Sup guys, I'm from the future and stuff

I don't believe that there will be much of the Homo Sapein race left in 3,00 years from now. We have been far too sucessful, far too quickly.
Now, we are already paying the price- so I so no way with this eternally exponential population growth rate that anything will ever change.
The water level will rise drastically by then too, so farming shall be reduced to higher grounds. OK, there may be some remnants- but, it will be a devilish place to live.
Our inbuilt need for survival will end in our death knell, the need to multiply to survive is far too strong. The old killers in the form of predators and diseases are no longer the great threat they were. But, we are not clever enough (or probably too arrogant!) to adapt accordingly.

There seems at present some daft obsession with the UK Government that everyone should live forever!? I certainly would not want to live any longer than my brain or body were reasonably functional.

A "Good Innings" is great- you bat too long the crowd get bored...

As I'm said, I'm no engineer. I don't precisely know how the time machine even works, I mean, do you know precisely how a car works, or the internet, for example?

Although if we 'cut out the middle man' there'd be no travelling. How does one travel in time without actually transmitting oneself to a wormhole? If we just broke ourselves down and then fixed ourselves up again we wouldn't have actually gone anywhere

Pally - you don't get it. You were broken down into individual atoms and beamed here. The "you" I'm refering to includes your time travel gadget and presumably another gadget to reassemble your atoms.

So you and your stream of "nothing but atoms" arrrived here and...what? We don't have the technology to reassemble streams of atoms - and you, your time travel gadget and your handy-dandy atom reassembler are part of the atom stream that is in dire need of reassembly.

If we did have the technology to reassemble the atom stream "cutting out the middle man" means that it would be unnecessary for you to bring along your reassembler. We'd skip reassembling the reassembler and proceed directly to reassembleing you and your time travel doo-dad.

So, pray tell, just how is it that you did become reassembled? Magic? Hand waving? Internet tale weaving? You won the "High School Time Travelers Association Make-a-Wish On Your Sixteenth Birthday Foundation" contest last week? Not the gory details, just the basics; we really do know in general terms how automobiles and the Internet work.

Now do you get it...or do I need to get out the crayons and draw some pretty colored pictures for you?
Wow, you're a sceptical little bugger, RMT, aintcha? One of the kind of guys who's head is so far up their arse their face is being erroded by stomach acid.

Let me explain to you why you're wrong, one step at a time.

But according to you, it is not the MACHINE that zaps you around in time, it is the wormhole...and those are ridiculously plentiful, again according to you. And I guess it is expensive for every "average Joe" (an interesting colloquialism that I am surprised any English teacher in your time still knows), but because you are obviously a fabulously wealthy (and so non-average) Tren, that makes all the difference, right?

I didn't learn the language in my own time, I learnt it upon arrival.

Also, I'm not 'fabulously weathly', I didn't even buy the time machine myself.

So even though you admit English is not your native language (note the pattern of how I am only using things YOU SAID), you cannot fathom how a person who is using a language that is not their native could make spelling errors they are not even aware of. My, you are quite full of yourself, aren't you? Do you really want me to show you where you spelled English words incorrectly, or will you now say "oh yes, of course since I am using a language that is not my native one, I could misspell something...?"

Please do. Show me every spelling error I have made thus far in the thread. Another thing, if you expect some whose native language isn't English (FYI, to me, my native language is indeed English, I consider this what you might call 'past-English') then why are you using that as a way of trying to show me up?

Did you notice what word I misspelled? You seem to do a lot of it.

I did, you said 'assum' instead of 'assume'. Surely someone like you would have spotted such a basic mistake.

Yes, actually I do know how both work. But even if I did not, we have this wonderful thing called the internet (seems you know about it)

Clearly I know about it, how else would I be using it...?

where people who may not know, in detail, how something works can go to get exactly these answers.

That may be the case but could you, without using the internet tell me exactly how every function of one of your cars operate? How and why the lights turn on when a certain switch is flicked, the mechanism behind the speedometer, etc. And before you say "You know an awful lot about 21st century cars for someone from the future", I'll explain. I asked my friend here (born in 1980) for examples.

In fact, according to you, you have an even more fantastic version of the internet in your time, that tracks ALL information. So I find it interesting that your intellect is at such a level that you could not figure out how to use your Intersystem to gather exactly the information on how your machine works, because you would obviously be intelligent enough to know that people in this time would ask, right?

Ok, well first of all, why do I need to bother? I know how to use it, I don't need to know how it works for that.

Secondly, I didn't come here on some sort of mission to enlighten you all. I'm taking a brief visit here of my own leisure and I decided to Google 'Time travel' and see what came up. As I previously explained. Pay attention.

I have an even better proposition: Since, according to you, time travel is no big deal and there are wormholes to take you to any place and time, how about you just pop back into your time, use your Intersystem to find all the precise information on how your machine works, and then just bring it back here to us to post. I mean once again, I am only going off of what you say is possible, right?

It is possible. I mean, I'd have to write it all down because a copy and paste function doesn't exactly work between computers, but yes, I could do it.

Question: So if the machine also transforms itself into a thin beam of atoms, how can anything at the other end know how to reconstitute the machine itself, much less you?

What I am pointing out to you is the obvious logical inconsistency of your story where a machine not only has the ability to "decode" itself, but now with itself "decoded" (decomposed) into atoms it somehow maintains the functionality of being able to transmit those atoms of itself! AMAZING technology you lot have in the fyoooochur! But it gets more odd. Ignoring the problem that there is really no machine to do the transmitting anymore (it decomposed itself into a stream of atoms, so clearly it can no longer function), we have the problem of what machine (either at the wormhole or on the other end of the wormhole) is doing the receiving? And then, the problem Gpa has pointed out: What machine has contained the information about how your, and the original machine's, atoms are put it knows HOW to put you back together.

Think about it. It's a time machine. Due to that fact it's a time machine, it's already there when it's recieving itself, so it knows the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) to bounce me and itself back to.
Wow, you're a sceptical little bugger, RMT, aintcha? One of the kind of guys who's head is so far up their arse their face is being erroded by stomach acid.

Sonny boy, we have not even gotten to the truly fun and humorous part where I really put you to task. And even Darby is just toying with you like a kitten. You see my post count on this forum? You might do some research on those posts to see how many of them were dealing with kiddies like you. But I predict (without even claiming to be a time traveler) that you cannot be bothered to try to increase your probability of convincing anyone.

I didn't learn the language in my own time, I learnt it upon arrival.

Also, I'm not 'fabulously weathly', I didn't even buy the time machine myself.

And both of these answers explain exactly zero with respect to the point I was making about them. Nice dodges. To be honest, I don't really care if you answer them or your "excuses". But I have a feeling you do not even understand the purpose for me pointing them out, which is born out by...

(FYI, to me, my native language is indeed English, I consider this what you might call 'past-English') then why are you using that as a way of trying to show me up?

1) Your parenthetical remark here is in direct contradiction to something you posted earlier. And no, I am not going to do the heavy lifting for you to tell you what you wrote that it contradicts. But the more savvy people reading this thread already know and are laughing (at you, in case you didn't catch on).
2) The fact you think I am using language to try to "show you up" clearly exhibits you have ZERO clue as to what I am doing, and why I am doing it. Darby knows. And many other people who have watched us drill your type know. Let me give you a hint: The more you babble on, about ANYTHING, the more information you give us to falsify your claims, 10 ways from Sunday. But go ahead, keep babbling and giving us more rope to hang you with. It really is getting amusing now.

I did, you said 'assum' instead of 'assume'. Surely someone like you would have spotted such a basic mistake.

And you ASSUME it was a mistake, and not precisely planted with the HOPES you would point it out? Well done. You still don't get it, do you? At least we know people from the future are not very bright. But go on...

Clearly I know about it, how else would I be using it...?
OH! You DID catch on to that one! Gold star for that one!

That may be the case but could you, without using the internet tell me exactly how every function of one of your cars operate? How and why the lights turn on when a certain switch is flicked, the mechanism behind the speedometer, etc. And before you say "You know an awful lot about 21st century cars for someone from the future", I'll explain. I asked my friend here (born in 1980) for examples.

Yes, actually I can, and without using the internet. But I am afraid that I have one more advantage over you (besides a generally superior intellect that mostly comes from age): You see, I *AM* an engineer. Aerospace engineer to be exact. So I could not only explain all those details about how a car works, but an airplane as well. But yet again, you have completely ignored the reason I posted was about you using your Intersystem to go back and FIND the info to tell us exactly how your widget works. But then you say...

Ok, well first of all, why do I need to bother? I know how to use it, I don't need to know how it works for that.

1) You said you would answer our questions.
2) It is obvious you wish to convince people you are a time traveler, and this question of exactly how it works would help do that.

Secondly, I didn't come here on some sort of mission to enlighten you all.

OH REALLY? So are you actually telling me that you did NOT write the following?

Tren said:
Ask me anything!

I don't think I was hallucinating. Yep. It actually was in your first post. So what am I to make of that? Contradicting yourself again?

It is possible. I mean, I'd have to write it all down because a copy and paste function doesn't exactly work between computers,

ROTFLMFAO! You come from several THOUSAND years in the future, and you are going to tell me that you cannot cut and paste to a digital storage device to bring with you? And before you say "not compatible", are you also going to tell me that you cannot PRINT OUT information in your oh-so-advanced time?

Think about it. It's a time machine. Due to that fact it's a time machine, it's already there when it's recieving itself, so it knows the co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) to bounce me and itself back to.

No, no, no! You are not even paying attention to yourself! The WORMHOLE is the "time machine". Your thingy is just the thingy that converts you into your stream of atoms and beams you TO the wormhole!! I cannot believe I am having to REMIND an alleged time traveler exactly what his (lame) story is!

Your self contradictions are possibly silly enough to win your way onto our "wall of shame" that is pinned to the top of this forum. You are already vying for looniest TT claimant, behind Chronohistorian.

But go ahead and answer Darby. He has made it even clearer than I did. Let me boil it down to your non-engineer, thick-as-a-rock mentality into this 3rd grade question:

If the machine that encoded you was part of the stream of atoms WHAT EXACTLY REASSEMBLED YOU? Because that stream of atoms cannot re-assemble itself into a machine...that is not how streams of atoms function! In fact, streams of atoms HAVE NO FUNCTION!

This is grand fun!
RMT, ur replies are awesome as always XD
but u really dont have to bother because i think everybody
here can clearly see he is a fake. And i asked him to post
a picture cuz i wanted to see the way he would react.

And guess what ? He actually took the time to make this
little thing, and post the picture online :
View image: Time machine

looks impressive, doesnt it...

Ok guys, Ok, I give up, you win, it was getting pretty lame anyway.

But something I didn't expect to take away from this...

You guys are really arseholes.

I mean seriously, I posted on here for a laugh. It's a forum based around the concept of time travel! Surely people would be willing to just have a bit of fun on a forum centered around on of science fictions most loveable aspects.

No one from here is going to be from the future, we all know that. So I thought that maybe I could leave a post here, people would, knowing that I'm obviously not born in 5392, instead of leaping in with insults (I'm looking at you, RMT), reply in a humorous nature, have a bit of fun, and that's the end of it. I'm seriously astounded. Someone comes along looking for a laugh and it becomes a mission to rip him to pieces? You really are fucked up.

If not for a laugh, why even HAVE a 'Time Travel Claims' section? Do you really expect someone, who has managed to travel backwards through time, would waste their time posting the news on a pretty much unknown forum on the internet? Surely alerting the local government would be the first thing on their agenda?

So yeah, have your victory and whatever, to be honest I'd have never posted here if I knew what you were like. You truly are dickheads. Well, I'm out, bye.
I mean seriously, I posted on here for a laugh. It's a forum based around the concept of time travel! Surely people would be willing to just have a bit of fun on a forum centered around on of science fictions most loveable aspects.

No one was being an asshole. Had you posted this in the Time Travel "Fan Fiction" forum there would have been no angst involved. It was your choice to post in Time Travel Claims. Of course, 100% of the time travel Claims are just as fictional as in the Fan Fiction forum stories. But when the posting is in the Claims forum rather than Fan Fiction it is understood by everyone (with the apparent exception of yourself) that it is an open invitation to spirited debate.

This is no different than on any other alt-sci forum. The challenge for the OP, if it is a time travel claim, is to do some homework, do some preparation, plan out the details and then post a self-consistent scenario. After that they prepare to defend the ideas that are posted. In doing this the OP should not assume that the forum is comprised of high schoolers. There's nothing wrong about being in high school. But the assumption that that is the audience runs the risk that the OP will attempt to defend a principle that s/he is not all that familiar with only to discover that quite a few members of the forum are university graduates with degrees in a natural science, like biology, engineering, math and/or physics. Even some of the members on this forum who pretend to be Fruitbats fall into those categories.

The bottom line is that before anyone decides to jump into a forum as a new member its probably going to be helpful for that potential member to spend some time lurking and find out what to expect. Then, assuming that they jump in for laughs, to have a sense of humor of their own - and maybe grow a thicker skin.
The time travel device....shouldnt have bothered. Now, somehow I feel sad.

Although this watch right below the "time machine" looks even better than my chronocron.

Ok guys, Ok, I give up, you win, it was getting pretty lame anyway.

Well, I at least give you credit for owning-up rather than just slithering away and disappearing without saying anything.

No one from here is going to be from the future, we all know that. So I thought that maybe I could leave a post here, people would, knowing that I'm obviously not born in 5392, instead of leaping in with insults (I'm looking at you, RMT), reply in a humorous nature, have a bit of fun, and that's the end of it.

You don't think OTHER people thought my replies were humorous? The thing you can't seem to handle is that YOU were the subject of the humor. But then again, why wouldn't you be? Especially with a story that was so lame that it was obvious you put no thought into it. You are butt-hurt because you were the butt of the humor. Sorry, but since you initiated the hoax, I don't think you have a leg to stand on here. Now, if you were just another member who was posting in SUPPORT of you, and I made you the butt of the jokes, THEN you may have a case. And you will note I was not poking fun at anyone else. Just you. That is because you painted a big target on yourself when you started the thread. Sorry, that is just the way it goes. And as Darby says, that is how it is on all internet ali-sci forums.

So yeah, have your victory and whatever, to be honest I'd have never posted here if I knew what you were like. You truly are dickheads. Well, I'm out, bye.

But you had every opportunity to know what we were like. In my last post I pointed to my post count. Even if you never bothered to research us regulars here BEFORE your OP, once you saw myself and Darby respond to your OP, you could have researched our past posts to a great many people. The fact you did not do this does not mean you are a bad person, but it does mean you are a bit lazy in how you go about trying to generate some humor. Even professional comedians will tell you that making people laugh is hard work.

So there you go. I don't apologize for anything. I never called you an idiot. I never directly insulted you. But I did have fun at your expense, but as I say above YOU made yourself the target. You invited it.

I did some research on the time machine picture. Since I've seen it before. This is what I came up with.

From HDRKid, a real life Uncle Rico who bought that T-tube online from Steven Gibbs.

Looks like teenage Napoleon wanted that lower part of his body grew older quickly.

Ok guys, Ok, I give up, you win, it was getting pretty lame anyway.

But something I didn't expect to take away from this...

You guys are really arseholes.

Well I personally never attacked you in any way- so take a little offence at that comment.
You really are acting like a spoilt brat though- sorry!
If you can't take the heat STAY OUT of the kitchen! Simple.

Its just that he thought he was going to beguile us all with his enthralling story and when it didnt occur he got offended at being exposed. That is why I tend to distrust most claims, they are the result of an over imaginative little informed over confident but immature mind. Too sorry if I offended you, but as RMT said, no one here insulted you, on the other hand you didnt think we were going to believe your story so easily,did you?
I'm becoming a better story writer and maybe I'll be able to pull off some time travel story if I get all the logistics right. For now, I just dream.
Funny indeed. Maybe it does, since nothing seems to change after three thousand years. When you look at history, which is the best teacher of evolution, cultures arise and change every nine hundred years on approximation, sometimes even less. According to his account nothing has changed, he described his political structure identical to ours, his political views are the same and even the countries are the same. That is not what one would expect to occur in 33.8 centuries. Besides his concept of electrochemical energy is really something. After all the research and develpment, they kept the battery concept to power a time machine. Absolutely Incredible to say the least.

Actually he added in the fixes needed to run an actual democracy. But yes some what the same.The slang that gives him away to be false is "God Damn", which 3000 years from now would be an odd subject due to the fact of the massive decline in religion.So hence the term "God Damn" would be considered old English by that point and not commonly used.I could be wrong,probably not, but could be.
Yup, in this timeline, Jesus does not return so Christianity eventually declines and There are two choices left. Atheism or Wicca. Atheism wins, of course, and we have a Star Trek Universe.
Actually he added in the fixes needed to run an actual democracy.

He did?!

I read his missive and saw a President who is advised by a series of "specialists". We generally call that a dictatorship, not a democracy. About 236 years ago we in the US decided that we actually didn't want a king - a "President advised by specialists".

When it is working right I kind of like the idea of Constitutionally limited power, checks-and-balances and a republican form of government where the federal government is occassionally reminded that the people created the states and the states created the federal government - not the other way around.