Scammers Inc Busted (AGAIN!) By Reality Uncovered


There are two stories-

1. You want to believe.
2. They want you to believe.

People want you to believe in UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel, etc-
People DONT want you to believe in UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel, etc-

This is why its the perfect cover up for anyone. Hardcore evidence is taken and hidden if any found, Hardcore evidence is exposed, given if any found-

It's all about Mental warfare. Those who try to guide you on a 'path' of believing or non believing- to 'force' you to make the 'choices' in life.

So what choice do I have out of this.

1. I do believe
2. I do not believe

Alas! there is a hidden '3rd option' - I choose this one:

3. I choose to believe and NOT to believe in UFOs, Aliens, Time Travel, etc-

"Wow.. I feel free from all this brain bashing BS that goes on around here"

A thought appeared... "Maybe this is the grand illusion of all time? .. hmm"

Awww I chose PARADOX for a reason.
Well this should do well to help the goverment cover up. I would be interested in seeing you try to debunk the Nasa videos showing objects coming into, flying, and leaving the earths gravity. One object did a 90 degree turn. Where to you stand on these videos?

I've seen all those NASA videos ages ago.....and not a single one is inexplicable or mysterious.

The fact is, the space shuttles are followed in orbit by a whole cloud of debris emmited by the shuttle itself. Bits of heat tile, globules of fuel, drops of water ( or urine, which is often emmited ) bits of ice..and so on. There is nothing mysterious about all this.....its been going on since space flight began. Sometimes there are thousands of these particles.

That is basically ALL you are seeing in those videos.

As for these objects making 90 degree turns...nothing could be easier to explain. The shuttle has about 16 small thrusters for controlling roll and pitch. Sometimes tiny adjustments. But the result is that a blast of exhaust is emmited.......and that then impacts the cloud of ice or water particles and pushes the particles to one side. The reason why it APPEARS that some particles are unaffected by this is that in space one has no perspective of distance......and two paricles might appear close but one is 10 feet away and the other is 50 feet away. Given that the thruster jets only impact a small area....its not hard to see why only a small part of the cloud of particles is impacted.

Quite how these undistinguishable particles become alien space ships is beyond me. And even in the cases where there are pics or video of larger objects with some space it is impossible to say if an object is a 300 foot Vulcan high command supercrusier at half a mile......or simply a dropped 4 inch spanner at 30 feet.

Given the way sunlight reflects of items in space ( which are often rotating ) of course such everyday objects will appear strange. But to jump to the conclusion that these things are alien spacecraft......I see no evidence of that whatever.