Refugee's of the Art Bell forum, please read.

RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

NO, it just means that you should retract all your unfair accusations about me, and apologize

-Javier C.

P.S. What is your e-mail address? If you don't mind giving it out?
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

j t'accuse!! je pleure. ah mon dieu! mon dieu! je suis desolee!

dios mio!

why, pray tell, oh Javier the Anti-Time Travel warrior, would you want my email address?
now <u>that</u> is an important question, even you would agree?

edited: to fix my html tag
I suck
and to fix my french letters because other people suck! :P okay, just kidding.. nobody sucks.

<This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 26 June 2001).>
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

I don't think you got done editing it yet
, there still some weird letters all mixed and scrambled together.

Why I want your e-mail address, now that’s a good question.

Because you never know if I may want to e-mail you with a message or something. I don’t want to have to post here every time to get a message across to you.

But if you don’t want to give it out, that’s fine too. No pressure

-Javier C.
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

if you want to send me a message, go here:

nobody reads it but me..

edit: me, and any of the nosy jelly-headed bouncing wallys here who go look at it now. *evil grin*

<This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 26 June 2001).>

<This message has been edited by Dymenzionz (edited 30 June 2001).>
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

OK, I'm here. I've been busy with audio production lately so no time.

By the way, Shadow, I agree with what you said a few months ago about abstract thought being important.

Javier its too bad they keep banning you everywhere. Don't give up.

RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

Borgus my good friend, it’s been awhile, how are ya? I hope you managed to finish up your audio production without any problem or interference.

Can’t wait to hear it, let me know when your ready to send me a copy

-Javier C.

P.S. I started up my own BBS’s. But it’s not as popular as this one, so I’m thinking about what to do
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

Javier, well I'm still working on it. I've started recording Act One this week. Won't be totally done until late August.

It doesn't have any time travel in it, but I think the title will be "Message From the Past." At least, that's one of the options. Right now its just "Borgus Audio Movie" until I find a fitting title.

The premise is that an advanced civilization destroyed itself 10,000 years ago and they left behind a message that has been discovered in an ancient computer using trinary code. But, mostly the story is about human greed and selfishness, and trying to find a balance between individuality and globalism.

Fun hey?

RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

Yes I think that is on the fun side.

The story line goes in the year 2001, that three indivduals have found each other and they have all had past genetic influences and past Jung's cellular memories, leftover from the era of Atlantis.

One is a technically gifted tinkerer, who one day wants to build certan types of transportation vehicles.

The other is from the Atlantian aerostocracy who feels that crystial use is everything and all problems can be solved with crystal power.

And the last, is from the Atlantian version of Platoon, who burns down helpless villagers, with powerfull beam weapons, in a past war that he did not want to be in in the first place.

They all meet in the year 2001, as a result of time travel intrest on the web and for some reason hit it off.

What they don't know, is that the real Atlantian society had never died completely out and that all three of them are under constant Atlantian, goverment and alien observation.

Not only that, but by a paranoid U.S. Goverment, who has been infiltraited by what was left of the Nazies, through corrupt powerfull secret influences, durring the second world war.

One wants to go to the future.

The other persure a religous career.

The other is undecided, as he has already made actual contact, with an offsect of Atlantians who have blended into oppertunist, from the Pleides offworld society.

There is a brief love sceane, a car chase, where people shoot at each other with high tech beam weaponary and one of them, has a complete flashback and can't remember where they are, nor how to speak English.

Hmmmm? Borgus I think that the storyline has some possabilities.

However I don't know once you get this published, if you will have a buyer's market, due to the Disney movie on Atlantis already being put out.

Good stroy line though, I've got to give you this!?

Five , no six bucks a coppy, in softback at the mag book stands, maybe?

Yeah' give it a go.

You've got good imagination and I guess that's what counts.
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

Renaldo, don't forget that is your story line not mine.
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.


Please do not impose what the author’s (Borgus) story should contain. If you feel that the story could use some improvements or points made to it, make your own.

But leave it to the author to create his own work, without your interference.

This is his time, let it be.

-Javier C.
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

I have just been betrayed by someone who used to call me cousin on the Art Bell BBS. He is on another BBS's, where I have been banned from. And I just wanted to make a point clear to him. So, I am posting here, what he said to me there, and clearing it up for him.

You can check it out here:

Here's to you primo:

In his responds to Clark, yesterday, Darby writes: *--Clark,
You may have missed the point of this endless theme of John "Boomer" Titor.

First, I'd say that the only person who Boomer seems to have absolutely convinced that his story is true is Javier Cortez. Jave bought into the story down to his toes. Even Pamela, Boomer's best friend in all of this, remains somewhat skeptical.

First of all cuzz, this isn't true. You only met me once Titor was in the picture. But I have been around way longer then Titor. Pamela knows this, ask her.

I have been trying to get the word out that Time Travel is wrong. And that means that I believe Titor is real and that he convinced me of this?

You know, you used to be so nice and supportive to me, why the about face all of a sudden? Why the attack, when you know I can't be there to defend my self?

*--Rick & I are professional investigators with Intel backgrounds. That means that at some time in our professional lives someone has paid us good money to take minimal information, sift it, develop it, organize it and make some sense of it..--*

Since when have you talked like this? This is arrogant behavior Darby, I've always known you to be humble, this is unlike you.

*--We are having fun with this investigation. We enjoy it. It doesn't take up any more of our time than we allow it to, we aren't hurting anyone (well, maybe Javier ), we have had to do research on a multitude of subjects, we have gained new knowledge about many subjects and we have made new friends. Isn't that what a BBS forum is supposed to be all about?--*

Again, you know where I stand on the issues of Time Travel. It is only those that would allow or are in favor that I have a problem with.

You've changed Darby. I don't think me and you can be friends anymore, not after this stab in the back.

I don't care if your in the Intelligence game or a Government Official, like Rick, you are not better then me. I know what my principles are, and to communicate them does not require a fancy title of occupation. I would never do what you did to a friend, much less to someone I would call cousin.

-Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 01 July 2001).>
RE: Refugee\'s of the Art Bell forum, please read.

I need to know the letter I am receiving is from you. before I respond back.
give me the 10th word you have written in the letter.
no, I guarentee you noone will know your email address just as I kept John's secret.

Pamela, are you still here?

This is servantx posting in June 2014, replying to your post from 13 years ago in 2001.
Can you reveal that secret after this many years? :)
Yeah! How's THAT for a Holy $#it idea?! Enough with the F*** - F*** games! Damn it! I swore to myself over a year ago that I'd NEVER mix it up with nor get involved in posts, replies or threads that involve Pamela. It's not personal. I don't wanna slide the cheese off anyone's cracker. But her involvement with the J.T. story leaves me feeling like "that guy" who's the only one left out of the secret everyone else knows. Does any of what I just said here make sense? Hell with it! It's after noon here... I'm gonna get myself a drink.

Does any of what I just said here make sense?

Expletives notwithstanding, your post made perfect sense. Try as I did to convince her that the tactic of taking the discussion off-line with would-be time travelers and then copy/pasting hand-picked parts of the private conversations onto the forum was unethical and downright annoying to many members - she just didn't get it. Demanding that the "time traveler" make their own posts for themselves seemed less important to her than being the holder of all information to ensure she was the center of attention.

She didn't just do that with TTO/JT; she did it with every one that came down the pike. It was one of the factors that got her bounced as a Moderator on