Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Machine!

I would like more information on this if it is possible...
Just the opening I was waiting for...

All you have to do is ask me questions!
I will answer them the best I can. But of course there will be some questions that I cannot answer for fear of changing this worldline too much! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

I'm compelled by your claim Rainman.
would you be able to post photo's or video's of you machine?
And who was this tudor guy? I found this site apparently after he left and I never got a straight answer.
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

I'll get some photos up in a little while. Gotta take care of work at the primary job before I can have fun in the lab.

Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

To Rainman time:

When do you think you'll be ready? I'm really just trying to make things right like finishing school on time and I want to tell myself to stay home for college.
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

I'm really just trying to make things right like finishing school on time and I want to tell myself to stay home for college.
Sorry, this would constitute abuse of the technology, and thus disqualifies you from further consideration. As we always say in the business world "we retain the right to refuse service to anyone." There are certain engineering ethics that have to be upheld, you know?

Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

Sorry about that, but I can go into the future to get the cure for baldness?
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

Well I am able to Provide brute force, as well as street smarts. Street smarts are always needed.
So for a slot I could provide two valuable tools.
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach


I will invest 1,000,000 of your US dollars into your project. On the one condition i get to be first to be incinerated by your Time travel machine...

I got the money by selling drugs anyway, so really its just like getting a government grant!

What do you say? Pleeeeaaaase....!!!!
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

You'll need to keep selling drugs, Olly. You are only 1/50th of the way there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

hi Rainman

you have always seemed to have a scientific approach towards time travel? what is it now? are you serious?
Re: Taking Reservations for Travel in my Time Mach

Hello Time_Traveller:
you have always seemed to have a scientific approach towards time travel? what is it now? are you serious?
In the (paraphrased) words of JT (and so many other wannabe time travelers who have come here): I am happy to answer any questions you might have... with the caveat that some questions I cannot answer for temporal stability reasons.

I can tell you that I am serious about SOMETHING. What that something is you will have to determine for yourself. The easiest way to understand what that something is would be to investigate my INTENTION.
