September 2024

Even id McCain won the election, it still doesn't prove she is a real time traveler. I mean we all have a 50/50 chance on this prediction. The fact that this story has more holes than a the moon. It doesn't matter about the election.
All Gore had the popular vote but Bush still won the election. Obama may have the popular vote but McCain can still win the election. Which reminds me I need to go vote today (Early.)
Obama may have the popular vote but McCain can still win the election.

Correct. It's even technically possible for a candidate to have just over 25% of the popular vote and still win the election.

In fact, it's technically and legally possible for a candidate to have zero popular votes and win the election.

And, a nominee can become President even though no general election is held at all. The holding of a popular election for President is neither a right nor is it required.
Poor Lyndzee...

The handwriting is pretty much on the wall and almost dried that she is a failure as a time traveler, and even worse: a failure as a time travel hoaxer.

I'll take any bets from anyone that we don't see her come back now!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'd even be happy to have her come back and call me childish again!

Obama is the man. I do not mean this to be negative toward Obama but my thoughts are since the feds took over some control of the banks and Obama won the election and he is less friendly toward the rich and toward capitalism. That leads me to wonder just how much of a socialist government America will become now. It seems the country is leaning heavily toward that direction. Germany has public college and many countries have public health care. My bet is America will soon follow in that direction.
So Obama won both as the popular vote as the Electoral College too i predicted it and i am not even a time traveler,i am a normal person just like anyone here,so what's next?.

Well My next prediction is that there will more be attempts to kill this man,why?,Because there is just too much racism and segregacionism in the U.S.,yes he won,but only because the American people did not want to have another Bush-like gouvernment,just consider that Bush popularity is the worst since Nixon Watergate scandal,and also all of his economic actions were taken by the people of the U.S.A. not only as a big failure "bailout package" but as a bad measure against the pocket of many americans,Anyhow i wish him the best trhoughout his whole presidency,that is humble my opinion in this matter,what do you all think? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well My next prediction is that there will more be attempts to kill this man,why?

Please, let's not go down that road here, OK. I didn't vote for him but he will be my country's President in a few months.
Yup I agree Ray-- Lyn is pretty much out in fruitcake land now..

Man, all that correcting and talking down to people, just to see her leave well early of her exit date.

How would that stack up as a mission profile? Unsuccessful? or should we using a more colorful adjective?
Yes, RainmanTime, but Lyndzee's story is very strange, I mean if we think about Titor's one, we can easily see that the man behind it was trying to sell a pro-freedom, pro-individual rights, anti-government message. But what was the message behind Lyndzee' story?

And more, why to take the effort to make such a tale (she wrote 179 posts!) and risk your credibility telling the exact result of events like presidential elections? She could had done what the vast majority of fake time travellers do: be vague and make Nostradamus-like statements.

And she appeared to be an intelligent woman, why don't she come here back and tell us why did she do that? Is she shy? I don't think so.
But what was the message behind Lyndzee' story?

Simple: "Look at me! Pay attention to me!"

And more, why to take the effort to make such a tale (she wrote 179 posts!) and risk your credibility telling the exact result of events like presidential elections?

There are hoaxers all over the internet who risk their credibility just because they want attention. The area of "UFO true believers" is rife with people who propagate bogus stories just to keep attention focused on them. When presented with data and facts that discount their stories they either ignore it or they get personal with the person presenting the facts.

As for Lyndzee's presidential prediction: She had a 50/50 chance of being right. That is more than good enough odds for a person who wants attention to take. Had she been right there is no doubt some people (here or elsewhere) would have the opinion "gee, she was right...and she MUST be real because the polls were pointing to Obama." She took a calculated risk, and lost. No mystery there. Happens all the time, all over the internet. And the losers do what she did: disappear.

Please note that Timeline_39 took the hoax one step deeper. He not only predicted Obama but he offered an "excuse" (voter fraud by Republicans) just in case Obama did not win. He covered both bases. So he likely will stay around, because there are likely some number of people who will think he is credible just because he said Obama would win (even tho his story had an "out" if Obama lost).

And more, why to take the effort to make such a tale (she wrote 179 posts!) and risk your credibility telling the exact result of events like presidential elections? She could had done what the vast majority of fake time travellers do: be vague and make Nostradamus-like statements.

And she appeared to be an intelligent woman, why don't she come here back and tell us why did she do that? Is she shy? I don't think so.


We really don't know if Lyndzee, as author, was a "she". All we have is the author's assertion that the character, Lyndzee, was female.

The author had no credibility at stake. S/he was anonymous and, I suspect, a puppet for another poster. There's a better than even chance that Lyndzee's author is still here.

Why write the story as s/he did? Why not? Other than a different political bent the story was the same as virtually every other TT saga that we see. Yes, somewhat better written than most but overall the story was as creatively bland as the rest.

Lyndzee showed very little original creativity or imagination regarding the time travel portion of the story. Same pop-sci physics mistakes, same pop-sci time travel "physics", same "we created time travel, the most scientifically and technically difficult process ever imagined, just so we could come here and argue with you on a time travel BBS forum. Oh, yeah...we're also here just to unobtrusively observe" silliness.

BTW: Why take the political position that s/he did? Maybe to see if the regular skeptics would change their positions simply based on the political beliefs of the character in the story. You know, cut the author some slack, not ask hard questions, support the story for political reasons rather than scientific reasons. Maybe set a trap for the puppet-master to use against the regular skeptics.

Yep, I considered that possibility shortly after his/her first post. But I consider that possibility with every OETWO TT saga. Lyndzee woudn't have been the first such situation and won't be the last.

Anyway, s/he took an earlier leave than I originally believed would be the case. I expected his/her last post to be on or about Hallowe'en. I asked her about a paradox created by her own story that she couldn't explain away and *poof* - no response and no more Lyndzee.


I asked her about a paradox created by her own story that she couldn't explain away and *poof* - no response and no more Lyndzee.

Yep. Obviously, s/he has returned to re-integrate with VALIS via a brief trip thru the Omega Point!
Always watching... (howzitgoin' "Lyndzee"? *waves* Who you planning to manifest as in your next cyber incarnation?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Why are all these self alleged timetravelers given so much attention? They are imitators, why else would they be trying to prove themselves as so? Attention.
Darby, in response to:

<font color="red">We really don't know if Lyndzee, as an "author" was a she.[/COLOR]

The same suspicion arose in my mind when she/he made a statement that went something like, "I am a woman and women make emotional decisions."

Is this what a woman would actually admit to? It's like a government admitting to lying now and then.
Hi PB,

Darby, in response to:

We really don't know if Lyndzee, as an "author" was a she.

The same suspicion arose in my mind when she/he made a statement that went something like, "I am a woman and women make emotional decisions."

Is this what a woman would actually admit to? It's like a government admitting to lying now and then.

I agree. Given her attitude towards people questioning her claims, I would think she should have been quoting Helen Reddy:

I am woman, hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore

Another case closed on TTI. I still have not read a claim that I can say 100% sure legit time traveler.

Well the technology real time travel most likely would require the resources of a very large organization or government. It would require an enormous amount of energy. And I can,t see just one person being trusted enough to travel alone with complete control of the machine. And, coming here to brag or tell others about the future. I don,t think that would happen.
McCain is STILL not POTUS!

Hey Darby,

I had to resurrect this thread, because things just might be looking up for good ole Lyndzee...

DARPA Director asked to step down

<font color="red"> "Darpa’s longest-serving director, (Tony) Tether had expected to stay in place until replaced, but last week was asked by the Obama administration to leave by Feb. 20, before a successor has been named.

Potential replacements include Lisa Porter, a former NASA associate administrator who now heads the Central Intelligence Agency’s Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency, and Pete Worden, director of NASA Ames Research Center." [/COLOR]

Well there you go... even a possibility for "co-director" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (he laughs because of his still unexploded time bomb in this thread, directed right at Lyndzee).

So the "conclusion" one would come to here is that Lyndzee=Lisa Porter. Only problem with that is: I know Lisa Porter. I have met and worked with Lisa Porter. And Lyndzee (*waves* RMT knows "she" is still here), you are NO Lisa Porter!
