Certainly not from those two, thats for sure /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
On a serious side-note though;
All the best lies are amusing, That way - they don't seem very serious. The devil would be a Jester, if he had any common sense. He could contain a few 'personal' pointers for the king in during of his acts.
Movies (or rather 'Film') is art. All art is subliminal, it hits the deeper layers of the human psyche. "Suspended disbelief" is another term for a hidden trance state just as the brain leaves the Beta range...
So i would say that films are more than the sum of their parts. It would be very correct to say that key titles recieve Tens of millions (occasionally hundreds of millions) of dollars of funding for personal interests from outside parties. What better a medium to generate thoughts within the viewer, that upon stepping out of that 'state', will percieve as their own deduction.
Hint: Time travel is one such subject that has recieved the 'treatment'.
Not all 'private' funders have bad intentions though. Quite the opposite in many regards. The King and the Beggar both have deep pockets.