Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 2007


Temporal Navigator
Remote viewing as a mean of time travel:

Why time travel it when you can remote view it the area in time?

Prediction from remote viewing from July 13, 2006 from the following site:

Check out the link for the full read.

This is what it said for the stock market.

Stock market crashes this fall.
Stock market will be at the bottom in 2008.
It will not recover short and medium term wise.

Sean David Morton also said the market will crash this fall.

This site is where I got the information from include write-ups from coast to coast am so you don’t have to stay late up at night or pay for stream link.

The month of April was pretty good for prediction it you want to add to what I have written.

This link has different interview and is condensed and summarized.

Does anyone else have predictions. This site is getting quite.
i have a prediction: the world will be fine, it will keep spinning, and noone alive will get to see earths final days...
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Designer, remote viewing is a scam. It is complete fiction. If you talk about it on a website that isn't fiction-based like this one, you'll get in trouble.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Tut,tut, Bogz. It is inappropriate for a Kabalist to sepak of a different way as a "fiction." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

I don't know what that means PB... What's a Kabalist?

/me runs away
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

I must say I was a little irritated when I posted that. You're response is so rational it is disarming.

Briefly, one of a variety of spellings for someone who hangs out at Rainman's forum, you know which one I'm talking about (Google has access to the member list). There is a strong element there of classic materialism--but maybe that's just Rainman.

A materialistic logically has to be opposed to remote viewing.Some of them have viewed events thousands of light years away.

My own position should be clear; it is that every consciousness, an entity, reflects the totality of all other consciousnesses. This relation transcends space and time.Some portion of our mind is everywhere in the universe.

This approach can accomodate classic materialism as a subset, because it doesn't accept the physical world as fundamentally real (the true reality). But materialism (Newtonian/Einstein)cannot accept this view which is closer to quantum mechanics.

But I don't like to be put in a position of having to either accept remote viewing or reject it.
Nothing is true and everything is true in some way.A believer in the Bible shouldn't knock something that is extraneous to the Bible. That is a kettle calling a pot black. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Designer, remote viewing is a scam. It is complete fiction. If you talk about it on a website that isn't fiction-based like this one, you'll get in trouble.

What are the internet police gonna get him for speaking his mind online? Are men in black gonna make him dissappeare if he mentions Remote Viewing O'riely blog?

Honestly bogz you come down to hard on good folks trying to enjoy what few years they have left.

You'll see.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

A materialistic logically has to be opposed to remote viewing.

I'm opposed to it because I was interested in it for a while, listened to prediction after prediction that never came true.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

What are the internet police gonna get him for speaking his mind online? Are men in black gonna make him dissappeare if he mentions Remote Viewing O'riely blog?

Honestly bogz you come down to hard on good folks trying to enjoy what few years they have left.

You'll see.

I don't know the internet police are, I was talking about board administrators that run non-fiction boards. Like me. I would delete the post (while wearing black)

tit orite you come down too hard on anyone who doesn't think titor was real.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

What forum do you run Bogz? ....I'll pop in so you can boot me off...unless you don't think people here are good enough for you site... God knows I have no problem pluging

I just mod there its not my baby is a yahoo group I talk about it often enough. JTUK?

So yea... I doubt anyone is impressed by you "Dont you post this crap at non fiction sites" bull...
I mean really dude ... REALLY!? Come on dude.... What you'd boot this guy off your sit big whoop...Im sure he could post about remote viewing at liberty post with out any problem from admin...other posters might hawk him but then again other posters would defend him JUST LIKE ANY OTHER FORUM...Why give this guy a hard time just because you had a bad experiance with RV?
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

What forum do you run Bogz? ....I'll pop in so you can boot me off...unless you don't think people here are good enough for you site... God knows I have no problem pluging

I just mod there its not my baby is a yahoo group I talk about it often enough. JTUK?

So yea... I doubt anyone is impressed by you "Dont you post this crap at non fiction sites" bull...
I mean really dude ... REALLY!? Come on dude.... What you'd boot this guy off your sit big whoop...Im sure he could post about remote viewing at liberty post with out any problem from admin...other posters might hawk him but then again other posters would defend him JUST LIKE ANY OTHER FORUM...Why give this guy a hard time just because you had a bad experiance with RV?

So now you are threatening to break the rules of my forum just because you don't agree with my opinion in this thread?

Sometimes people can get "too involved" in a topic and spend all their money on something like learning how to "remote view" instead of buying food and paying rent, or sometimes it's not money, sometimes it's worse. Sometimes people lose friends or family members who spend all their time trying to realize the promise remote viewing offered, or consumed with fear over the FALSE events predicted by remote viewers like the end of the world.

So in the off chance that someones has not read the footer of this website, I'm going to point out it's fiction, thank you very much. I'm not saying Designer doesn't know this. Not at all. I have no idea what Designer thinks of Remote Viewing. I won't think any less of him if he believes in it. But for a couple reasons, I don't want him to be sitting around depressed about the world ending because some remote viewer said so. I want everyone to be happy and having fun.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Remote Viewing works. I have learned it and used it.

The US government spent millions of your tax dollars perfecting this technique. Saying that RV don't work is like saying roach spray don't work because if it did why are there still cockroaches?

Like any technique you get better with practice, in other words, when you start out your accuracy is poor and you have trouble getting a fix on a target.

Debunkers make fun of any new technique and try to laugh at anything they do not understand, like small children that giggle at romance. One argument you hear over and over is that it's a scam to get money.

Well, at firedocs you can learn RV for free. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

a friend gave me a video on TRV I was quite supirsed at the basic blind tasks...A remote view once joined and posted at my JTUK group...Freaked out too.. He had his students blind task Titor When they got a hit he started looking around online to learn more about this..He left our group ..jerk deleted his posts too..Fortunitly he could not delete the posts where we quoted him so not all info is lost...One of the stranger things about this Titor phenomina...Blind task Titor and you'll get a hit...Then what do you do? Accept it or set out to prove its a hoax like our guy is a shame the Jack nicolson is right and that some people just can't handle the truth.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

The US government spent millions of your tax dollars perfecting this technique. Saying that RV don't work is like saying roach spray don't work because if it did why are there still cockroaches?

Then learn remote viewing, remote view some winning lottery numbers, and we'll see if it works, every time.

So remote view a specific event and post predictions and lets see if it works.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Remote viewing was used in the US government/military for a while with mixed results and with some good hits. Funding was pulled everyone left and now it is in the public’s hands. One thing I know is remote viewing in large groups in which you can confirm data yield better results. Remote view over time become less accurate due to a lack of grace and should stop their divinations since they are totally useless and thus mislead the public. The validity of the data is dependent on the performance of the user not the technique so yes-false data can come back and deceives the masses.

Don’t shoot the messenger all I wish to impart information weather you believe it or not. It is up to the individual to determine whether it is true for them or not and not the one.
If the prediction I found where unclear you can read the full link from my first posting.
Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

Mixed results means it didn't work. Anyone making an educated guess can come up with similar results without remote viewing. A group of people pooling their knowledge would make better guesses. It's just guessing.
Remote Viewing is a misnomer...

It doesn't involve "seeing" anything...

It is about WRITING down impressions and thoughts...

It is about INFORMATION...

Some people are "REMOTE VIEWING" when they write down their thoughts... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Remote viewing as a mean of time travel for 20

no offence, but i'd take an educated guess over a remote veiwers word any day.