SERIOUS time travel question


Chrono Cadet
Someone please explain this.

Let's say I am from the year 2035. I travel back in time to the year 2000, before the elections.

For the sake of this argument, I dont know if TTI was online, but let's say yes.

I come here, I post. I tell you that Bush will win, and about the Florida "hanging chads." I go on to tell you about 9/11. Not in great detail, but enough to blow you away when it happens. I tell you smaller yet just as enticing news stories, like Scott Peterson, certain popular movies, janet jackson at the superbowl.....things of this nature. Hurrican Katrina, the tsunami.....

I leave, and go back to 2035.

Let's say I was born in 2002.

By 2006, news of me on your forum has become famous. All of my postings actually came to pass. Of course, a trace was put on my IP, a search for me was underway-and it's hard to accuse me of being a terriorist in the know about 9/11, because I also knew of things that in no way could I have been involved with. So it was shown, not physically, but anedotally thru my postings, that either I truly am a time traveler, or have some remarkable psychic ablities.

John Titor pales in comparison to my posts, and this forum becomes famous. It is debated, argued, gets off the net into "real" culture-everyone is talking about the "posts from the future" and people from all over set out to either find me and prove my exsistance, or to accuse you all of doctoring posts to make it look like from the future.

In any event, some believe, some don't, but I am famous as a result, as is your forum-and this also invites people from all over to try and "write the future". But it seems to become accepted that I mustve been from the future to know in such great detail events to come.

After I post, I leave immediatly to go back to 2035-so, I am never found. What remains is only the location I posted from. Lets say I used a proxy so the actual computer could not be found-or it was a laptop, I was on wifi and I simply took it back with me.

Now, I am back in 2035, and I am 33 years old. BUT......wouldn't this mean, that I grew up knowing about this story? That in my time, 2035, I saw the consequences, knew of a person that went back in time, that I grew up learning and knowing about this. How could I then not know it was me that did it? Would I grow up to have my parents tell me that it was me? How could we all sit around, and I listen to my parents discuss this story at dinner-yet they had no idea it was me, either?

Would I show up for work as an adult one day for the govt and be told "Okay, you are going back into time to become this poster on that site, it was you?" How would they know it was me?

What if I decided NOT to do it, exerting free will? Logic would dictate then that they either a) found someone else, or b) it would create a "butterfly effect" type of reality where it was erased from the collective memory, because it didn't happen.

My head spins from all the contradictions........
My head spins from all the contradictions........

And so it should.

All these contradictions and paradoxes are mind blowing.

Most time travel enthusiasts weakly dismiss them by copping to a "multiverse" theory that entails multiple worldlines.

If you say there are infinite worldlines where infinite combinations of events occur, then anything is possible.
Most time travel enthusiasts weakly dismiss them by copping to a "multiverse" theory that entails multiple worldlines.

The Zeshua story, however, does not do this, and that is one of the reasons why I continue to find it so fascinating. She goes to extreme lengths to be very careful not to make the sort of changes that would aversely affect her present.

- Peter
To answer your question which also was answered by JT. There was not a Time Traveling Person in his Parallel Universe as stated by him.

So, the posts have not been altered, and there were other forums and chats that also where the guy posted.

It is your future though, so again, perhaps all men should stick his head in the toilet!

That I guess means, can anyone do anything about it except what they were doing already if it heads that way?

Decisions are made everyday by all people.

That JT stated what also made this parallel universe different than his. That he was here, while in his parallel universe, there was not another time traveling person that told other people that future.
My answer to your question Risata206 is. No one will listen to you because back then time travel is still in its early stages of just coming out of the movies the first time travel forum of any real substance was 1997, before john arrived on the scene. I will say to you 11.

Risata i have a question for you, what if i went back and tryed to tell everyone about the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that took the life of about 100000 people, do you think anyone would listen or care about that loss of life that was about to happen?

See you last year =)` jk.
Hi Risata:

Yo, u deserve a serious answer.
Do you remember what happened at the which later became the Paranormalnetwork, and even later Paranormalis? How I was invited to the forum, but later the debunkers took over and how they constantly tried to get me kicked off the forum and later closed the forum down?

Eventhough I made prediction after prediction... The pattern was always the same, first they would say I was crazy and that my pred was impossible, then when it happened that it was "obvious" and that I got all my predictions from CNN.

So there you have it. If this were the 1500's they would claim you are witch consorting with demons and must be burned at the stake. Now they say you are crazy and when it happens that it was obvious and that you did not predict anything.

For example, you go back to 2000 and predict 911 in 2001. The debunkers say
1) Time travel is impossible therefore you are a terrorist and Osama of al qaeda told you his plan.
2) The terrorists tried to knock down the towers in 93 so it is "obvious" they would try again and succeed. Predicting the Twin Towers falling is like predicting snow in the North Pole.
3) You and forum members should be arrested for aiding and abetting criminals.
4) The photo of ground zero was created using photoshop.
5) The video of the jet hitting the towers was created using CGI and splicing bits of movies like "Independance Day"
Check this out dance music web site has time travel competition.
With thousands of dance music listeners tuned and involved with this web site its quite exciting to see. I know it not much to most of u but for me i do enjoy seeing things like this. Also i like ot have the post made here for personal reference in 30 years time.

Winners Of The Time Travel Competition Announced!

Hey John how are you?
Well Hi HDRKid, and to Blair (11 11)

Good to see you guys. Yes I remember HDRkid. The forum (TPN) is back up, by the way.

I suppose you are right in that no one would believe, which is why the need for proof is an important component in being believed. That is why I posed the question the way I did: Assuming that your predictions had been believed and there was no way that anyone could possibly think that you are stating an obvious-and you did go down in history as being a time traveler, if you decided in your life to NOT go back and become that famous TT-well, something like that.
I am of the belief up till date that TIME travel into the past will forever be confined to the Realms of Science Fiction.But to the Future,-Pieco O' cake!
Please look here at threads "I am from 2036" -- the postings (edit maybe slightly) and "Time Travel Paradoxes" -- the postings from the time back.

Original here:
Wayback Machine (archive - but not all of the posts - about the first 5 pages and maybe last page)

Topics Limited to 11 Pages?

Do not ask now what page it is on, probably somewhere around page 120 or somewhere there.
>>>>Old information now about where threads are at, may not work anymore for the links!<<<<<
Now you know about as much as anyone else knows about it including several key physicists!
Original pictures shown but cleaned up by Titor:

First 5 pages of the Art Bell BBS Forum -- Post to Post in the Archive, but only the first 5 pages -- and the last page -- because the Art Bell BBS Forum ended in May of 2001, and the crawler did not archive the entire thread, and could not because like other websites that go down or change names, it was gone, and the web crawler program does not archive everything anyway.
Now for the "I am from 2036" thread at that time, and as it was back in 2001:

Page 73 (now page 112 or so) or so of the original forum: (Time travel discussion)
The original thread "Time Travel Paradoxes" here but only the first post: (thread corrupted and another thread about that, but find it yourselves!!!!!

page 69 or so (now page hundred freakin' six or so read page107) of the original forum:
The thread "Topic Limited to 11 Pages?" original thread:

page 31 or 32 ( now page 33) or so at Anomalies:
The original thread "I am from 2040" --- (Titor Nemesis!)(if links do not work do the work!);f=9;t=000032

>>>>>> <<<<<<
Threads moved around, and websites changed over the years!