Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -


Dimensional Traveler
Zeshua wrote:
<font color="red"> You won't believe what is going to happen to you next.
ashornsqueakadistresshegohitnewsevereonlineastainassinsosfuninzealiconicsavantfamestompsmyclonetie [/COLOR]

Very clever to use the white color... LOL

Ray wrote:

Au Contraire, mon frer! It is YOU who will not believe what is going to happen to YOU next! This thread is closed because it is in the wrong forum! You should know by now Zesh old pal, old buddy, that you should be posting your TT claims in the TT claims board. What is most amazing (and which continues to serve to debunk your silly claims) is that if you actually were posting from the future, you would have known by now that I would close this thread and tell you to "move it or lose it".


Recursion. Closed-loops. Orobouros.
Hey Zeshua&gt;
In this forum you may find all yours fiends and foes LOL...

By the way we already are <font color="red"> aware of the Octuber Fest[/COLOR] thanks to Drawings of The Mazacato Child back to 1982...
[image] [/image]

Original Thread and Link:

Time Capsule open in my school

Best Regards

Pooh-Bah wrote:

Quoted using white color LOL
- <font color="white"> 1). In February or March aliens will officially land on earth. The extraterrestrial will announce their arrival via TV. I see also that some people will hear the announcement of the landing of the extraterrestrial as a loud internal voice directly in their ears. The aliens are ethically far ahead of us. It is a godly intervention and no invasion. They come from the dimension and look like terrestrials. Many different races from different planets and stars will come. Leader of this mission is the Ascended Master Sananda, from the most he is well known under his incarnation as Jesus Christ.
2). When the landing of the extraterrestrial is announced chaos will occur and the prices will explode. A hyperinflation approaches.
3). In about spring there will be the first ascension-wave, like also mentioned in the Bible. In that case it will be the disappearance from earth. The next ascension wave will go hand in hand with the 3 days day and night darkness. No relocation in this case. The third ascension wave will be at the end of the NWO-dictatorship.
4). The explosion of the fire ring will be the starting signal for the everlasting cleaning. So unpleasantly earthquakes and volcano eruptions may be, in the concrete case this is necessary, meaningful and positive. That a new world originates the old world must come down and break. This is absolutely necessary and makes sense.
5). There will be 3 earthquakes as a wake up call for 2 major earthquakes. The major earthquakes are worldwide. The earth will tremble.The first will last 14 minutes, the second 8 minutes.
6). The eruption of the volcano Etna (Italy) will darken the sun and leads to an outbreak of winter with snowfall in a so called “summer-month” - in all probability at the end of April, May.
7). An earthquake in the Mediterranean Sea will cause a tsunami that hits 2 towns in Israel. One is Netanja. Jerusalem will not be affected.
. A pole-shift will happen which leads to an incline of the earth axis - millions of people will lose their living space in this very second.
9). Cause of the pole shift it will come to a change of the climate. Thus definitely higher temperatures will be in Europe than today.
10). A great area in Europe will be flooded. The north of Germany will go under in water masses of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.
11). Radical Djihad will commit a terrorist attack on the “temple-mountain” (in German it is called “Tempelberg” – I don’t know if the translation is correct.) under knowledge and assistance of the CIA.
12). The US-president will be assassinated.
13). Paris will burn. (Eiffeltower)
14) Above Rome an atomic bomb explodes. Not anybody can flee. Food and water will be contaminated in Europe.
15). Dirty rockets and bombs have been brought over the former Soviet Union also to Europe. One will also been directed against Russia.
16). Russia, California and New York are interested too much in the material, they can expect no mercy. The peace will emanate afterwards, however, from Russia.
17).The USA will withdraw from Europe. In fear and fright the USA will only concentrate upon the next moment and the happenings inland.
1. It will come to an atomic attack on North America. There are three objectives.
19). In the USA there will be serious tectonic changes so that you cannot drive by car from the eastcoast to the westcoast.
20). In fall you hardly will get gas or petrol.
21). Attach also attention to the happenings in Spain.
22). A very critical time will be Pope´s death.

In the near future we will face dramatic, drastic social and economic changes.

23). In spite of the catastrophic events we will not be restored technically into the Middle Ages. For instance handy-calls will still work.
24). There will be a 7 days regional war in Europe in about September. Then everyboy talks about peace and about 1 month later the 3. World War will be started by Russia and breaks out. The population will be surprised by the attack.The first occupied land will be Turkey but the conflict starts at the Balkan (Yugoslavia) The war will last 3 to 4 months. The 3. World War will be ended supernaturally - by the 3 days and night darkness. Russia will lose the war.
25). About 70% of mankind will die during war, flood and earthquakes.
26). The end of the war will be a 3-day day and night darkness. It is the starting signal for a new and nice time. Fear and fright are groundless. It is the birth of a new time. The birth of the Golden Age. During these 3 days you will sleep, like a hibernation. You will have no cellular consciousness, no dreams - absolutely nothing during these 3 days. After these 3 days you will wake and be born completely anew. So, as if nothing had been. Look forward to it!
27). After the 3 days day and night darkness the New World Order (NWO) will start. It will last 41 or 42 months. The polarity becomes more extreme. Ascended people will live door to door with members of the NWO-Regime. Many of the ascended people will be shocked when they realize that they still live in a world of polarity after their ascension. In about 2010 the earth will become uninhabitable for a while. Aliens will evacuate the ethically developed people. [/COLOR]

Link to GLP [/COLOR]

Best Regards
Da link...
<font color="blue"> Criswell wrote....

And now
Ladies and Gentlemen, we gaze into the strange world of the future. After all that is where You and I will spend the rest of our lives.....
- 1). In February or March aliens will officially land on earth. The extraterrestrial will announce their arrival via TV. I see also that some people will hear the announcement of the landing of the extraterrestrial as a loud internal voice directly in their ears. The aliens are ethically far ahead of us. It is a godly intervention and no invasion. They come from the dimension and look like terrestrials. Many different races from different planets and stars will come. Leader of this mission is the Ascended Master Sananda, from the most he is well known under his incarnation as Jesus Christ.
<font color="blue">
1. Awwwwwww, there is some Baptist somewhere who is gonna flip when he reads this. Besides, we both know, jesus wasn't an alien. He was, infact, Jerry Lee Lewis... he was "the blue eyed, blond haired son of god!"

2). When the landing of the extraterrestrial is announced chaos will occur and the prices will explode. A hyperinflation approaches.
<font color="blue">
2. Damn, they already land or what? have you not noticed. Are these "messages from the future" supposed to be announce 5 years ago?

3). In about spring there will be the first ascension-wave, like also mentioned in the Bible. In that case it will be the disappearance from earth. The next ascension wave will go hand in hand with the 3 days day and night darkness. No relocation in this case. The third ascension wave will be at the end of the NWO-dictatorship.
<font color="blue">
3. Ok so what your saying by ending the NWO- dictatorship is anyone included with the Illuminati, albeit Masons, Star of the White Knights, The Skull and Bones Society, and of course the Disney Corperation will all lose power? Wow, that's messed up considering that the Skull and Bones was the secret society of presidents George Bush Sr. and Jr. I mean are y--- sorry forgot, this is an open forum, and like all things can be monitored by our great folks at homeland security. And I for one would not buy into any of those odd conspiracie theorys.

4). The explosion of the fire ring will be the starting signal for the everlasting cleaning. So unpleasantly earthquakes and volcano eruptions may be, in the concrete case this is necessary, meaningful and positive. That a new world originates the old world must come down and break. This is absolutely necessary and makes sense.
<font color="blue">
4. Dude, you got that comment from the back of a porn dvd case, I'm sure of it.

5). There will be 3 earthquakes as a wake up call for 2 major earthquakes. The major earthquakes are worldwide. The earth will tremble.The first will last 14 minutes, the second 8 minutes.
<font color="blue">
5. Man again with a porn sypnoposis. Dirty bird.

is another predictive word jumble, obviously. Anyone can see that.

is another predictive word jumble, obviously. Anyone can see that.

Only correction I would make here is that the original "word jumbles" were NOT predictive. I believe it was well shown they were simply stating things that most folks knew as facts that were relevant in the world. One of them being "Mahmoud Amadinejad" and nothing else. How is that a prediction when he was president of Iran and rattling his sabre at the time of Zeshua's post?

Hence, they were not predictions...they were guesses at best, or tossing known facts into a jumble and hoping people would extrapolate, as you have.

It is my understanding that almost everything Zeshua has publicly predicted actually referred to events and developments that were supposed to occur in 2008 and 2009. Mostly 2008.

This is good, because it means that one way or another, the Zeshua question will be decisively answered soon.

Of course, unless I am mistaken, you have no independent substantiation of this assertion that her predictions all pointed to these two years. So I suppose it would only be correct to say that MY questions will soon be answered.

I don't suppose you'll be jumping up and down about that very much, but I am. It's been a long three years. If the [censored] doesn't very seriously hit the fan over the next 12 months, then I will finally be able to exhale.

- Peter
<font color="red"> am zeshua stop
need contact for yr 2025 stop
pse qtr qth stop
end [/COLOR]

Real Timetravelers are using

this forum

for a while to a one way comm link to the future....

see an example

So post there...

Best Regards
Fun with the Autobahn!!! :D :oops:
peter, zeshua is a hoax. i dunno who forgot to tell ya, but yeah...

anyways, something ive been wondering about you. do you check this thread everyday? why? are you zeshua? and why does your name sound so farmiliar? why are you so drawn to zeshua? she was not very impressive to me. sure, she went a lil further than the 2 weeks and your out, but, lets say swiss cheese has less holes than zeshuas game. :D

anyways, i wish zeshua the best. tis a smart cookie. but alas, cookies crumble under the awesome might of teh milk... :D

god im so bored... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
"Then how do you explain Zeshua's prediction of Wikileaks three months in advance?"

a. she really does have a time travelling connection.

b. she pulled a titor.

which is more plausible?

as far as thats concerned, i dont look at what she got right, i look at what she got wrong. time travelers SHOULD be right all the time. oh, and that faked picture was a doozy too. guess you forgot about that though.
Then how do you explain Zeshua's prediction of Wikileaks three months in advance? Don't try the "insider information" tact, because Wikileaks was one of the most closely guarded secrets in the web until it was publicly unveiled ... and it was created by Chinese government dissidents.

Now, now Peter... do I need to point out your overzealous interpretations again?

1) Please show us where Zeshua specifically predicted "Wikileaks".
2) For that matter, please show us specifically where Zeshua predicted what YOU have come to believe is the appropriate interpretation of that word jumble!

So in other words, it is easily explained in that YOU "solved" the word jumble (and you still have no confirmation that you got it correct) and then YOU "fit" that solution of yours to the Wikileaks idea. It's all you, and only about 0.1% Zeshua.

I don't know if you remember, Rainman, but Zeshua posted an image claiming it to be a page from this forum posted in 2007. 2007 has come and gone, and that portion as presented by Zeshua in a 2006(?) post has never appeared.
Poster: KerrTexas
Subject: Re: Relocated: -Greetings from 2025. -

I don't know if you remember, Rainman, but Zeshua posted an image claiming it to be a page from this forum posted in 2007. 2007 has come and gone, and that portion as presented by Zeshua in a 2006(?) post has never appeared.

Yup. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't know if you remember, Rainman, but Zeshua posted an image claiming it to be a page from this forum posted in 2007. 2007 has come and gone, and that portion as presented by Zeshua in a 2006(?) post has never appeared.

Anyone have a link to that?
Regarding Wikileaks:

Vying for Control of the Internet: Is Wikileaks Unstoppable?

The Legality


There’s an old joke among trial lawyers that there’s one crucial difference between a federal judge and God: God doesn’t think he’s a federal judge. It’s all in jest, of course, but such jokes are only funny because judges occasionally give us reason to laugh. On February 15, a California federal judge issued a series of injunctions that brought down, a site that describes itself as “an uncensorable Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis,” and which aims to reveal unethical behavior on the part of governments and corporations through anonymous disclosure of “smoking gun” documents.

end quoted

Continued here:
Link to GLP News

Best Regards :D
I looked and looked for it Florida...and haven't had any luck with locating it so far. There was a quite a few posts in that thread, it is as though the entire section has vanished.

This isn't the first thread that seems to have dissappeared, either. I was searching for another post made awhile back, and can't find that one either...posted in a different section under a different topic.

Maybe this is what is meant as having alternative memories ?

Maybe those of us who remember those particular posts are remembering something from a whole different timeline, eh ?
Zeshua's status in this forum has changed. Yesterday, and for a long time previous, it was always "newbie".

Now it is newbie2b.

Anyone see that designation here before?
Thanks for looking, and call me Jim. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Back when John Titor was here, I copied all the text from his "I am from 2036" thread on the old Art Bell Post-to-Post site and saved it as a file. I included it in my email to 1998. Quite awhile after the first alter vu struck, I looked over that file and found incredible changes from the way I remembered it. If that file hadn't been in my personal possession the entire time, I would have chalked the changes up to someone editing things online. That would have been the reasonable thing to think especially since that BBS went down shortly after Titor left. The lesson I learned is: don't be quick to dismiss the seemingly impossible just because it doesn't fit a rational point of view. It seems that we are wired to make things work within the limits of credibility, even when faced with unsurmountable proof the incredible is actually occurring.