Stargate in the Andes

Here's some food for thought, there has been a lot of speculation going on between the connection of what is contemplated that the "ARK" of the covenant was some sort of ancient technological device that used some form of crude "Scalar Technology", and it had the ability of producing many effects(even destructive) and that it might have been responsible for all of those shards of molten glass in the gobi desert in saudi arabia, and elswhere that archeologists have discovered such remains of radioactive decay.

It seemingly just does not fit the catagory to be placed in the hands of what was once perceived as a society incapable of producing souch astounding feats.

In other locations they have unearthed burried skeletal remains that were still emmiting traces of radioactive elements, and stranger yet, some of them were fused into rock & glass, the effects of what could only resemble a nuclear blast, as what happened in Japan during WWII by comparison.
Great posts!

It would be great if they can determine if the ancients created the stargate and other advanced technology or if they were given to the ancients by time travelers or ETs.

The fused skeletons/rocks mentioned could have resulted from time travelers who "materialized" in the wrong place.
The most haunting questions yet remain,

1.) Was this technology given to them by benevolent beings,or Time Travelers, just before a chain of cataclysmic events that rocked the entire globe?

2.)Are these same Cataclysmic events about to Re-Occur again?

3.)Will they happen in our lifetime?
if so, will all of these "Secrets" be revealed to humanity once more, just in the "Nic Of Time"???
Time: I suppose cataclysmic earth changes could occur at any time in nature. Man-made cataclysmic events can also happen, besides a nuclear war. If genetic engineering is not done correctly, for example, it can be very cataclysmic. As you said, maybe some "secret" guidance will help us.
hey time,
with all we are researching and discovering,
maybe you better check the dna of those skeletal remains and see if it belongs to one of us!!! heheheheeheh

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 12 September 2000).>
Look at the pictures here at the following link, and see for yourself!

Questions, Comments, Concerns?


Here's more........

NASA photographs find possible footprints on the Martian surface
Did another vehicle land on Mars?
A suspicious shadow crossing over Sojounrer, the Mars rover vehicle, sent Pathfinder scientists scrambling to find an explanation. Under pressure from NSA representatives from Area 51 (NSAa51), NASA publicly claimed that Soujorner was sufferinf from another software glitch that caused it to become trapped on one of the rocks.
In the meantime the focused Pathfinder's cameras on anything that might shed light as to the origin opf the shadow. For two days they turned up nothing, until photo analysts found suspicious depressions in an area that previously seemed clean.


NASA photographs find Martian footprints
The photographs, when subjected to computer analysis, surprised everyone at NASA. They revealed the footprints of a three-toed creature, which mission director Golembek named "ET" after the popular movie character who also had three toes.

On the left is the official photograph of the Martiasn surface released to the public. On the right is the startling photograph of footprints on Mars.

"NASA scientists debated the photographic evidence for more than a day before deciding the evidence was unavoidable. Something left its footprints on the Martian surface," said my own source at NASA, who insists on remaining anonymous.
Computer enhancement of the object labelled ETL-02 shows clear indications that it was a footprint left by a creature with three-digits, or "toes." NASA scientists believe this is the most startling evidence of extra-terrstrial life ever produced.

Even though the pictures became available on July 14, they were not released until this weekend, when "they would have passed through enough hands to keep suspicion from landing on me," he added.

Did another vehicle land on Mars?
Continued surveillance turned up even more startling evidence, however. By July 15, NASA found photographic evidence that a vehicle had landed on the Martian surface, close to Pathfinder itself.
Four distinct depressions in the Martian soil clearly resemble the four "legs" of some sort of craft where it would have landed on the surface.

This is one of the four depressions on the Martian surface that NASA scientists believe prove an alien space probe may be investigating Pathfinder's activities.

Even more startling, photo analysists found evidence of power lines running just beneath the surface. The evidence was in photos previously released to the public.
"We knew there were anomolies in the photograph, but we let people think they were caused by the seam between photographs we stitched together into one image," my source explained. "Now that we look at the anomolies again, they can only be explained by the presence of power lines."

Richard C. Hogland, "Eat Your Heart Out" !!
Did Atlantis exist as what many myths have passed down? were they truly indeed such a relavant advanced race of beings that held the secrets of technology & flying craft?

Here's what one legend that seems to never go away from us, has left behind, to tell us, so we would not forget what happened?
(Providing all of this was true, or based on some form of truth as to what may have really took place so long ago, that "Time wants us to forget, but for some reason, something, or someone does not want to forget!.........I'll let you be the judge.

Ancient City Found In India
Irradiated By Nuclear Blast
8,000 Years Ago...

Note:] (See Artist's Rendering of the Vilamah Craft at the above Link)

This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Bryant Stavely.
Excerpt from the World Island Review, January 1992.

To read more about the amazing "air craft" ( Vimana )
recorded in ancient Hindu writings, click here

Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous

A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe...An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.

"The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out, pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white.

"After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves into the river."

Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons. An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata. "The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees," says Ganguli.

"Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols. There are comments about the contamination of food and people's hair falling out."

Archeologist Francis Taylor says that etchings in some nearby temples he has managed to translate suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city. "It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did. The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."

Construction has halted while the five member team conducts the investigation. The foreman of the project is Lee Hundley, who pioneered the investigation after the high level of radiation was discovered.
I don't understand why they did'nt include a pic at their site, but I found another & uploaded it at our TAP-TEN *Epilot Library, under "Misc." Titled as "Ancient Vimanas In Battle."

Meanwhile, here is the story.......

The Indian Vimana

There are no physical remains of ancient Indian aircraft technology but references to ancinet flying machines are commonplace in the ancient Indian texts. Several popular ancient epics describe their use in warfare. Most of these writings were consolidated from older writings in the 4th, 5th, and 6th Centuries BCE and preserved for the monarchs who ruled India at that time. The scribes took great care to ensure that all of their writings were based on authentic sources. Unfortunately, the translated documents from these libraries do not indicate which sources the Indian epics are based upon. Over 95% of these ancient writings remain untranslated.

The most famous Indian epics translated from the ancient Sanskrit text are the Mahabarata, and
the Ramayana. Both of these tales deal with an ancient war whose ferocity devestated the ancient pre-historic world. The war was fought between combatants employing powerful air vehicles, the famous of which were the "Vimanas". Both the Mahabarata and Ramayana describe the Vimana as a aircraft based around a domed circular or cigar-shaped frame. Specific details for constructing these craft are proivided in the 230 stanzas written in the Vaimanika Sastra around 400 BCE by Bharadvajy the Wise and translated in 1875.

One of the most surprising aspects of the Indian epics are their similarity to modern aerial combat techniques. The writings describe methods of preserving fuel by flying at different altitudes, force-down landings caused by threatening enemies, and collision damage caused by impacts with birds. Other stanzas warn of the importance of avoiding high altitude storms and how to absorb energy from the sun's rays to repower an aircraft. The Vaimanika Sastra dedicates eight chapters to diagrams which describe three sepeate types of aircraft. It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials from which they are constructed. When not in use, Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, believed to be a reinforced hanger. They were propelled by a yellowish-white liquid and a core that was fueled by a mercury compound. The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, thought to be the oldest of all the Indian texts, describe Vimanas of various shapes and sizes and tell that there were many designs for these craft depending on thier purpose.

The Indian Emporer Ashoka was so convinced in the realtiy of the ancient claims that he began a "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men" composed of nine great Indian scientists who were supposed to
catalogue the many sciences and supervise the removal of all ancient information from public circulation. He feared that the advanced sciences described in the ancient Indian sources might cause devestation to his empire as it had to the ancient Rama Empire.

The Rama Empire is described in the Mahabarata, and the Ramayana. They describe it as a technologically superior civilization in which the noble caste was able to travel anywhere on Earth and to the moon and eventually even to the stars (although a more accurate translation would probably indicate the other planets in the solar system). At its height, the Rama Empire stretched across Northern India and Pakistan approximately 12,000 years ago.

The empire had seven great capital cities called the Seven Rishi Cities. Nobles traveled from one city to another by air although a Jain text dated to the 8th Century CE hints that the aerial chariots used for normal transport were called Pushpaka and could convey many people from one capitol to another. At the height of the empire there were so many flyng-machines traveling the skies that on any given night a spectator was assured of spotting the yellow glare of their engines.

The Rama Empire was threatened by an enemy using their own flying machines called "Vailixi". These invaders had greater technology than the Ramas and were called the "Asvins", a label that have led many New Age theorists to believe that these mystic attackers were invaders from Atlantis. The Vailixi craft

were more generally cigar-shaped, less rounded than the Vimanas, and could travel through water as well as through air, a capability the Raman vehicles lacked.

The Ramas defended their empire with terrible weapons of awesome destructive power. The Mahabharata described the conflict as follows:

An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death,

Which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis,

And the Andhakas. ... the corpses were so burned

As to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out;

Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white.
... After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected...

... To escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams,

To wash themselves and their equipment..."
- Mahabharata

Although no physical traces of a Vimana or Vailixi have ever been found, circumstantial evidence of a widespread conflict similar to the exchange of nuclear weapons does exist. A mysterious blast of atomic proportions leveled the city of Mohenjo Daro, long rumored to be one of the Seven Rishi Cities. Additionally, Egyptian and Sumerian mythology both tell of similar nuclear-style exchanges used in the war of the Gods who each rode in thier own flaming chariots. The Biblical narrative in Genesis describes the devestation of the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in a manner that closely duplicates the Babylonian tale of the Gods incinerating the cities of the plain to slay the followers of their opponents.

In 1990, Chinese excavations of the ruins of Lhasa, in the mountains of Tibet, uncovered a small library of documents written in Sanskrit. The Chinese authorities who reviewed the expedition's findings thought the documents so important that they sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna spent several weeks converting the text to Chinese and English and then announced that the documents contained directions for building instellar spaceships! Her announcement immediately brought the response of western authorities who retranslated the writings. The western linguists refuted that the documents made claims to interplanetary travel but did agree that they described preparations for an expedition to the Moon.

Alexander the Great pushed as far as India in his conquest of the known world in 332 BCE. His historians kept accurate records of the invasion and the lands they encountered. Although these writings were later enhanced to heighten the glory of Alexander, the chroniclers noted that at one point in their invasion, they were attacked by "flying, fiery shields" that frightened the calvary and forced Alexander to regroup his army. He subsequently conquered India without further aerial resistance.

Adolf Hitler was so impressed by his studies of the ancient Indian texts and their claims of Vimana weapons that he sent several expeditions to India throughout the 1930s to learn any possible secret technology that would allow the German Air Force to devestate any nation that rose against the Nazi party. Fortunately, his expeditions failed. If Hitler had been able to build craft equal in capability to the Vimanas, his military would have been completely unstoppable.

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 19 September 2000).>
Top 10 Out-Of-Place Artifacts
ByJoseph Robert Jochmans, Lit. D.

Walk into any modern museum, or open any history textbook, and the picture of the past presented is one in which humanity started from primitive beginnings, and steadily progressed upward in the development of culture and science. Most of the artifacts preserved in archaeological and geological records have been neatly arranged to fit this accepted linear view of our past.

Yet many other tantalizing bits and pieces unearthed offer a very different story of what really happened. Called out-of-place artifacts, they don't fit the established pattern of prehistory, pointing back instead to the existence of advanced civilizations before any of the known ancient cultures came into being.

Though such discoveries with their inherent sophistication are well-documented, most historians would like to sweep these disturbing anomalies under the proverbial rug. But the rug of true history is getting very lumpy, and hard to step across without tripping over such obvious contradictions to the conservative picture of antiquity.

What's more, the mysterious artifacts confirm ancient legends and stories which describe human history not as linear, but cyclic. Forgotten ages and former worlds rose and fell in great cycles of life and death over millions of years, lost to our memory except in myths, and now, through a few amazing pieces left to us. Here are the top ten out-of-place artifacts and what they reveal to us about our missing legacy:


In 1938, Dr. Wilhelm Kong, an Austrian archaeologist rummaging through the basement of the museum made a find that was to drastically alter all concepts of ancient science. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's best solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with acid. With a background in mechanics, Dr. Konig recognized this configuration was not a chance arrangement, but that the clay pot was nothing less than an ancient electric battery.

The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq all date from the Parthian Persian occupation between 248 B.C. and A.D. 226. However, Konig found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum excavated from Sumerian remains in southern Iraq dating back to at least 2500 B.C. When the vases were lightly tapped a blue patina or film separated from the surfaces, characteristic of silver electroplated to copper. It would appear then that the Persians inherited their batteries from the earliest known civilization in the Middle East.


In different locations within the Late Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Egypt are curious wall engravings which Egyptologists cannot explain in traditional religio-mythic terms, but about which electrical engineers are finding very modern interpretations.

In one chamber, No. 17, the topmost panel, depicts Egyptian priests operating what look like oblong tubes, performing various specific tasks. Each tube has a serpent extending its full length inside. Swedish engineer Henry Kjellson, in his book Forvunen Teknik (Disappeared Technology), noted that in the hieroglyphs these serpents are translated as seref, which means to glow, and believes it refers to some form of electrical current. In the scene, to the extreme right appears a box on top where sits an image of the Egyptian god Atum-Ra, which identifies the box as the energy source. Attached to the box is a braided cable which electromagnetics engineer Alfred D. Bielek identified as virtually an exact copy of engineering illustrations used today for representing a bundle of conducting electrical wires. The cable runs from the box the full length of the floor of the picture, and terminates at both the ends and at the bases of the tube objects. These objects each rest on a pillar called a djed, which Bielek identified as a high-voltage insulator.

The tube objects look very much like TV picture tubes, an impression which is not far from wrong, for electronics technician N. Zecharius has identified the objects as Crookes or electron tubes, the forerunner of the modern television tube.

Though the upper chamber scenes have been damaged by vandals from a later age, other pictures found inside the crypt below the Holy of Holies are almost perfectly preserved, and their portrayal deepens the mystery of the strange electron tubes even further. Here, not only are the tubes shown in full operation, but something else has been added which may suggest the ultimate purpose for the tubes themselves. In several instances, both men and women are shown sitting underneath the tubes, hands held out and cupped, which meant they were in a receptive mode. What kind of radiation treatment was being performed here?


A testimony to ancient metallurgical skills in Delhi, India is called the Ashoka Pillar. Standing over 23 feet, it averages 16 inches in diameter and weighs about 6 tons. The solid wrought-iron shaft is made up of expertly welded discs. An inscription on the base is an epitaph to King Chandra Gupta II, who died in A.D. 413.

Despite being well over a millennium and a half in age, the Pillar's constitution is remarkably preserved. The smooth surface is like polished brass with only occasional instances of pock-marks and weathering. The mystery is that any equivalent mass of iron, subjected to the Indian monsoon rains, winds and temperatures for 1,600 years or more would have been reduced to rust long ago.

Production of the iron and the techniques of preservation are far beyond 5th century abilities. It is probably far older, maybe several thousand years. Who were the mysterious metallurgists who made this wonder, and what happened to their civilization?


A few days before Easter Sunday in 1900, Greek sponge divers off the small island of Antikythera discovered the remains of an ancient ship filled with bronze and marble statues and assorted artifacts later dated between 85 and 50 B.C.

Among the finds was a small formless lump of corroded bronze and rotted wood. which was sent along with the other artifacts to the National Museum in Athens for further study. Soon, as the wood fragments dried and shrank from exposure to air, the lump split open revealing inside the outlines of a series of gear wheels like a modern clock.

In 1958 Dr. Derek J. de Solla Price successfully reconstructed the machine's appearance and use. The gearing system calculated the annual movements of the sun and moon. The arrangement shows that the gears could be moved forward and backward with ease at any speed. The device was thus not a clock but more like a calculator that could show the positions of the heavens past, present and future.

It is highly possible that the device may have origins ages long before the Greeks, and in a land far removed, now unknown.


In 1898 a curious winged object was discovered in the tomb of Pa-di-Imen in north Saqqara, Egypt dated to about 200 B.C. Because the birth of modern aviation was still several years away, when the strange artifact was sent to the Cairo Museum, it was catalogued and then shelved among other miscellaneous items to gather dust.

Seventy years later, Dr. Kahlil Messiha, an Egyptologist and archaeologist, was examining a Museum display labeled bird figurines. While most of the display were indeed bird sculptures, the Saqqara artifact was certainly not. It possessed characteristics never found on birds, yet which are part of modern aircraft design. Dr. Messiha, a former model plane enthusiast, immediately recognized the aircraft features and persuaded the Egyptian Ministry of Culture to investigate.

Made of very light sycamore the craft weighs 0.5 oz. with straight and aerodynamically shaped wings, spanning about 7 inches. A separate slotted piece fits onto the tail precisely like the back tail wing on a modern plane.

A full-scale version could have flown carrying heavy loads, but at low speeds, between 45 and 65 miles per hour. What is not known, however, is what the power source was. The model makes a perfect glider as it is. Even though over 2,000 years old, it will soar a considerable distance with only a slight jerk of the hand. Fully restored balsa replicas travel even farther.

Messiha notes that the ancient Egyptians often built scale models of everything familiar in their daily lives and placed them in their tombs, temples, ships, chariots, servants, animals and so forth. Now that we have found a model plane, Messiha wonders if perhaps somewhere under the desert sands there may yet be unearthed the remains of life-sized gliders.


In 1954 the government of Colombia sent part of its collection of ancient gold artifacts on a U. S. tour. Emmanuel Staubs, one of America's leading jewelers, was commissioned to cast reproductions of six of the objects. Fifteen years later one was given to biologist-zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson for analysis. After a thorough examination and consulting a number of experts, Sanderson's mind-boggling conclusion was that the object is a model of a high-speed aircraft at least a thousand years old.

Approximately 2 inches long the object was worn as a pendant on a neck chain. It was classified as Sinu, a pre-Inca culture from A.D. 500 to 800. Both Sanderson and Dr. Arthur Poyslee of the Aeronautical Institute of New York concluded it did not represent any known winged animal. In fact, the little artifact appears more mechanical than biological. For example, the front wings are delta-shaped and rigidly straight edged, very un-animal-like.

The rudder is perhaps the most un-animal but airplane-like item. It is right-triangle, flat-surfaced, and rigidly perpendicular to the wings. Only fish have upright tail fins, but none have exclusively an upright flange without a counter-balancing lower one. Adding to the mystery, an insignia appears on the left face of the rudder, precisely where ID marks appear on many airplanes today. The insignia is perhaps as out-of place as the gold model itself, for it has been identified as the Aramaic or early Hebrew letter beth or B. This may indicate that the original plane did not come from Colombia, but was the product of a very early people inhabiting the Middle East who knew the secret of flying.


Without doubt the most famous and enigmatic ancient crystal is the skull, discovered in 1927 by F.A. Mitchell-Hedges atop a ruined temple at the ancient Mayan city of Lubaantum, in British Honduras, now Belize.

The skull was made from a single block of clear quartz, 5 inches high, 7 inches long and 5 inches wide. It is about the size of a small human cranium, with near perfect detail. In 1970, art restorer Frank Dorland was given permission to submit the skull to tests at the Hewlitt-Packard Laboratories. Revealed were many anomalies.

The skull had been carved with total disregard to the natural crystal axis, a process unheard-of in modern crystallography. No metal tools were used. Dorland was unable to find any tell-tale scratch marks. Indeed, most metals would have been ineffectual. A modern penknife cannot mark it. From tiny patterns near the carved surfaces, Dorland determined it was first chiseled into rough form, probably using diamonds. The finer shaping, grinding and polishing, Dorland believes, was done with innumerable applications of water and silicon-crystal sand. If true, it would have taken 300 years of continuous labor. We must accept this almost unimaginable feat, or admit to the use of some form of lost technology.

Modern science is stumped to explain the skill and knowledge incorporated. As Garvin summarized: It is virtually impossible today, in the time when men have climbed mountains on the moon, to duplicate this achievement...It would not be a question of skill, patience and time. It would simply be impossible. As one crystallographer from Hewlitt-Packard said, The damned thing shouldn't be.


The Museum of Natural History in London displays an early Paleolithic skull, dated at 38,000 years old, and excavated in 1921 in modern Zambia. On the left side of the skull is a perfectly round hole nearly a third of an inch in diameter. Curiously, there are no radial split-lines around the hole or other marks that should have been left by a cold weapon, such as an arrow or spear. Opposite the hole, the cranium is shattered, and reconstruction of the fragments show the skull was blown from the inside out, as from a rifle shot. In fact, any slower a projectile would have produced neither the neat hole nor the shattering effect. Forensic experts who have examined the skull agree the cranial damage could not have been caused by anything but a high-speed projectile, purposely fired at the prehistoric victim, with intent to kill.

If such a weapon was indeed fired at the man, then one of two conclusions can be made: Either the specimen is not as old as it is claimed to be, and was shot by a European in recent centuries, or the remains are as old as claimed, and the marksman was ancient too. In view of the fact that the Paleolithic skull was excavated from a depth of 60 feet, mostly of lead rock, the second conclusion is more plausible. But who possessed gunpowder 38,000 years ago? Certainly not Stone Age man himself. Another race must have existed, one far more advanced and civilized, yet contemporary. The question is, where did that rifle-toting marksman call home?


A very unique time-capsule of images is housed in a warehouse in Ica, Peru. Here are some 20,000 stone boulders, tablets, and baseball-sized rocks, decorated with an astounding assortment of pictures, in many cases very much out of time and place. The owner is local physician, amateur archeologist and geologist Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea.

Most material employed is a gray andesite, an extremely hard granitic semi-crystalline matrix, that is very difficult to carve. But as Dr. Cabrera observed, People have been finding these engraved stones in the region for years. They were first seen and recorded by Jesuit missionary Father Simon, who accompanied Pizarro in 1525. Samples were shipped to Spain in 1562.

The stone portraits show very sophisticated surgery skills and medical knowledge, in some cases as advanced, and even more advanced, than today. There are scenes of Caesarean sections, blood transfusions, the use of acupuncture needles as an anesthetic (which only gained use in the West since the late 1970s), delicate operations on the lungs and kidneys, and removal of cancerous tumors. There are likewise detailed images of open heart and open brain surgery, as well as 20 stones showing a step-by-step heart transplant procedure.

This is a disturbing revelation in itself, that someone in unknown antiquity achieved a level of sophistication rivaling our own. But there are other pictures even more out-of-place. As Dr. Cabrera noted, and as has been verified by other medical physicians, there are stone etchings which show a brain transplant. The prehistoric surgeons, it is evident, possessed knowledge several steps beyond modern-day surgery.


For the past three decades miners at the Wonderstone Silver Mine near Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal, South Africa, have been extracting out of deep rock several strange metallic spheroids. So far at least 200 have been found. In 1979, several were closely examined by J.R. McIver, professor of geology at the University of Witwaterstand in Johannesburg, and geologist professor Andries Bisschoff of Potsshefstroom University.

The metallic spheroids look like flattened globes, averaging 1 to 4 inches in diameter, and their exteriors usually are colored steel blue with a reddish reflection, and embedded in the metal are tiny flecks of white fibers. They are made of a nickel-steel alloy which does not occur naturally, and is of a composition that rules them out, being of meteoric origin. Some have only a thin shell about a quarter of an inch thick, and when broken open are found filled with a strange spongy material that disintegrated into dust on contact with the air.

What makes all this very remarkable is that the spheroids were mined out of a layer of pyrophyllite rock, dated both geologically and by the various radio-isotope dating techniques as being at least 2.8 to 3 billion years old.

Adding mystery to mystery, Roelf Marx, curator of the South African Klerksdorp Museum, has discovered that the spheroid he has on exhibit slowly rotates on its axis by its own power, while locked in its display case and free of outside vibrations. There may thus be an energy extant within these spheroids still operating after three eons of time
Pay Special Attention to #4.
Now why would someone need to know where the positions of stars were in the past, or future?...unless they were Time~Travelers???
Time: That's an intriguing question. Someone suggested that the high priests back then calculated the movements of the celestial bodies and used that knowledge to frighten the people in order maintain control over them. They would make some sort of pronouncement just before an eclipse happened or a comet was due to appear and would "predict" the event. Of course, they knew it would happen and they knew that the people would think the priests had magical powers.
Yes, I am familiar with that one as well, but more intriging is where did they come up with the concept of Gears in B.C.? let alone what applications might have resulted later.

We know so much, yet so little about the true history of humanity, for many things that did not fit the ego's of those who discovered such oddities as listed above, to those who reported it, were swept under the rug for fear & riddicule that it would not fit the human ego's of mainstream society, and those in control over it, or what was allowed to be reported in our history books.

Soon, those who are in control over what is to be corrected to the recorded history, thus far, will inevitably have no choice but to "Re-Write" Our History to reflect what many of us have gathered together to prove to the rest of the world, about the truth of our discoveries of human origins, once they can no longer be denied.

I Bid You All Happy Hunting!
Yes, the device containing gears could have been an artifact of time travel. Also, the artifacts on the ship were ancient but maybe those artifacts were just cargo on a ship that was built at a much later time and the geared device belonged to a crewman.
If you are in the least bit serious about what you said Jerod, and you would really like to fund any of our research projects, may I suggest that you discuss this in private with our TAP-TEN Research Foundation?

our temp. website is located at:]
while construction is underway with our new website at:]

Be sure to explore all of the unmarked bars on the left at our temp. site, as not all of them work, with the exception of the ones that do. (you can reach us there.)

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 22 September 2000).>
Hey Jerod,
Why don't you send me an e-mail, ifin it's another hand your looking for, i'll be more than happy to come along, i'm doing nothing but wandering around the states right now, so I could use the change.

This has always been one of my favorite mysteries, and has been covered on all manner of documentaries and other sites. Here’s a few other resources:

Unfortunately, the door has never been fully examined, although it is widely held that it represents a potential gateway to the realm of the gods.

Locals avoid the region after nightfall due to a high number of mysterious sightings. Locals’ reluctance to discuss extraordinary incidents makes it hard to tell what is fact and what is fabrication. The big picture of what’s going on in this area is still within our grasp, though.

Tall, fair-skinned men have been seen by witnesses. The blue and orange orbs of light that accompany these entities are distinctive. Unknown beings enter this portal and disappear. Where did they come from, and who are they? The natives are sure that this passage will take them to the realm of the old gods. It is through this entrance that the gods occasionally visit their realm on Earth. This is followed by their mysterious disappearance back into their own dimension.