I'd have to say I'm sorta with you on this Bo. Without delving into the religious implications of these matters, I'd have to ask somewhat the same question you do. In other words, "Why would I want to do that".
But then, who am I? Certainly part of who I am is indeed the chemical makeup of my body, my brain, and the thoughts produced within that brain. Is there an etherial "me" beyond all of that? Maybe, is my answer. But even if there is, that etherial "me" would be apart from and not defined by, the physical me. so...
Does this etherial energy that constitutes a "me" exist as a single entity outside of my physical self? Unknown. It would seem logical that perhaps not, since the physical "me" is what constitutes the unique "me". If this etherial "me" exists as an individual entity outside the physical "me", what holds this energy together that defines this "me"?
The religious person will say God. Ok. I won't argue religion here, and maybe this person would be correct.
But still, as you say, why would I want to "go around" again as a physical "me"? Wouldn't my etherial self prefer that state to this one?
If I have an etherial state, my guess is that it would.