So aren't you crazies worried about Planet X????

Nibiru and Jupiter=New Sun?

Oh my (Almighty) God!,

Nibiru is passing Jupiter!

A Brown Drawf!


We will have 2 SUNS!!!

Like the movie 2010!!!

Or Project Lucifer of NASA?!!!

I don't think so...

It's just C2C...

People tell "crazy stories" for entertainment.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Nibiru and Jupiter=New Sun?

I don't think so...

It's just C2C...

People tell "crazy stories" for entertainment....

Correct. It makes for good ratings on C2C but its a farce.

If there's a brown dwarf anywhere in the solar system - even if it was so dim that it couldn't be seen except with a telescope - it would still be very easily detectable.

Brown dwarf stars have masses somewhere between 20 to 50 the mass of Jupiter. That huge mass (which is basically 20-50 times greater than the combined mass of all of the planets) would seriously permutate the orbits of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter in a way that would be instantly detected by any amateur astronomer with a decent telescope.

Even "invisible" Pluto, whose mass is 1/500th the mass of Earth, was detected by its permutation of the orbit of Neptune which has a mass 17 times greater than Earth's.

There's no possible "govmit conspiracy" that could hide the information. Anyone can check the data for themselves.
Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??


you're not that dangerous... as of yet.


People telling crazy stories for entertainment, aye I agree, but sometimes these crazy stories are true, aren't they?

Hackensack N.J. is indeed a strange town. Anyone seen these black birds yet?
Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??

"Doc Brown",

Hackensack... Not Really... Just from the N.J. Turnpike and Satellite Imaging... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I've been to Secaucus... Home of the "evil CNBC" and Jim Kramer - Evil Zionist "Financial News" Host...

Who only months ago... Was praising the wisdom and career of James Cayne...

If anyone listens to the "Type A Nutball Lying Lunatic"... You must be crazy... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But the black birds? no...

Sparrows. Yes.

Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??

Who cares about people being 'evil this and evil that'...

Being a billionaire is just the same as being poor. Invisible money is all digital now. Those who controls the digits, controls the world around them in a specific setting.

Does being a billionaire gives you "special powers"? NO.. a billionaire is a human who can just die easily as you do. Options were on the table given to the billionaire, as it was given to the poor who specialize in thievery.

The 'Struggle for Power' in the markets is nothing but a one way theater ticket. Its all nothing but a 'show'. Considering that struggle as a rare form of entertainment. What other types of entertainment can they come up with????

"Whooopssss.. I just lost 800 mil on the market, darn it! Oh well, Ill just 'earn' that back by click clacking on the keyboard"...

A conspiracy is......

That money is created out of nothing, which is now digital. They make bank accounts out of thin air, 'claim' it to be real....

Meanwhile paper-money are just for show, fooling the public once again.


Those who are in 'real power' knows this to be true. They go ahead build these black ops projects with no care and no worries about funding. When the projects are completed, they go out and show it to the world as entertainment. "hey thats a UFO!"... They have to make it into entertainment to hide their real objection.
Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??

Time Professor "Doc Brown",

Having a bad day?

Joining an "evil cabal"?

You don't care about "evil people"?...

That's sad my friend.

Do you think "evil people" just say "mean things behind your back..."


Well... Me and my associates.. on the "Committee of the Shadow Government"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Spend our lives finding "evil people" and making them atone for the behavior...

And sadly to we have to report.

We have just added "The Time Professor" to our investigation list.

You are at the bottom of the list. You don't seem "that evil..."

But we don't like your "attitude..." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You should be on the lookout for "evil" and do something about it.

That's America.

Re: So aren\'t you crazies worried about Planet X??


Of course 'evil' people do unspeakable things. Adding me to your 'list' to be investigated will only get you a few surprises in the end.

Of course, I had stopped 'evil' people before. Its just a matter of time before 'evilness' try to rule the clock.

When a person speaks the truth, others call him 'evil' or 'liar', isnt that 'evil?'