Hi lyndzee it's me once again I just wanted to tell you you arrived here does that effect our earth itself or time stream from where you come from also when someone time travels from their timeline to another doesn't it splits in other branches of time or spacetime? I was just pondering this question it is very interesting from another person from the future also if aliens and ufos are around in our timeline then something major is coming and I believe they are screwing up our own history too even though they exist from the future if time is an illusion then is everything an illusion or is it very real indeed? also when you time travel do you go through a wormhole, portal, or through a blackhole and what does it look like in general and in private? well I will talk with you later on see ya later and thanks for everything I hope you have a great day and thanks for talking with me!
Hi lyndzee it's me once again I just wanted to tell you you arrived here does that effect our earth itself or time stream from where you come from also when someone time travels from their timeline to another doesn't it splits in other branches of time or spacetime? I was just pondering this question it is very interesting from another person from the future also if aliens and ufos are around in our timeline then something major is coming and I believe they are screwing up our own history too even though they exist from the future if time is an illusion then is everything an illusion or is it very real indeed? also when you time travel do you go through a wormhole, portal, or through a blackhole and what does it look like in general and in private? well I will talk with you later on see ya later and thanks for everything I hope you have a great day and thanks for talking with me!