<<Huh! all three,wicked dude,im an asshole,full of shit AND fucking nuts.Why *!£% your swearing,i do know what you are saying,and so does everyone else.>>
Because I at the very least try and make an effort to show that I have a little class and etiquette. What’s your excuse?
<<A jokes a joke man,that is why its called a fucking joke ya cunt.Also I did not invent that joke,someone else said it you bloody chinky tosspot.>>
I know you just insulted the TTA, but damn that sure sounded funny as hell

Reminded me of one of those BBC sitcoms.
<<Just givin you what you think in the first place,ya'll wanna diss me,i just have to give you a reason and off you fucking go with the dissing,that really sucks,you were obviously waiting for it,>>
Yeah, and like you wouldn’t have done the same

? Simply put, in your own words; “I like to argue.”
<<so what! i started small talk with some religous bimbo on the bloody forums,she could be a psycho bitch hillbilly in her late 60's with cobwebs on her genitals for all i know,LMAO,>>
Hey you can’t talk to my friend CAT like that, I know perfectly well she is not a 60 yr old psycho bitch. I know for a fact, that she happens to be a very nice young lady, who doesn’t need to take any crap from a bald tattoed freak who likes to stick his finger up his nose

<<i was just making chit chat and you know it,ive had conversations with girls in chat rooms,one time it turned out to be a bloke so i do know about all that shit. >>
You lost me. What the heck is bloke? Can anyone please refer me to an English to English translation site?
<<Cat thinks im egocentric,but man in this world everybody is egocentric,common tell me;how many times do you put others before yourself?>>
More times then I should.
<<i mean i dont have kids,maybe that would change things,but if i am definatly egocentric then nothing is gonna change that.>>
Please, think about this. Do you honestly want to bring an innocent life into this world, and you be it’s father?
<<Stay lightened up,and never,no matter how bad it gets on internet chat and forums,ever sink to the level of admins and mods who cringe at every swear word and insult,cant believe that shit,its just words,your not face to face with people,go with the flow man.>>
Sure, I’ll lighten up but damn that sure was a hideous looking picture dude. To be honest man, that’s something that just stays in people’s minds. I don’t care if I’m not an admin, but please man, do us all a favor and spare us from looking at another picture like that again.