Temporal Divergence Meter

The American public education system is dead (and I'm only assuming that the death only extends to our public school system; that the posters are Americans and the problem is not worldwide). Yikes! What I've read above in several of the posts on this thread makes me shudder. It's obvious to me that our American system of public education no longer spends a single second on teaching students physical science. The education system elite appear to assume all students to be total dolts and treats them as such, i.e. the common person is a half-wit hairy neanderthal who doesn't have the mental capacity to understand proper science thus they have no right to be taught proper science.
It is truly maddening, Darby. Liberal indoctrination has bled downwards from only being the purview of universities, where it used to only be confined to liberal arts studies, to now being down at the high school and below level. The liberals are absolutely destroying this country and their destruction of quality education is their key ploy. If anyone needs evidence (I know you don't Darby, you have seen it in spades), one only need to take a look at this outrage in Alabama:
Alabama Adopts Race-based Standards for School Students

And note that this BS is supported by King Obama and his administration! These people not only have the gall to call themselves "progressives" as they support a clearly regressive teaching rubric, but the blacks and Hispanics are fooled beyond measure into voting for these idiots!!! If I were the blacks in Alabama, I would be protesting THIS LAW and not following the pimps of victimization, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, into protesting a guy who was clearly acquitted of murder correctly due to self defense. There is no clearer form of racism than judging people by the color of their skin, and this law INSTITUTIONALIZES it! This law pretty much tells the blacks they are expected to be only marginally more intelligent and successful than "special needs" (what used to be called mentally retarded before the PC police decided that was a demeaning term) children! And they are offended by conservatives trying to help them become self-sufficient????

And then we have the "Einstein's" of our country (of which our "beloved" Einstein with his inane comments above, in response to your post is their poster child)... Something tells me he probably votes for Democrats, because his comments follow the form of the elitist Dems who think they know everything. Einstein is just certain that someone taught him bad science, just because he decides he has alternative interpretations (which is all they are, not facts) that suit his fancy. And his only fancy is that he seems himself as a "new Einstein" who is going to, single-handedly, dispel all those "myths" he was taught in science, and usher in the new age where electrical signal phase leads/lags are the doorway to time travel. I am certain he sees himself going down in history, if he could just make some doohickey that proves his interpretations right.

It is more than this teacher can stand. I don't have patience to coddle BS like this. I call it like it is....here, at work, and at school. I refuse to be part of this "new politic" that destroys the once great USA. I REFUSE!


In the interest of tipping the cows over the proverbial ledge...

Wow!!! What a great idea! I'm going to make a graviton meter to measure gravity waves and hence timeline changes! It's totally scientific! It will use an induction flux coil to transform the tesla waves from the magnetosphere into a coherent pulse signal which will rectify time waves and allow seeing the future! It's amazing!


In the interest of tipping the cows over the proverbial ledge...Wow!!! What a great idea! I'm going to make a graviton meter to measure gravity waves and hence timeline changes! It's totally scientific! It will use an induction flux coil to transform the tesla waves from the magnetosphere into a coherent pulse signal which will rectify time waves and allow seeing the future! It's amazing!
:D .
Yup. Truly amazin'."Detecting a change in the timeline"? What the hell does that mean? You don't know what the future is unless you have a time machine, so how does one determine that something which is unknown to them has somehow changed? And if it has magically changed wouldn't everything be changed, including whatever it is that we call memory? Or is this magic potion one which affects its change on ((6 billion -1 people) + every other living thing in the universe)), the exception being but one person who somehow escapes that which has changed the rest of the known universe, i.e. The Chosen One who recalls that which was but is no more? :confused:
And what is the underlying theory that states gravity waves, which are real BTW, "change the timeline"? According to Special Relativity (thus General Relativity) there is no preferred state of rest; when looking at any mass one can always find a frame of reference where the mass can be defined as being in a state of motion. Masses in motion give rise to gravitational ripples in the fabric of spacetime, even if the ripples are infinitesimally small and otherwise undetectible. That's what we call "normal, expected and predicted behavior".

But in large measure it isn't their fault that they have no background in math, physical science or critical thought. They are products of our public system of education. 1) They weren't expected to learn too much, 2) They were taught by "college grads" educated by the same system. Making kids learn math and science is too hard. Some kids might not grasp the subject, won't get the expected grade no lower than a B, fall behind other students, be subjected to actual competition for grades, have their feelings hurt and become scarred for life.

Uh-huh, "expected grade no lower than a B" is just about par. I've reviewed competitive scholarship applications for a specific foundation for about a decade. I get a couple dozen applications from the one high school in the district every year. The school has 600 students. They are submitted by graduating seniors. Every one of them has an aggregate high school GPA of ~4.8 on a 5 scale where 5 is an A+. Two dozen near A+ students every year from just the senior class. It's a four year school. That means at least 100 of the 600 public school students are so exceptionally gifted that they are unicums! Not. I review the work they submit with their applications. Not so unicum, In fact, quite average. The teachers don't want to hurt any one's feelings with the truth. When those students enter a real university, dumned down as they are in the non math and science departments, they discover that the work is far more difficult than that which they faced in Every Easy High School USA. Reality sets in. The words "epic" and "fail" begin to creep into their lexicon as they realize that they are totally unprepared for the university and that their teachers didn't do them any favors by overstating their grades. The drop out rate is tremendous, loans still have to be repaid and mommy and daddy signed the note for the loan. Double epic fail.

Give it a whirl: Administer an algebra and physical science quiz to virtually any teacher who is currently instructing grades 6-8 and see what happens. Another epic fail. And they are teaching those two subjects to their students in preparation for high school.

Yup. Truly amazin'."Detecting a change in the timeline"? What the hell does that mean? You don't know what the future is unless you have a time machine, so how does one determine that something which is unknown to them has somehow changed? And if it has magically changed wouldn't everything be changed, including whatever it is that we call memory? Or is this magic potion one which affects its change on ((6 billion -1 people) + every other living thing in the universe)), the exception being but one person who somehow escapes that which has changed the rest of the known universe, i.e. The Chosen One who recalls that which was but is no more? :confused:
And what is the underlying theory that states gravity waves, which are real BTW, "change the timeline"? According to Special Relativity (thus General Relativity) there is no preferred state of rest; when looking at any mass one can always find a frame of reference where the mass can be defined as being in a state of motion. Masses in motion give rise to gravitational ripples in the fabric of spacetime, even if the ripples are infinitesimally small and otherwise undetectible. That's what we call "normal, expected and predicted behavior".

But in large measure it isn't their fault that they have no background in math, physical science or critical thought. They are products of our public system of education. 1) They weren't expected to learn too much, 2) They were taught by "college grads" educated by the same system. Making kids learn math and science is too hard. Some kids might not grasp the subject, won't get the expected grade no lower than a B, fall behind other students, be subjected to actual competition for grades, have their feelings hurt and become scarred for life.

Uh-huh, "expected grade no lower than a B" is just about par. I've reviewed competitive scholarship applications for a specific foundation for about a decade. I get a couple dozen applications from the one high school in the district every year. The school has 600 students. They are submitted by graduating seniors. Every one of them has an aggregate high school GPA of ~4.8 on a 5 scale where 5 is an A+. Two dozen near A+ students every year from just the senior class. It's a four year school. That means at least 100 of the 600 public school students are so exceptionally gifted that they are unicums! Not. I review the work they submit with their applications. Not so unicum, In fact, quite average. The teachers don't want to hurt any one's feelings with the truth. When those students enter a real university, dumned down as they are in the non math and science departments, they discover that the work is far more difficult than that which they faced in Every Easy High School USA. Reality sets in. The words "epic" and "fail" begin to creep into their lexicon as they realize that they are totally unprepared for the university and that their teachers didn't do them any favors by overstating their grades. The drop out rate is tremendous, loans still have to be repaid and mommy and daddy signed the note for the loan. Double epic fail.

Give it a whirl: Administer an algebra and physical science quiz to virtually any teacher who is currently instructing grades 6-8 and see what happens. Another epic fail. And they are teaching those two subjects to their students in preparation for high school.
While I can appreciate your frustration and sarcasm, I must point out that Designer is at least willing to test his hypothesis. As long as he follows a rigid guideline of testing, the results should guide him along the correct path.

The only reason why I came out with this idea is it is testable. Everyone has grand ideas on there own but they are not testable and will never come out. The Princeton Egg was an out there idea but for some reason some people embraced it. There is no point creating the device I am just going to order the evaluation board for now. Everything is event driven; if an event occurs the temporal divergence meter should show the change in event line of time and should pick it up. The only problem is if the least significant bytes don’t have enough precision then the event line will not show up. This device seems to be the quite accurate so I will uses it. Please note I use the term event line over time line there is a difference.

Please note all the information on this website is data and should be used whether true or false all I am doing is testing old post ideas and extending them that’s it. Its not about us its about the post on this website.


This I hope should clear things up.

Let say there is a change in gravity after a flood people run around in the site.

People running around is a temporal event. The other setup in an alternate event

line is where it does not happen and guess what the gravity does not change since

water effects the gravity. What I am proposing is very subtle change in thinking I hope you get it.

If you think otherwise you are delusional right. If there is something more to it great if there isn't ....

What we will find is we are all linked with nature(Earth) on multiple level including gravity.

Thus if events change then gravity changes who knows what came first.

The two example test for this would be the recent Calgary flood and Katrina.

My conclusion is temporal divergence goes up whenever there is a Earth change thus geography in the future is

different which it all points to.

The revealing.

In a SPI data packet there is clock and data but if there is a one instead of a zero for data in a given clock edge we have

temporal divergence or data divergence. Data Divergence is equivalent to what I am taking about in the physical world.

My reality is modeled after hardware, software and firmware other are philosophers and most are mathematicians.

If we live in a programmed world LOL; then this module might be true OK. I just module reality as an SPI clock.

I am curious how that SPI packet of data can have divergent effects on whole system as a whole ie (Earth).

I hope this clears up everything.

In conclusion.

Temporal Divergence Meter.

Temporal = SPI Clock

Divergence = SPI Data 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 error.

Meter = Input PIN of IC

I guess you know where I am coming from. Now you know how I think.


While I can appreciate your frustration and sarcasm, I must point out that Designer is at least willing to test his hypothesis. As long as he follows a rigid guideline of testing, the results should guide him along the correct path.
I pointed out the problem above. It isn't testable. The object of the experiment is to "detect any changes in the time line." The experiment assumes that everyone agrees on the definition of the term "changes in the time line", that we know what the time line was supposed to have been before it was altered and thus we have the ability to know the future before it occurs. Otherwise how would the experimenter be able to determine that something is altered? It also assumes that the experimenter's memory is unaffected by these alterations elsewise the experimenter would be unaware of what the future was supposed to have been. If, however, the experimenter's memory is unaffected what made him so special? Magic? How is it that the experimenter was not affected by this time wiggle when everyone else was? (And everyone else had to be affected because that, we are supposed to assume, is the definition of "changes in the time line.") Yet, if that is the case, who will accept the experimenter's results? Six billion people have a single consistent recollection of some event. One person determines something else. Sorry, but "one in a row" is neither a winning streak nor sufficient evidence to convince anyone that VGL wiggle giggles alter time lines, streams or oceans.
Once again, this goes to the part of the failure of the education system that I was refering to - critical thought. Deconstructing an experimental design and looking at its parts is a process involving critical thought. Why didn't you use it before responding to the prior post?

Every choice in reality is determined and tried out. With an SPI bus you can have one device feed in a ONE and another feed in a ZERO and see a difference in divergence.

The word Event Line would be more appropriate then Time Line since you know it's to loaded word and has many wrong preconceptions that are not based on any form of reality.

The idea is model able in the SPI protocol bus world and should be able to model it in reality real world because the bus is based on reality.

So what's a quantum computer based on anyway since entertains all possibilities outcomes therefore it is model able.

The same thing is also true for us since we are comprised of quantum particles.

Note an SPI bus is used in SD Cards if you want to know and a vary simple protocol.

The idea came from examining the SPI bus then trying to prove it in the real world even though it is in the real world including quantum computers theory.

The flood event example Katrina is the result of choosing the ONE over the ZERO that could be detected. The ZERO is the baseline of no change in the event line.

In a quantum computer you can't never say that a ZERO does not exist or is not possible because it is a probable outcome and is entertained.

Note Quantum computer already prove my theory by having two event lines simultaneously OK.

This is not pushing it but you can say you have two computers in each event line figuring things out right since there are two quantum states.


What is a quantum computer? Video shows available quantum computers.

I pointed out the problem above. It isn't testable. The object of the experiment is to "detect any changes in the time line." The experiment assumes that everyone agrees on the definition of the term "changes in the time line", that we know what the time line was supposed to have been before it was altered and thus we have the ability to know the future before it occurs. Otherwise how would the experimenter be able to determine that something is altered? It also assumes that the experimenter's memory is unaffected by these alterations elsewise the experimenter would be unaware of what the future was supposed to have been. If, however, the experimenter's memory is unaffected what made him so special? Magic? How is it that the experimenter was not affected by this time wiggle when everyone else was? (And everyone else had to be affected because that, we are supposed to assume, is the definition of "changes in the time line.") Yet, if that is the case, who will accept the experimenter's results? Six billion people have a single consistent recollection of some event. One person determines something else. Sorry, but "one in a row" is neither a winning streak nor sufficient evidence to convince anyone that VGL wiggle giggles alter time lines, streams or oceans.Once again, this goes to the part of the failure of the education system that I was refering to - critical thought. Deconstructing an experimental design and looking at its parts is a process involving critical thought. Why didn't you use it before responding to the prior post?
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

I love Gold Coast luxury apartments and the Holiday apartments Surfers Paradise when I'm on holiday.
Nothing ruins a good debate like spam.

It is more than this teacher can stand. I don't have patience to coddle BS like this. I call it like it is....here, at work, and at school. I refuse to be part of this "new politic" that destroys the once great USA. I REFUSE!RMT
Agreed. Just be glad you aren't the one that's getting this crap force-fed to him. Every time I walk into my US History class, I have to prepare myself for one and a half hours of worshiping FDR and "Progressivism."
And my Chemistry class was a complete joke. The "teacher" sat behind her desk, wrote a few equations on the board, and turned us loose to complete problems we only half-learned how to do. I eventually figured out that the "A" kids in the class were the ones that walked up to her desk and FORCED her to teach them.

And don't even get me started on my Creative Writing class. One student wrote a story about force-feeding Mitt Romney aborted fetuses.

The scariest part? My high school is considered the best in South Carolina, as well as one of the best public schools in the nation.

I pointed out the problem above. It isn't testable. The object of the experiment is to "detect any changes in the time line." The experiment assumes that everyone agrees on the definition of the term "changes in the time line", that we know what the time line was supposed to have been before it was altered and thus we have the ability to know the future before it occurs. Otherwise how would the experimenter be able to determine that something is altered? It also assumes that the experimenter's memory is unaffected by these alterations elsewise the experimenter would be unaware of what the future was supposed to have been. If, however, the experimenter's memory is unaffected what made him so special? Magic? How is it that the experimenter was not affected by this time wiggle when everyone else was? (And everyone else had to be affected because that, we are supposed to assume, is the definition of "changes in the time line.") Yet, if that is the case, who will accept the experimenter's results? Six billion people have a single consistent recollection of some event. One person determines something else. Sorry, but "one in a row" is neither a winning streak nor sufficient evidence to convince anyone that VGL wiggle giggles alter time lines, streams or oceans.Once again, this goes to the part of the failure of the education system that I was refering to - critical thought. Deconstructing an experimental design and looking at its parts is a process involving critical thought. Why didn't you use it before responding to the prior post?
I think you're going to have problems with anything anyone posts, no matter what. So why bother making an argument anyway? Your generation is part of the problem.

I think you're going to have problems with anything anyone posts, no matter what. So why bother making an argument anyway? Your generation is part of the problem.
Yeah, that's the answer. Very well thought out retort.
Now, instead of cute generational quips, how about addressing the post? The post concerns experimental design, definition of terms posited within the design and how the design fails to offer a method for experimental verification of the hypothesis. This will require some modicum of critical thought on your part as well as a display of the results of our current system of public education.

(Now, I'm goiong to go out on a limb here and assume that you will neither address the question at hand, offer any critical thought process nor display any sense that physical science was taught to you at any stage of your academic career. Instead you'll go for the low laying fruit and toss out another thoughtless quip. Just a wild guess.)

In working it memorize the temporal divergence number in the gray matter

if you change time line value should not match thus the timeline changes.

If would be nice to know if we all constantly or periodically change

between time line and not knowing it on a constant basis. It is an experiment

if it is not true we don't jump between time line if it is true we possible

might jump while retaining all our memories between timeline. The experiment

give us valuable data wether successful or not isn't that the point of

science. If it does not work it will be a jumping point of new experiments

i.e. using a quantum computer. But if we don't get the designer result we still

get valuable data in the nature of reality. hint hint. Note you have to memories the

least significant bit and not depend on the computers memory.

My personal belief system is if it is thinkable and testable then you do it with no reservations

or judgment period let the results tell the story not us since we are all human.

If an experiment deals with the mind and physics is not interesting to know then problem is

not with me period. If a person has no vision then how do you get experiments to get data anyway.

As a child I was fascinated about the toilet and how it worked the water went down and then up

that defied gravity now its no mystery and thank god I'm not a plumber not that there is anything wrong

with it but I prefer designing the toilet.

In the end I am not giving the source material where I got the idea.

In working it memorize the temporal divergence number in the gray matterif you change time line value should not match thus the timeline changes.If would be nice to know if we all constantly or periodically change

between time line and not knowing it on a constant basis. It is an experiment

if it is not true we don't jump between time line if it is true we possible

might jump while retaining all our memories between timeline. The experiment

give us valuable data wether successful or not isn't that the point of

science. If it does not work it will be a jumping point of new experiments

i.e. using a quantum computer. But if we don't get the designer result we still

get valuable data in the nature of reality. hint hint. Note you have to memories the

least significant bit and not depend on the computers memory.
Most of the terms you use are not defined and have different meanings depending on the individual. What would give you the impression that gravity change = timeline change (relation, but no testable link)? The only conclusion that can be drawn from your experiment is that the meter reads differently (if the reading has indeed changed). There is nothing to relate a change in gravity, to world events; you would be assuming that the difference in gravity was due to a major event. There just isn't enough testable "evidence" to support what you are doing, and too many variables that are dependent on the individuals own interpretation of the situation.


Temporal Divergence which I indicated all throughout the text was quoted by John Titor and I highlighted it in previous pages. The Temporal divergence is small. Divergences is created over time as we progress down the time line as things splinter off and change. Multiple time lines do exist on a quantum level since an experiment was done many year ago in which current was past in one direction in a loop simultaneous with a different current going in the opposite direction using the same conductor at the same time. Using John Titor as a example we know he claimed time divergence increased over time so what causes divergence event in the time line since changes as I stated earlier cause a unique event line to the future where there was nothing before thus divergence increases. The ideas of memorizing the least significant bits should be no big deal that is if there is retention of memory over the event line when a switch occurs. If this does not work; using a quantum computer to do this function would also work since technically a quantum computer is really two computer in one that exist simultaneously. The nice thing about this experiment is it easily testable over years waiting for major event to occur and thus resulting hypothetical divergence. In the end is can kill John Titors theories once a for all since many wish it; but if true?

