Re: Rhythm of Time: Telluric Currents
Yes, I do know you are sincere, and the kind thoughts are much appreciated. I started to get my appetite back on Sunday, and I was back on a "firm footing" by Monday morning...just in time to return to work! And I hope you have likewise shaken off that flu!
Glad you're feeling better, wife got food poisoning awhile ago, not any kind of fun at all. What helped her to get through her dose of poisoning was Peppermint Tea. She got over it much faster than some of her co-workers.
The Flu is hanging in there. However, looking at the bright side, having the Flu is also an excellent ( although involuntary ) diet program of sorts. Something I'm sure you experienced, nothing in the way of food has much of an appeal and ingesting any food has its consequences.
Understood. But just because someone believes this is a science fiction forum does not mean other people should be prevented from actually discussing science viz-a-viz the subject matter. And the part I have emboldened gets to the heart of the matter. Why should anyone "feel they made a mistake" just because another poster interjects with what the scientific method has to say on a particular topic? I cannot control how people feel about themselves, so I stopped trying long ago. But more importantly, I am not going to cease from spreading the good news of the scientific method just because someone may take it the wrong way. Fair enough?
I am not proclaiming that anyone should cease from spreading the good news of the scientific method, I could have just as easily highlighted " SCIENCE " ; Instead of "fiction". My point is that we either address the issues as presented, without including comments that are conducive to name calling or personal aspersions...nobody likes that at anytime, and has nothing to do with any points, or debate relative to a presentation of thoughts, concepts and/ or ideas.
Simply put, even though someone might believe any particular presentation to be sheer fantasy, doesn't provide the foundation to become a Snidely Whiplash.
We've been down this road before, so don't really want to pursue this any longer. I believe you know where I'm coming from relative to this issue, and I can't claim that I, myself, haven't been guilty of authoring Snidely Whiplash type replies and/ or commentaries. We all have the option of determining "how" we treat others, wherever that may be, and "should" treat others how we ourselves wish to be treated. And if we are in a role-model capacity, then it becomes a responsibility to become a quide and set an example.
It is understood that there are several members here that accomplish admirable deeds, including yourself, who get caught up in the rigorous patterns of the work day and merely wish to let off some steam and have a bit of fun here. Nothing wrong with that, but, not if another member is the "butt-end" of a not-so-nice joke, or comment. If "you" don't like it, chances are good, nobody else does either. One thing to use the Mirror Response Method, quite another to be the reflectOR, as opposed to the reflectEE.
Indeed, and the application of the scientific method has rules about such things. If someone does not properly define terms, then no scientific stock should be placed in such terms. They are fluff. And the worst thing once can do, *IF* one is interested in adhering to the scientific method, is to make assumptions about such a term and how it may relate to whatever scientific point the writer is making. We cannot and must not assume if we are going to get to the bottom of things from a scientific standpoint. This is why science is rigorous, and why proper application of it has seen us advance so far.
Can't fault anything pointed out here. However, it occurs to me that with anything, an idea or thought comes first. Somebody, somewhere has an experience or witnesses something, and forms a question relative to the experience or thought. Then the quest begins to satisfy that curiosity, scientific or no.
Jules Verne is a good example of this :
-Wikipedia quote -
Some of Verne's ideas about the not-yet-existing submarines which were laid out in this book turned out to be prophetic, such as the high speed and secret conduct of today's nuclear attack submarines.
In the day of Jules Verne, his ideas were in the realm of science
fiction , and "were" subject to criticism based on the knowledge of the scientific community at the time, but look what happened. In time, the ideas/thoughts of Jules Verne became reality. Alhought he did make mistakes, still, he first had the idea, and presented his ideas to the world.
While my book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is entirely a work of imagination, my conviction is that all I said in it will come to pass. " ~ Jules Verne
Not bad for a work of imagination, eh ?
You say "understandings", but I believe you were doing is something else. Namely, you were positing potential relationships of one thing (Telluric Currents) to another (undefined) thing, "Temporal Folds". And I must say that *IF* you are seeking to pursue a scientific investigation, then this is EXACTLY what the scientific method says you SHOULD refrain from. Namely, one should NOT posit a relationship between two phenomenon when there is zero scientific (veridical) evidence that a relationship even exists. Moreover, as discussed, one of the two terms is not even properly quantified, thus making the potential relationship even more tenuous.
This all began with shared experiences. That the tellers of the experiences DID encounter "somebody" extraordinary, or unusual. In discussing the experiences of these people, it was suggested to take a look at the Telluric Currents.
Temporal Fold was mentioned in a scientific paper regarding the dynamics of Telluric Currents and Earths Electrical Environment. However, the authors did not explain what they meant by including Temporal Fold in their paper.
As a guess, I believe all they are saying is that there may be one particluar flow ( thread ) of energy traveling at a specific rate of speed, folding into/onto another "thread" of energy that is traveling at a different rate, and has nothing to do with Time Traveling. However, that the interaction does not affect time somehow...I simply don't know without conducting experiments.
But, reckon I has to have the idear "first", ya know what I mean ?
Based on the other material presented in the paper, what occurs to me, is that we have a fluid movement of energies. These currents of energy are influenced by a complex set of interactions, and can be shaped into numerous "patterns".
Temporal variance, was also mentioned in the paper. Temporal Variance could be perceived to mean something other than what it does by some readers. I believe that when some readers see the word Temporal, that time travel is involved, which couldn't be further from the truth in the use of the term in context.
One thing that comes to mind, is the accounts of balls of light that "seem" to chase people in cars. I'm sure you've heard or read about these experiences. Mostly, these balls of light are attributed to aliens or secret government experiments. However, in studying the Telluric Currents, or the Geomag/Electrical Environment, I could easily deduce that due to a specific state of conditions, a short-circuit of sorts, takes place, and produces a ball of light ( charged particles ).
And the only reason why the ball of light "seems" to be chasing the car, is because the vehicle has properties inducive to the particular charge of the ball of energy to be attracted to the vehicle. In essence, it isn't "chasing" the car, but are simply charged particles, being attracted to another set of charged of particles, namely, the vehicle.
Since we all are, in essence, charged particles, I could imagine that under specific conditions, an imprint is bound-up within a stream of the Telluric Currents. And under the appropriate conditons, somebody might be able to visually see this imprint. They might call it a ghost. In some ways, they are correct, but the "ghost" they are seeing, isn't what they think it is.
Relative to time travel, that each moment has a frequency signature, and even though is far to complex for "us" to reproduce, doesn't mean that nature itself can't. That a fold of some type does indeed occur, and the frequency signatures of the past somehow co-mingle with the frequency signatures of the present --- no one can say with certainty that it is completely impossible.
Building a time machine, in the romantic sense, might be impossible. However, that nature herself isn't capable of containing/creating temporal anomalies, I would hesitate to claim that is 100 percent impossible.
At this time, all any of us can say, scientist or not, is that : "I Don't Know."
Just because we can't explain it ( yet ) ; In no way mean's that "something" isn't happening.
In this instance, if one person claims to have run across Warriors that ceased to exist 300 years ago, yeah, that would be subject to extreme doubt. However, when there are numerous experiences and from credible witnesses, something is going on.
My first thought after collecting as many of the accounts as I could, was that what these people are experiencing are either :
1) A group of people pulling a prank and dressing up to look like Warriors of the extinct Tribe.
2) A group of decendents of the original Tribe that escaped into the swamps to avoid being killed.
However, if it is a group of pranksters, then they must be handing down the prank to others through-out the years. Sort of like saying that a group of pranksters are behind the Bermuda Triangle events.
And, no one has yet come upon any remnants of any such groups living in the swamps.
All encounters are extremely brief, and during specific conditions. Through the links I provided, anyone that wants to see the Electrical Environment at play, can do so for themselves. Actually, when there are weather or climatic events, it is interesting to look at the Real Time Data Charts and compare those readings to the climatic events.
When the Norway Spiral took place...interesting to see the Real-Time Charts then...
The Law Enforcement Officer saw what appeared to be a Karankawa Warrior stand-up from within the brush, and immediately gave chase after having an arrow shot at him. However, the Warden could not find anyone, nor could he find any tracks( signs ) of someone who would have certainly left some sort of evidence of their presence.
That the region where this occured is subject to disturbances in the Geomag/electrical environment is a given. The physical make-up of the region is unique, and is conducive for anomalies to occur.
That they may be temporal disturbances, especially under the rules of science, however remote, is still within the realm of possibilities.
But I am sure you would agree that just because someone doesn't care does not mean our inputs should be squelched, right? It is a free and open discussion, and people should take from it what they wish, contribute what they wish, and ignore what they wish. By no means are we here to imply that you should never have flights of fancy, or never consider what may be, and most certainly one should NOT believe that just because we may point out such thoughts may not follow the scientific method that those thoughts were "mistakes".
Of course not, Nobody should have their input squelched. But, there are ways of doing just that via the composition ( tone ) of a response. It should be a free and open discussion, to a point, which was addressed above, and yeah, fair enough. There never was anything personal in my approach, was just making a point. No offense was intended at any time.