Russia will change its name to Tartaria in about 2 years

Except that it's actually not considered a part of Europe, especially by Russians. Just go out and ask any Russian, It's a part of Asia.
That's just hearsay. "Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear."

And even if most Russians themselves didn't consider their country part of Europe, a lot of people in the world do. My dad and I for example consider Russia to be part of Europe, and my dad is of Russian descent, and that means so am I. I'm about one half Italian and one half Russian, but I don't consider myself Eurasian-American. I consider myself 100% Caucasian and European-American.

Note: I don't intend to argue here. But just note that what continent a country falls under can depend on perspective and point of view. And we can agree to disagree if you wish.

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Here's everything:

Russia will change its name to Tartaria in about 2 years​

Apparently, It's not only Russia. All of the continents of Asia is supposed to be renamed "Tartaria" according to him, and as a part of a gradual pace, the world slowly follows suit.

For example, he said that All of the places that were a part of the Americas (North, South, Central, Territories, 'American' countries, etc...) would be called collectively America, which is already kind of true. But that there would be no more 'United States of America'. None of that. People would just refer to it as America.

Oh, I have to edit this part in because he also told us that Ney York would be renamed to Old Amsterdam and that it was a sort of Iceland-Greenland style of Joke because people not in the know wouldn't 'get it'.

He said it happens sometime after Biden has a heart attack, and dies during his term, though he didn't say which term. Too many people were interrupting him on discordapp, and I couldn't ask.

And also said that almost directly after that the QFS (Quantum Financial System) gets established and then FIAT currency becomes completely pointless, EVERYWHERE. And that's when he mentioned Tartaria. So I assume it's shortly after.

If he's legit. I don't know. But he even seemed to have an answer for the mandella effect. And he talked about the dark side of the moon, and how it was just a rover, not a hut. I think he said it collapsed.

He also told me how (according to him) the pyramids were built and that there used to be an ocean next to Egypt, and the Nile. More than there is currently, anyway. More ocean. Oh yeah and he said that there are aquatic cities underwater, but there's no such thing as Atlantis.

It was an interesting talk, we had. There were like 10 of us on the call. And he also told us that we get alien contact by 2037.

The thing about The Mandella Effect was because apparently, we in Sol, (that's The Solar System) It's called Sol, are trapped in a bubble. And that bubble would also be akin to The Great Filter, which I asked about. I also asked about the Fermi Paradox when he said this, and this was his explanation and how it ties into The Mandella Effect.

He told me that because of the 'bubble' or 'filter' that Sol is trapped inside of we cannot ever physically escape the Solar System. And that's why we cannot see life, ANYWHERE - Besides Home/Earth.

He said we tried to once before, in *a possible* future (Note: he told me that the Multiverse exists and that it is NOT ONE SELF-CORRECTING TIMELINE, BUT IT/TIME WILL SELF CORRECT, like snapping itself back in place)

And how we did that was we traveled back so far into the past that the barrier or the bubble did not exist, and then we traveled to earth again, BECAUSE PHYSICS, and when you travel to a certain point in time, you're not just traveling to a certain point in time but there has to be a space/coordinates involved, so you're also traveling to where that thing will be at that certain point you traveled to expecting to find it there.

So it's like... I mean you know how is the Earth orbiting the sun works, right? Anyway, he said that after doing that and getting to safety, and restocking/resupplying, mind you this is on a VERY OLD Earth, and I'll get to that, that they would THEN attempt to traverse outside of the bubble, and... right now I really REALLY wish I could remember this part of his answer because a lot of people were rapid-firing questions, but I don't remember what he said about what happens when they get out, or if they do.

However, he said that this event causes The Mandella Effect, as it's almost the same as merging 2 universes, and when 2 universes fall in on each other, which he said can happen, it's exactly what causes it.

And it's a known effect throughout the cosmos. Not only here, and only in Sol, our solar system. He also said that you can do weird shit like when you time travel and you fuck up, you can wind up taking whole pieces of land with you because you're traversing a Multiverse right? So... world lines.

He also said John Titor was a fraud, but some of the ideas made sense, about multiversal travel. And he said he'd been all over the multiverse when I asked.

Oh and I guess the one thing I left out is what the machine looks like, he said it's shaped like a giant egg that you sit inside of and it closes around you. He told us it was about the size of two doors, french doors... I guess? and that it's just a seat with a cushion and it closes like a cockpit.

One of the last things that I can remember is that he said Time Travel has been sold to other countries, militaristically, and to corporations around the world since 1976.

The only other thing I can remember besides all of this is that he told me that, he was from the time of Pangea, so he said that there was ancient technology and that it was lost, like those underwater aquatic cities I mentioned.

I forgot this part (ALTHOUGH I AM REALLY NOT SURE, AT ALL, HOW!!) He said we would have a nuclear war, shortly after Bidens final moments in office, but that we'd recover from it. (I'm not making this up, how do you recover from atomic fire and brimstone???)

He did also say that he was on community service so he had to teach people about the things to come before they happen, so they'd be inspired to build the tech that leads to those things. And possibly even time travel.
It's currently 2024 and the Russia name change thing hasn't happened and doesn't show any signs of happening...

Somehow I had this "feeling" that the Kievan Rus (Ukraine), Muscoy (Moscow Russians) and Belarus would resist the Mongols aka Tartars renaming their countries.
It’s going to happen soon in future. Don’t forget while USA goes down Russia can surely use Nuclear weapons ( if needed )

Somehow I had this "feeling" that the Kievan Rus (Ukraine), Muscoy (Moscow Russians) and Belarus would resist the Mongols aka Tartars renaming their countries.
It’s going to happen soon in future. Don’t forget while USA goes down Russia can surely use Nuclear weapons ( if needed )
They're going to use nuclear weapons to do what? Resistance to changing their country's name goes something like this, "Nyet." End of story.

While it might be nice to support Ukraine in this war you have to face reality. Russia has 100 million more people than Ukraine. Yes, Russia is suffering huge losses as KIA and wounded. What we aren't being told is what are the Ukrainian losses. Fact is they are at least as bad and probably worse than Russian casualties. Neither country is a democracy. Both governments closely monitor and control the press and vigorously punish reporters who don't publish the propaganda. This includes at least one American reporter held by Ukraine; Gonzalo Lira died in their custody. He was arrested for publishing news that cast doubt on Ukraine's press releases.

Both Putin and Zelenskyy are wildly popular in their countries and they are both dictators. Zelenskyy holds general elections when he feels like it and refrains when he isn't in the mood (like now). Putin just sends thugs out to make sure the ballot goes his way. Their public supports them because they control the news while putting the fear of god into anyone who feels like objecting.

In short, the Crimean Tartars, now exiled to Uzbekistan, are in no position to dictate anything to anyone. They can't even dictate to themselves where they live.
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I wouldn’t take it too seriously, especially since there's no credible evidence to back it up. Time travel stories tend to be fun but aren't really reliable for predicting the future.