Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 2007

Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20


Very good post... You are very close

It is about a Universal Intelligence and Collective Conconsiousness...


Have you read the McMoneagle, Buchanan and other remote viewing books?...

Military remote reviewing is about impressions, thoughts, drawings, blind and double blind protocols....

Leonard 'Lyn' Buchanan ... Claims others in the program had various 'psychic' ablilities...

Such as

o Remote Influencing - Mind to Mind Control
o Astral Projection - Where they 'see' remote places...
o 'Regular Psychics' - I know things...

But the military protocol developed by Ingo Swann, SRI, CIA and NSA they DO NOT 'SEE' Anything...

As I understand it...

Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Currently two methods that we have are Astral Time Travel and Remote Viewing. Both methods can be used to extract valuable intel from a target in the future.

My predictions are not vague. In January of this year when gasoline was $1.87 / gallon when I live, I predicted that the price would soar above $3/gal by mid year and it did. In fact, the price went as high as $3.79 / gallon.

THe price of gasoline has since then dropped to $2.59 / gallon. Gas will break $4/gal before the end of the decade. The decline of the value of the dollar combined with the growing scarcity of oil will push it ever higher.

I also predicted last year (2006) that Hillary would be elected Nov 2008.
This prediction was made more than two years before the event took place.
It was made before she even announced that she was running.
My predictions have names and dates they are not vague.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

"My predictions are not vague. In January of this year when gasoline was $1.87 / gallon when I live, I predicted that the price would soar above $3/gal by mid year and it did. In fact, the price went as high as $3.79 / gallon."

"My predictions have names and dates they are not vague"

sounds pretty vague to me. now, if you wouldve predicted 3.79/gallon, i'd be a little more impressed. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

and as far as the hillary thing goes, youve got a 1 in 3 chance of being right, those are pretty good odds if you ask me.

so, in order to achieve credibility, you would need to do a far more in depth test. for instance, we give you a date, you do your deal, and then tell us EXCACTLY what will happen for that day, no generalities.

how does that sound?
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Hey wait a minute. I am on record at another forum saying Hillary would Run and win in 08 since 2003...Of course I am baseing the prediction off my political knowledge combined with the Titor postings.... Still I said it first. Do I get a prize? :D

I do believe that some people have TRUE psychic abilities....

But the Military RV project is about TAPPING INTO A STREAM OF CONCONCIOUSNESS...

Receiving thoughts and impressions....

I would agree with Ingo Swann's approach that is more about GOD and praying to GOD...

Asking him for the information... A Universal Conciousness.... GOD

I think you have to be deeply religious... And pray to the ALMIGHTY GOD...

Many people claim that they are REMOTE VIEWERS .. I SEE THINGS... Which is not true... According to the information published.

I think it is dangerous for people's civil liberties because supposedly their was program to teach local police departments to be "remote viewers"... Most likely the RAND CORPORATION.

But if everyone wants to be a "remote viewer"... It's a free country... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


You don't sound very religious..

The evidence of of GOD is everywhere... DNA... Physics... String Theory... The Universe...

Let me give you the Military 'Psychic' Test Questionaire... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

o What color is your aura?
o Have you had a near death experience?
o Have you had any paranormal experiences...
o Seeing Ghosts
o Seeing Deceased Relatives
o Seeing the Shadow People
o Do doors open and close in your house
o Do things suddenly fly around the house
o Are you Irish? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
o When you think things about people do they happen?
o Do you believe you been abducted by Aliens?
o Were they Greys?
o Do mechcanical things stop working when you are around?
o Do you believe you can ASTRAL PROJECT your conciousness?

I hear it's something like that.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Then you qualify for the 'Military' Program /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But speaking of the GOD part...

Have you seen the HISTORY CHANNEL episode about Remote Viewing...

I think features Ed Dames experiences...

Dames get selected or volunteers...

A Pentagon General says... "You don't want to join that program... You'll end up a freak... They all think they are Jesus..."

But what he really meant was they become "deeply religious"...

What does the PENTAGON have against "religious people"? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Why does Sean David Morton have "GOD IS LOVE" on his website...

Why does the POPE believe the same thing... He published an edict "GOD IS LOVE"

Is REMOTE VIEWING proof of GOD himself?...

I wonder /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


We are all untitled to our beliefs...

It a question of FAITH... Living the best life you can <despite the Illumanti /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif> and FREE WILL...

I am but just a humble 'Zen Buddist' monk /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Who believes in the 10 Commandants and the ALMIGHTY GOD... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

LIFE IS A GIFT /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would not take the word of anyting written in 'books'... Books are written by humans or demonically controlled entities /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Something to think about... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

TheCigMan - TCM /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Get it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Another direct hit for hdrkid. Last year 2006 I predicted that the dems would win both house and senate provoking hoots of laughter from debunkers. Then when it happened they claimed it was obvious.

Well, this year I told you that Gonzalez would resign. Guess what. Today he resigned.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

This post is OT - but is interesting to note: all the "rats" in this current Administration are jumping ship? Gen Peter Pace, Karl Rove, and now Gonzales is truly GONZO. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow is also leaving too, but I think that was more or less expected eventually, given his health has progressively deteriorated since earlier this summer. Liver Cancer really is a horrible way to die. Makes you wonder whose next??