Look, Shadow, I'm going to stop explaining this over and over again, because you make no effort to try and understand what you're getting wrong. The simple fact is, h is not an energy. As I said before, energy is measured in J , not J*s , and you cannot give h the label "energy". The equation E=hv obviously (I'm not joking, this is really obvious) shows that the energy of a photon is not constant, and in fact varies with v , defining no limits on this variation. I really feel sorry that you cannot grasp this simple fact. I would suggest, respectfully, that you take some time to learn more physics, to get a more intuitive grasp of how variables work with each other, and how the SI unit system work. You have some interesting ways of looking at things, but I think you need to temper that with some actual hard knowledge, to ensure you're not making flubs on the basic levels.
Sadly shaking my head,