And more, why to take the effort to make such a tale (she wrote 179 posts!) and risk your credibility telling the exact result of events like presidential elections? She could had done what the vast majority of fake time travellers do: be vague and make Nostradamus-like statements.
And she appeared to be an intelligent woman, why don't she come here back and tell us why did she do that? Is she shy? I don't think so.
We really don't know if Lyndzee, as author, was a "she". All we have is the author's assertion that the character, Lyndzee, was female.
The author had no credibility at stake. S/he was anonymous and, I suspect, a puppet for another poster. There's a better than even chance that Lyndzee's author is still here.
Why write the story as s/he did? Why not? Other than a different political bent the story was the same as virtually every other TT saga that we see. Yes, somewhat better written than most but overall the story was as creatively bland as the rest.
Lyndzee showed very little original creativity or imagination regarding the time travel portion of the story. Same pop-sci physics mistakes, same pop-sci time travel "physics", same "we created time travel, the most scientifically and technically difficult process ever imagined, just so we could come here and argue with you on a time travel BBS forum. Oh, yeah...we're also here just to unobtrusively observe" silliness.
BTW: Why take the political position that s/he did? Maybe to see if the regular skeptics would change their positions simply based on the political beliefs of the character in the story. You know, cut the author some slack, not ask hard questions, support the story for political reasons rather than scientific reasons. Maybe set a trap for the puppet-master to use against the regular skeptics.
Yep, I considered that possibility shortly after his/her first post. But I consider that possibility with
every OETWO TT saga. Lyndzee woudn't have been the first such situation and won't be the last.
Anyway, s/he took an earlier leave than I originally believed would be the case. I expected his/her last post to be on or about Hallowe'en. I asked her about a paradox created by her own story that she couldn't explain away and *poof* - no response and no more Lyndzee.