Spreading Disease via Time Travel

It's going rapidly. I am allergic to almost all except 2. Literally 2.
There is hope on the horizon.

And as you read this, you start to see why so many doctors encourage parents to let their kids "go play and get dirty." It is well known that children who grow up on farms have a lot stronger immune systems just because they were exposed to more things that their immune system could "learn" to combat.


Guess the FiRST thing to do, is travel to the future and steal the Emergency Medical Holographic program ( more commonly known as "The Doctor" ) ,the medical equipment, and medications off of the USS Voyager, and install it all into your time machine before going anywhere else.


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I already told you everything necessary - spreading or getting diseases through time travel can't happen, if you are cautious, and if you know what are you doing, and considering the advancements in the future medicine. I don't intend to loose more time on this topic. I am out of it. Wish you good conversation and see you in other topics.

I already told you everything necessary - spreading or getting diseases through time travel can't happen, if you are cautious, and if you know what are you doing, and considering the advancements in the future medicine. I don't intend to loose more time on this topic. I am out of it. Wish you good conversation and see you in other topics.
Eh, have to disagree, wouldn't claim that "can't happen" applies in the case of diseases. Doesn't matter how cautious you are, accidents do happen. Even with advancements in future medicine at your disposal, if you pass out , or fall down and break a bone or for whatever reason are picked up by the natives and brought to the medical people and facilities of the time, you might not get the chance to use any medicine at all.
Bleeding people was a medical practice at one time, so if you are incapacitated and bled by the physicians of whatever time period, you potentially could transmit or get a disease, despite your precautions.

Since we're discussing hypothetically here, what about a time traveler that chooses to take a disease back to a specific civilization on purpose ?

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Since we're discussing hypothetically here, what about a time traveler that chooses to take a disease back to a specific civilization on purpose ?
Good question. Here's another question, what if some of the historical diseases already recorded, will be purposely caused by time-traveller(s) in the future?

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