Standards? License? Background check?

Since I have never met any actual time travelers, I am unsure of how valid your assessment is. However, for beginning testing to ensure that it is safe, yeah... they would use a moron because the smart people are too valuable to risk. But after that, once deemed safe, then I believe they would have restrictions on who would go and it would most likely be those who follow orders.
Similar to sending a chimp into space before they did astronauts? I know a few people who would probably qualify for that

Since I have never met any actual time travelers, I am unsure of how valid your assessment is. However, for beginning testing to ensure that it is safe, yeah...
There is a telling of an HDR user, (hyper dimensional resonator) time machine that used his HRD but did not calculate for Earth's procession.He almost materialized in the vacuum of space but a type of alien had been there to encapsulate him into their ship.Was relaied to me, I'm not at liberty to tell you more other than what I have here.

I hear the British used to ship their unwanted off to Australia. I'm sure our government, in an effort to save a buck, will begin deporting all prisoners, unwanteds, and welfare recipients to the past or off world entirely.....
They did the same thing to America also. Georgia was originally suppose to be penal colony.I would not put it past them to do it. What better way to get them out of the way then to put them as far away as possible. I'm surprised they haven't tried to turn the moon into a penal colony.


I hear the British used to ship their unwanted off to Australia. I'm sure our government, in an effort to save a buck, will begin deporting all prisoners, unwanteds, and welfare recipients to the past or off world entirely.....
With the new influenza viruses the way they are, binding to the herpes virus, which is naturally carried by the human body, in no way would I move those detainees to Australia.With the sub-generations of the h1n1 investing in an estimated 80 to 90 percent of the U.S. population, ( a rarefied hyperfine virus, with little or no symptoms now known of), the re-combination concoction of oriental and post h1n1 generations of flu, could create a type of influenza that would be unstoppable.In no way, shape or form, would I move those people to Australia, "except maybe to kill the population of Australia entirely off"?

And which criminals should we send to the already idillic part of the world? More rapists? More Murderers? I know! We should hide the worst weapons there too...

We should all know that gathering criminals together and taking away their rights just doesn't work i.e. the prison system
