Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??
Who cares about people being 'evil this and evil that'...
Being a billionaire is just the same as being poor. Invisible money is all digital now. Those who controls the digits, controls the world around them in a specific setting.
Does being a billionaire gives you "special powers"? NO.. a billionaire is a human who can just die easily as you do. Options were on the table given to the billionaire, as it was given to the poor who specialize in thievery.
The 'Struggle for Power' in the markets is nothing but a one way theater ticket. Its all nothing but a 'show'. Considering that struggle as a rare form of entertainment. What other types of entertainment can they come up with????
"Whooopssss.. I just lost 800 mil on the market, darn it! Oh well, Ill just 'earn' that back by click clacking on the keyboard"...
A conspiracy is......
That money is created out of nothing, which is now digital. They make bank accounts out of thin air, 'claim' it to be real....
Meanwhile paper-money are just for show, fooling the public once again.
Those who are in 'real power' knows this to be true. They go ahead build these black ops projects with no care and no worries about funding. When the projects are completed, they go out and show it to the world as entertainment. "hey thats a UFO!"... They have to make it into entertainment to hide their real objection.