Information patterns, one might see our fast-approaching Future Shift as being more predictable than not. We must (and will) evolve beyond our biology, thanks to our understanding of Energy's relationship to Information!

But that's just my belief...
We could be getting better at understanding and if time allows we could even control mother nature...but who will control us? human behaviour is unpredictable....if a person has control of a system but that person is out of control...is there control?
Hi again wa1ex,
but who will control us? human behaviour is unpredictable....if a person has control of a system but that person is out of control...is there control?
Control is a very interesting topic. So interesting that I decided to focus my career on the science of control systems. Whether something is "under control" or "out of control" depends upon one thing: A defined goal state. This speaks to something else I often speak about: Intention, which holds sway over Information, which controls Energy, which directs Force/Momentum... which causes CHANGE in our physical universe of Massive SpaceTime. One can define control goals at all levels of this hierarchy, in terms of closed-loop feedback systems.

Another interesting thing that pertains to the science of control is a modified form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Where the HUP speaks to the fact that as you know one piece of information (momentum) with a greater accuracy, you give-up accuracy in knowing position. Once one defines a particular control intention (goal) and acts to achieve that level of specific control, you end up giving up accurate control of some other parameter or physical state.

So, in order to answer your question one must first answer the question "What is my goal state that I am trying to control to?" If your goal is different from someone else's, you run the risk of judging that other person as being "out of control", when in fact they could be totally under control, but just to a different goal than what you have in mind.


Rainman is correct. We have a tripartite system of government with a bicameral legislative branch.

I know - we're mincing words with you.

I understand that you mean a three (or more) party system.

We have that right today and we do, in fact, have several parties that are active other than the Democrats and Republicans. But the American people choose to support just two main parties.

There's a natural reason for that and good justification. With two parties there is a time during the election process and for a period of time following the election that the nation is divided pretty much down the middle. Half of the people are happy with the elected government and half are not.

After what is known as the "honeymoon period" the numbers increase for or against the elected government. By the next election if the split becomes large enough the people elect the other party into power.

With three or more "major" parties, as in France, the elected government tends to never have close to half of the people behind it. No matter which party comes to power there are at least two opposing groups of citizens that make up considerably more than half of the population who are dissatisfied as a matter of political philosophy.

This situation calls for a parliamentary rather than a federal form of government. When the situation gets bad for the party in power the government falls and new elections are held before the next scheduled regular elections. If no party can claim a majority they end up with a power sharing government with two opposing parties "in charge".

Do you wonder why Europe has had so many world wars and revolutions? Its due, in a great measure, to their multiparty system of governance.

This also, BTW, is part of the explanation why the Democrats have had such a miserable time in national elections over the past two decades and why they continue to lose ground in former Decomcrat bastions like the Old South. They have attempted to every political ideal that is opposed to the Republicans. The problem is that they have ended up trying to please every minor faction of their party. They end up with three planks in their political platform that a majority of their party can support: pro-abortion, national health insurance and education. They crank up that same Model T every election. They've abandoned their fiscal conservative, pro-labor constituancy (though they give lip service to labor during elections).

They have tried to be the multi-party "party" for all non-Republicans. Consequently they have a mess for a party where their national party leaders admit that they have no sense of direction for themselves.
Yes Ray and for the record, you are selfish.__When you enter in RMT in text and then que spelling correct, RMT corrects to RAT.
Yes Ray and for the record, you are selfish.__When you enter in RMT in text and then que spelling correct, RMT corrects to RAT.
One difference between us is that I will admit to my faults, and not being perfect. Yes, my other post was a bit of a selfish attempt to draw attention to reaching carpal tunnel. Why you posted about it in this thread, I have no clue!

OTOH, how often have we seen Creedo EVER admit when he was: wrong, mistaken, or otherwise full of his wizard-self?

I'll accept criticism from a lot of respectable people. But until you admit to your own faults, I am not willing to accept it from you. "Hello kettle, this is the pot... did you know you are black?"

Ray's date:

Ray's girl: Ray, why did we have to bring him along, to sit in the back seat?

Ray:Because he's like my brother or something?

Ray's girl: This is the last time he comes along, as every time You go to kiss me, he's looking at us from the back seat.

Ray:Look at it this way.He's like quality control.If we're doing anything wrong, we will be the first to know?

I got carpal tunnel status, before I got Gran Poobha.Honestly.
Honestly, I believe you are incorrect. There is no "Grand Poobah" title in the UBBthreads forum schema. There is only "Poo-bah", as you can see from the link below. I distinctly remember when your title was "Poo-bah" and when it turned to "Carpal Tunnel", because another forum member congratulated you on achieving this distinction. There is no conspiracy here, Dan.


Here is the list of the standard titles and # of posts to achieve them:

0 stranger
25 newbie
50 journeyman
100 member
200 enthusiast
400 addict
700 old hand
1200 veteran
1600 Pooh-Bah
2500 Carpal Tunnel
Have a nice day! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Yes, yes...I know, San Francisco's "big" earthquake. April 20th 1906. So what's the implication?


PS - But isn't it really "100 years MINUS one day?"