September 2024

President McCain does stay healthy, he has no reason not to.

VP Palin came to be known in that election as the "Gamechanger".

L. Grummond

Game Changer description was on Sept. 5th

When were your safehouses established? I'm actually surprised they were set up for as early as 2008. Will you not go back before they were established?

You said NASA is defunct. What happened to it? Is there another space program?

What is our education system like in 2024? Do your kids go to public or private school and why did you make that choice?


Here a simple question John Titor
time machine uses a Gravity Distortion
Time Displacement Unity. So the
question is this does your time
machine distort gravity to work to
move up and down the time stream.

Thanks /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

use our third mission for a clear view of the election of 2008

I am confused /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

If you lived through this election, along I assume, with a large proportion of the team you work with, (presumably with some interest in political matters given your position and route to it) what is it that you missed first time around that obscures clarity in 2024?

Thanks, M_T

Once again, I believe you are still missing my point. I believe that you are still under the assumption that ITI is involves in some sort of "Space Race"-type technology where (in your own words) "competitors" are attempting to develop their own technology faster so that they can use it against us somehow. Unfortunately you are incorrect. Other nations who are in development of their own technology are not doing so because they are "competitors" or "enemies", it is simply because they are either not directly involved in ITI, or because they are pursuing a different type of time travel technology.

Even after I explained the status of DARPA in 2024 (multiple times), you continue to believe I am wrong for some reason in regards to what we do. Take is from me - I am the Co-Director - I knwo what I am talking about. Once again: No, DARPA is NOT limited to military technologies. I can only attribute your misunderstanding of the organization to a lack of knowledge regarding DARPA's history. I'm sure if you actually do some research into DARPA, you will find that it has changed names a number of times from ARPA to DARPA and vice-versa (1958, 1972, 1993, 1996) representing it's involvement and non-exclusive-involvement in military technologies. As I have already explained in a previous post: currently (2024) DARPA is NOT exclusively involved in military-only technologies, however keeps the (D)ARPA name.

Once again, ITI's time travel project is NOT a Top Secret project such as the Manhattan Project was. We do release successes and new discoveries and the first two travelers are "known" just as Lance Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were when they returned from the moon.

L. Grummond

You can count me as a hoax now, yesterday, tomorrow if you'd like.

Train wreck in LA? I do not recall a major trainwreck, but it may simply not have been a major event in history. I would be happy to answer your questions, but generalizations such as celebrities passing would not help my cause. I wouldn't remember the exact date someone passed anyway, but if I were to generalize it by saying "_______ dies sometime in the next 10 years" etc., that is so broad and I would rather answer questions directly rather than cause confusion.

L. Grummond

My first issue is with your final comment regarding "attention". I will say outright that that is a sexist remark. I believe that this forum is a place for those interested in a certain topic to join together and discuss it and that those type of remarks regarding females are not appreciated here.

I am sorry that I cannot give you the "bombshell" (as you put it) on Palin you desire, but it simply does not exist. As I said, all I recall as far as controversy surrounding Palin had to do with personal issues. There never was a "bombshell" and the fact that I can't give you something that does not exist should be no reason to doubt me. I am sure you can agree with that. You mentioned an investigation against her and me not being able to come up with an answer; the fact is no one has actually asked me about that investigation (feel free to backtrack through the posts to verify). For you to say: "For example, she can't seem to put her finger on what the result of the investigation into Palin's actions in Alaska turned up. Of course, she will rely on the "even you cannot remember details", which is a ruse." and try to use it against me, when, in fact, I have never been asked about it is ridiculous!

Regarding Directors and Field Work in DARPA, first you must keep in mind that DARPA is not running the show here. ITI is the actual organization leading the project. Additionally, I have already explained in previous posts that I self-nominated myself to become a traveler.

L. Grummond

As someone with Top Secret, SCI and SAP security clearance (what some might refer to as "Above Top Secret"), I am sure that I am aware of the inner workings of the DoD, DARPA and ITI as well as my limitations within my own non-disclosure agreement. Not that "Confidential" clearance is anything to laugh at, but as you know it is the simplest clearance to get and generally takes only a few weeks to obtain along with renewal needed every 15 years.

The simple mention of any type of "Can neither confirm or deny"-type policy simply goes back to my previous reply to you. Once again, ITI and it's time travel project is not anywhere close to what the Manhattan Project or any type of "weapons race".

Although I do appreciate these type of postings as they can only assist me in proving my statements as true, any further discussion about this is pointless in that I have already stated multiple times that this is not the case. I do not understand why two members of this forum insist on making it something it is not.

L. Grummond

It is good to know the exact date the term "Gamechanger" was used, however my statement was that she became widely known as "Gamechanger" because her becoming the VP nominee is thought to have won the election for McCain. Although she may have been called the term a few times during the election (as it seems), it was not until later that it became a sort of nickname for her (i.e. "The Gipper").

The safehouses were established in the mid 1980s. Although we can travel further back than that, we are still working on procedures for travelers who do not have safhouse access.

NASA as it was known is defunct yes, but you are correct in assuming there is another space program. NASA does still do some satellite work, etc., however after the fallout from the US pulling out of the ISS project, the governments of the US, Japan and Canada joined together to form the International Space Coalition.

The education system is more or less the same. We can choose which schools our children attend (with guidelines and restrictions, of course). My children attend a charter school because they can focus on a certain subject.

L. Grummond

I see, but surely this information could be gathered with a simple internet search, news sites/bloggs etc also books/diaries etc (assuming you still have paper in 2024) even talking to people who lived through 2008 (while it may not be something that you remember with much clarity I am sure there are people in 2024 who would remember the 2008 elections like they were yesterday, an example of this kind of recall today would be all the various war vets on the history and military t.v. channels).

There is stacks of material available now on events of 1992 giving a diverse range of opinion, surely the same applies to 2008 in 2024.
I suppose my question is why is 'your' view needed over and above that which would already be available or is there something more specific you are looking at?

Thanks, M_T
That's sad to hear our education system hasn't improved in 16 years. It has been an issue not only with the federal elections, but very heavy in many state and local issues too. The federal funding has been cut back so far on education that many schools, both primary and secondary, are hurting financially. I work for a state college that is celebrating(I use that term loosely) it's 100th year and they are going to be in the red this year because our governor froze tuition increases, and cut back our federal funding by 5%. None of the local school districts around us have been able to pass a levy for over 5 years because the economy is so bad and the jobs are all gone.

Not only that, but the issue has arizen that our K-12 schools were instituted to create factory workers, not people with technical abilities, and there is a great need to completely reform how and what we teach. None of this has been changed in 16 years?

I really am interested in the specifics of the education issue.

The school I work for was just given a million dollar grant to study the effects of wind enegy/wind turbines on waterfowl in the Great Lakes region. Any idea what the findings will be on that? It should be a fairly big issue since we are focusing on alternative forms of energy at this point in our time. I'm sure it will have a big impact on where tubines can be placed.


Great question! As I mentioned in a previous post, In 2024 there is a heated election that is in a near dead-heat. Rather than looking back and reading about a similar situation, we are taking this opportunity to witness everything first-hand. No doubt, some (most) of us involved in ITI lived through the 2008 election, but this does give us an opportunity to see the ins and outs, small details that have perhaps become forgotten, and how they actually effect the outcome.

L. Grummond

Don't get me wrong, there have been changes, but a majority of the system is still the same. There have been multiple efforts to change the course structure because of the focus on "teaching for the tests", but that hasn't gone to far. There is now a national standard aptitude test for all grade levels which is great and something that was definitely necessary, however there has not been a large increase in education funding itself.

I am sorry that I cannot provide details on the project you specified as that is somethign I am not familiar with.

L. Grummond
Hello Lyndzee_Grummond ...what about the Apollo XIX crew interview...

on TTI

That also didn`t happend in your TimeWorld...

My first issue is with your final comment regarding "attention". I will say outright that that is a sexist remark. I believe that this forum is a place for those interested in a certain topic to join together and discuss it and that those type of remarks regarding females are not appreciated here.

That is too bad you feel this way. But I am not concerned. You are doing this to get attention, even if someone were to believe you are real, you act as you do to draw attention to yourself. No one should be concerned about speaking the truth, as I have.

Additionally, I have already explained in previous posts that I self-nominated myself to become a traveler.

And that the Secretary of Defense (your boss even if you claim as a "co-director" you have no one above you in DARPA) did not nix your self-nomination is all we need to know you are a fraud....either as actually being a co-director, or worse.

As someone with Top Secret, SCI and SAP security clearance (what some might refer to as "Above Top Secret"),

Again you have given data that tells me you are full of it.

Not that "Confidential" clearance is anything to laugh at, but as you know it is the simplest clearance to get and generally takes only a few weeks to obtain along with renewal needed every 15 years.

It does not appear for a "co-director" of DARPA who takes on field assignments that your attentiveness is where it needs to be. Did you actually read what I wrote? It does not seem you were careful if you did. Moreover, do you not realize why I explicity said above Confidential? It has to do with the fact that my real name is available here... and if you really are who you claim to be, you should also know why I used that term.


You seem to make quite a lot of assumptions. I never said there was no one to "nix" my nomination. The fact that I am Co-Director and self-nominate myself does not automatically mean that I become a traveler. If you had actually read the previous posts you would know that I said I had to compete with a handful of other agents in order to be able to become the traveler for the third mission.

I will ignore your comment regarding women and will not acknowledge them further as you have already stated that you are apparently not concerned for anyone but yourself.

L. Grummond
Is there any reason to go on with this thread?

I have enough to do trying to understand this program:

Home Planet, yes an appropriate name.

Next will be the next episode of the new sci-fi series: Penal Colony:Planet Earth - tune in at its regurally scheduled time.

What college degrees then would you have, there L. Grummond?

If not wanting to answer that question, just a general response of some of what may be required to fulfill the requirements of such a program perhaps?

J. Titor had a history degree, and an assoiciation with his Grandpa-pa so he stated. I do not know, as with anything, many questions can be asked, but who knows when the answer is really being given.

One thing though about star programs and where this Home Planet - Penal Colony:Planet Earth is at in the Heavens.

You may look at the stars but never ever get there, thus penal colony, nor off of this Planet.

Please indulge me. You mention that apparently "Again (I) have given data that tells (you) I am full of it." What information would that be? I am amused that you can so easily accuse me of something but fail to elaborate.

Being that Confidential is the bottom-of-the-barrel clearance, pretty much ANYTHING woudl be above that, no?

L. Grummond