Reinhardt / David L. Koster

You wish...

Latest interpretation of the entrails is that "7 ate 9" meant that the 7 ate the 9 in 789- and replaced it, making the 787 number.

Where there's a will...

There's apophenia.

Plus Reinhardt really does have some predictive skill.

Titor versus Reinhardt... That would be a battle for the ages. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Never mind time travel folks. Right now we are travelling back in time, beyond the dirty thirties, to a medieval era right here, right now, in the present. Check Gerard Celente on youtube... 'Worst economic collapse ever'...
Gerard Celente.

It's Gerald. And he is the guy that HDRKID steals all his "predictions" from. The large share of HDRKID's "predictions" match things Celente has been predicting in his newsletter for several years.

Except Hillary Clinton as President.... HDKID got that one wrong all on his own!

HDRKID is some days solely responsible for me being in a go in the woods and shoot clip after clip into banana trees kind of mood. Not so much for his own retarded self as for the misled lost souls who keep gulping down the Kool Aid. oO