September 2024

Hi lyndzee it's me once again I just wanted to tell you you arrived here does that effect our earth itself or time stream from where you come from also when someone time travels from their timeline to another doesn't it splits in other branches of time or spacetime? I was just pondering this question it is very interesting from another person from the future also if aliens and ufos are around in our timeline then something major is coming and I believe they are screwing up our own history too even though they exist from the future if time is an illusion then is everything an illusion or is it very real indeed? also when you time travel do you go through a wormhole, portal, or through a blackhole and what does it look like in general and in private? well I will talk with you later on see ya later and thanks for everything I hope you have a great day and thanks for talking with me!
Here's a random question for you, Lyndzee.

Please name 3 popular books that you can remember off the top of your head. (That have not been written yet in our present.)

If not, please state the name of 3 popular television shows, or 1 movie, that you can think of. (If you can answer all of the above, that would be great. You only need to give the title of them, but if you'd love to describe them in more detail, that would be wonderful.)

I know it's an odd question and nothing of particular interest to time travel, politics, or your undisclosed "mission," however, I'd appreciate it if you'd humor me.

Thanks a bunch!
Being that you failed to give a proper response to my question, I can only assume that you are referring to why I did not refer to myself as a "Virginian"?

No - not that at all. Actually it's something a bit more basic - something that a non-American would probably not notice at all and something that a non-American might mistakenly "state" in a post while claiming to be a Virginian. But a Virginian would know better.
I see absolutely nothing coming from this-

So as usual my attention quickly fades.

Maybe our esteemed Time Traveler should have considered the audience.

I like a little flavor ----sadly, this is all very bland.
I see absolutely nothing coming from this-

So as usual my attention quickly fades.

Maybe our esteemed Time Traveler should have considered the audience.

I like a little flavor ----sadly, this is all very bland.

Technically, depending who you are, they're all bland.

Did I give a big enough hint?

I'm pretty sure that you "got" it.

It seems that you are suggesting I am not an American citizen for whatever reason, however I can assure you that I am. I was born in Denver, Colorado and have spent the last four years in Arlington. Perhaps you are making a big deal out of nothing at all. If you are referring to the word "State" then I still do not see what the problem is. If you are referring to the fact that in 2008 Virginia, along with a few other states, referred to themselves as "commonwealths", then I should inform you that in 2020, Puerto Rico became the 51st state in the union and has since been the only state to refer to itself as a "commonwealth".

Either way, I do not see the problem.

L. Grummond
Lyndzee Grummond
Hi Lyndzee it's Adam once again I just wanted to say are you going to answer my questions up above ^? thanks for your time and patience and listening too and thanks for everything I hope you have a great day and thanks for the advice and information well got to leave now I will talk with you later on see ya later!
If you are referring to the fact that in 2008 Virginia, along with a few other states, referred to themselves as "commonwealths", then I should inform you that in 2020, Puerto Rico became the 51st state in the union and has since been the only state to refer to itself as a "commonwealth".

Ah, you finally caught on. But you're wrong in stating that the Commonwealths suddenly started calling themselves so just recently or that Virginia, specifically, suddenly calls itself a commonwealth. It is now and always has been The Commonwealth of Virginia...never the State of Virginia. There is no such animal as The State of Virginia.

Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kenyucky and Massachusetts have always been commonwealths and the name of those
"states" have been "The Commonwealth of..." since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Hi Lindsey,

Hope you don't mind if I ask a question...

So what or who is in Fresno that is important to your "mission"? Or you just visiting relatives on the DOD dime?

Also, I can reveal that the technology we are currently using is a joint effort of the United States, the EU and Japan.

This is my first travel and because of my position within the DoD I have been able to set my own limitations.

I am one of two "Co-Directors" of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under the Department of Defense.

Let me see if I have this straight. This technology belongs to three entieies - USA, Japan and EU. There are two Co-Directors of DARPA. DARPA controls the technology. You, a Co-Director, are allowed to be a field agent and set your own mission parameters. You have no over sight on mission parameters from the two participating entities or your fellow co-director. You don't answer to the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics or the Director of Defense Research & Engineering (your chain-of-command as Director of DARPA) before setting a mission profile that exposes both the technology and Director of DARPA to potentially compromising intelligence operations.


I am sorry you misread my response, however I never said that states "suddenly" began calling themselves commonwealths. I said that at that time they were still referring to themselves as commonwealths. Also, your facts aren't completely accurate as the Declaration of Independence was not signed by states or commonwealths, but by the Founding Fathers. Additionally, the Declaration of Independence had nothing to do with whether the states were to be referred to as "states", "colonies" or "comonwealths". Either way, once again, I still do not understand why this is an issue as I have already explained.

L. Grummond

Yes, there are physical effects of time travel. Generally there is a period of time, (so far ranging from a few hours to a day or two) during which one might encounter shallow respiration, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and increases in heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.

I, myself, did not get to choose the time to which we traveled on this third mission on my own. It was decided by a group of high-ranking officials associated with the project here in the United States. The first travel was conducted in Brussels by the EU and the Japanese. The second was conducted here in the United States along with representatives from a handful of EU nations.

I am alone in my travels, however a place to stay is not a problem. In the very beginning of US research in time travel, the government setup a safe house within Arlington for potential future time travelers. This secure location is unknown to most government officials and can only be accessed by certain members of DARPA. The EU and Japan set up similar safe houses soon after.

As I have said before, there is no set timeline for my stay, however there is a limit of 60 days before I am required to return.

Three popular books would be:

The Lennox Trilogy (a series of three fantasy novels, the last of which was released around 2021 i believe)

A Light in Leicester Square (a mystery novel)

You and Your Makeup (a women's novel regarding how they face the world around them as women)

I don't watch too much television, however three shows are:

Cadence (about a teenage girl's life I believe)

3rd Rock (a remake of an old tv show that was on before 2008, but I'm not exactly sure when)

Seeing Red (a thriller/action show about someone who was supposedly framed for murder)


Jobs For The Boys (a comedy)

L. Grummond

No, the technology only belongs to two entities: The US and the EU. Japan is only involved regarding research. However, all three entities work together on each travel. I believe I mentioned this in a previous response, but the EU conducted the first mission and we (the US) have conducted the second and third. I do not "get" to be a field agent - I self-nominated myself for the third mission and had to go through some additional training along with a handful of others who were potential travelers on this third mission. I was lucky enough to be selected. Our objectives during initial missions are to observe and, beginning with the second mission, to interact. I wouldn't say that I "do not answer" to the Defense Secretary, I do report to him, however with this project in particular, I report directly to the President of the United States.

L. Grummond