Stuck in a loop - Help needed

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My thought is that you will get out of the loop when you finally get it right. There may be something you are supposed to accomplish.

A genuine tweet from 2013 that predicted the outcome of Euro 2020 final. (Just thought it belonged in this thread)

This guy is a victim of circumstance with no control over his loop. He can’t help you, let alone himself.
30 day notice.

I imagine you’re feeling better at this point, the memories should seem like incomplete daydreams at best by now. Hope your health has remained intact. All in all you should be fine, but on the off chance the cycle repeats itself and you think you’re in trouble please maintain the same name format and post again on this site @ (midnight on June 23rd), or preferably as soon as you arrive. Title the thread identically. There should be an operator online to assess your situation between 00.00 and 00.04. He should already be aware of the closed curve, but be sure to provide him with the code “Error101RL723” and tell him your previous operator suggested you might be in a recumbent loop. If you pass this window again there is a high probability you will be missed and the odds of resolving your issue decrease.

For the sake of maintaining continuity the date of your anticipated post cannot be explicitly altered, but I will make a note that you have previously posted outside of range.

This may be difficult to remember once the loop becomes recumbent, but try NOT to remember too much for too long. Decoherence can be an important part of physiological acclimation to your new old surroundings. Explain your symptoms and situation to the operator and he’ll direct you in a way to try to limit the discomfort. If no operator is present you may have to make a second thread requesting an RTCO explicitly and catching you could take a few months. Considering the supposed length of the closed curve and your description of the severe loss of parity noticed on arrival it’s safe to say that if you are being honest you are steadily shifting outside our localized probability. You shouldn’t be in trouble yet, but if no RTCO arrives whatsoever and the deadline passes you may be completely outside our network.

Stay safe, hopefully we can get you out of this.

I’m in a loop…I’ve been in this loop for almost a year now. Someone here needs to help me

It started on the 5th of November 2021. I was supposed to be flying from here in Dubai to finally visit Australia. I got on the plane, had a wine and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was back in my apartment and it was the 23rd of June.

This has happened twice already and I can’t go through the next 5 months again.

Help me please. I know this is supposed to be a ‘role playing’ site but can anyone here help me…please
So, what happened?

I just had a thought. Perhaps don't get on the plane again if you can help it. With a 5 month window, you have time change events.
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