Something to think about


Quantum Scribe
JT: “I believe it was a few days ago I saw a news story about potential problems with power that “might” affect the entire United States. Where do you think they’ll turn it off first when push comes to shove?”

My reply: The “country.”

JT: “By that time, it was pretty clear that we were not going back to what we had and the division between the “cities” and the “country” was well defined.“

My reply: I wonder what caused the division between the “cities” and the “country.” Politics? Maybe. A fight over resources? Well what would cause that?
Still plugging the yellowstone theory?

Well just so you know, and I do want you to know this. There will be signs. geological disturbances always have signs. yellowstone, not being underwater and a national park that is studied tremendously, would have obvious signals. Although I am not saying yellowstone is not a catastrophe in the making (because it is), I am saying that there would be Signs before the doom. changes in ground temperature, tremors, changes in the patterns of geyser eruption, increases in pressure, changes in ground height, all of these are being monitored constantly.

Yellowstone will explode, it will be, Again, the most tremendous supervolcano ever. however, There will be signs ahead of time and I have not hear of any of these as of yet. Can you point to any?
This is an article from last year about yellowstone, has nice pics :

- geologists have admitted that the Yellowstone Super-Volcano is 20,000 years past due for a major eruption.

- Rock deformation has already occurred that dwarfs that of Mt. St. Helens in 1980

- a bulge that rises 100 feet from the lake floor, stretches the length of seven football fields, and has the potential to explode at any time

- Super explosions, about 1,000 times more material erupted than Mt. St. Helens in 1980, happen about every 600,000 years at Yellowstone,' Wicks says. 'And it's been about 620,000 years since the last super explosive eruption there

- south of Norris basin is a bulge in the earth about 28 miles across and 7 miles deep that has pushed the ground up more than 5 inches since 1996

- the ground in Central Oregon has "mysteriously" bulged upward a full four (4) inches,

It's gets pretty conspiratorial and I think, they allude to HAARP being a some sort of scalar weapon to trigger the eruption??!
Titor asked, "Do you think the Government is telling you the truth?"

He also said "The Captain of the ship knows where the lifeboats are"

I think The government(Captain of the ship) is hidin something- Something BIG, according to Titor.
I think The government(Captain of the ship) is hidin something- Something BIG, according to Titor.
Not uncommon at all. You do know of security classifications, right? Confidential....Secret....Top Secret. So yes, it is no secret that many governments have BIG secrets. Care to expound on what you think some of those secrets are so we can talk specifics (which Titor did not do).

I'll even start the process: I think the governments of the world (not JUST the US) has quite a bit of information on UFOs and extraterrestrials that they are not divulging. Sooner or later we are going to have to learn about it.

There, that's mine. Now let's hear your thoughts on the BIG secrets.
Ren said> What if the big secret is, we are all apart of someone elses dream, and when that person wakes up we all Disappear!

Creedo replies, That would make that person God?
Titor Wrote:

"I also think that our soul may be a combination of all the collective thoughts and actions of the infinite "yous". If that is true, it becomes very difficult to define death until all worldlines come to an end."

I know very well this is one thing you hate about Titor Rainman. It is contradictory to your idea of "souls". But thats one theory I love very much about life and death. If I m dead in one point, I'm also born in another point as the same ME. ME, ME, ME....
I interpreted the following to say that the volcano erupts this month:

"A Soldier's Winter

The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter
world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still
His child."

But I read this recently:

"if a volcano that size erupts it will have the "nuclear winter" effect (the sun blocked by the ash/dust) and life could eventually die from the cold / lack of food... But does anyone know the immediate damage? Would the area under yellowstone simply cave in, or would it seriously tear a hole through part of the country?"

Now I got a bit confused about the "ash of winter" I think your date- April 19 is more appropriate.
The damage caused by a supervolcano would be only slightly different than a regular volcano except on a much more massive scale. You would have an area 20-100 miles in diameter where the eruption would take place, it would start small and then explode. Once super heated magma touches the gas in our atmopshere it sets of a chain reaction like opening a soda bottle you have dropped on the floor. Leaving behind a half mile deep crater in its wake, hundred of thousands of tons of superheated gas would escape into the atmosphere, along with Ash, pumice, various other particles. in a super volcano the actual Magma does not spread far from the source, meaning nobody but the yellowstoners will be melting. However the gas cloud would kill Millions, through suffocation. Other than that, Ash is just a menace, and the long term effects of Ash in the upper stratosphere would create a short term nuclear winter lasting months to years. Once it hits the Jet stream it would engulf the planet within a couple of weeks.

so the two lethal parts of this cocktail are the up to 1000 mile in diameter superheated gas cloud that pours over the earth and suffocates all life. And the short term nuclear winter which would have a much more global effect.

Would anybody like to venture a guess or prediction on the Date of this? I still do not think it will happen in our lifetimes, probably within the next 10,000 years or so.
Check out this site for recent earthquake activities across the Earth:

Take a look at the VOLCANOES:

May be the Yellowstone could cause a minor devastation now and a major devastation 10000 years later /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif I dont know: Never underestimate the NATURE.
I remembered the name of the gas cloud. They call it Pyroclastic (sp?). This is the reason everyone in Pompeii was basically frozen still when they were slowly covered by ash that turned into Concrete. They died the second the gas cloud hit, couldn't breathe, asphyxiated.

I also think that our soul may be a combination of all the collective thoughts and actions of the infinite "yous". If that is true, it becomes very difficult to define death until all worldlines come to an end

That Titorism simply shows more evidence that he was pulling a lot of his information from pop-sci books.

We already know that he's a Frank Tipler fan. That bit in the Titor quote paraphrasesTipler's thoughts in "The Physics of Immortality" (the Omega Point Theory). Unfortunately for Tipler, the cosmological evidence indicates that the universe is open, not closed - which is required (at a minimum) for his Omega Point Theory. Tipler's theory requires a Big Crunch at the other end of the Big Bang (closed universe topology).
That Titorism simply shows more evidence that he was pulling a lot of his information from pop-sci books.

I agree Darby. He could have even pulled out the Armageddon concept from Nostradamus.

From one angle I see it, it looks like a hoax.

From another angle, it looks Real.

One thing I am sure is, There will be no Titorism after 2005 if its a hoax. So, smile Darby. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
But coming back to his facts and laws about time travel, there is no statement of his which could be flawed. I searched very well to find some mistake, but I couldn't.

If he was a hoax, then he must have prepared for this plot for years! But why?
He could have prepared the idea and then researched it at the time of posting.

That is why I think the chat logs from John Titor would be much more real than an Email he could research and respond to. Does anyone have his Logs available or know where they are online?
He could have prepared the idea and then researched it at the time of posting.

He is a SUPER Human then /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif