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Chrono Cadet
Are mass and time the same thing? More mass makes a force accelerate an object slower, as you know. Maybe time is a function of mass?

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What is this Donnie Darko movie i keep reading about? Is it worth my time?
Pardon my corny humor. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If we do some simple math, we see that mass & time are related in a relativistic way:

EDIT: useless
we see that mass & time are related in a relativistic way:

Correction: Both "v" and "c" are metrics on spacetime, not merely time. Hence, I would adjust your statement to say that "mass and spacetime are related in a relativistic way."

It is what I call Massive Space-Time

Why does the site have no content?

Because being mortal as I am, (and I yam what I yam!), I only have so much TIME to get things done. And unfortunately, that is not at the top of my list just yet. Once one of my two paying jobs lets-up.... then it shall come to pass.

I tell you what is sad; The philadelphia experiment.

I can never regain those 90 minutes

Mind you, it was still better than the 'butterfly effect'....dreadful...
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif I don't watch movies for the "physics" because there aren't any. They're only as good as the drama the time travel allows. Either they use contemporary "celebrity science", classical but non-working (as applied) science, or yet-to-be-discovered science that is nonsensical in the present day. So trying to make sense of the science in a time travel movie is pointless.
Yes, i for one, was indeed reffering to the drama. What is any science, without the drama of the human minds involved!!
Even dreadful movies serve the purpose of teaching us what we don't like

Ah, this is true! Though there is always a distinction between; what we like, what we dont like, and the "Truth" as it were.

I suppose it depends on who the investers or funders were.
How many people seek truth in movies? Most do it because of boredom. Entertainment is the goal. If i tell a lie that amuses you, will you care that it's not true? If i tell you a truth that doesn't interest you, is your boredom diminished? Moves are movies. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Certainly not from those two, thats for sure /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

On a serious side-note though;

All the best lies are amusing, That way - they don't seem very serious. The devil would be a Jester, if he had any common sense. He could contain a few 'personal' pointers for the king in during of his acts.

Movies (or rather 'Film') is art. All art is subliminal, it hits the deeper layers of the human psyche. "Suspended disbelief" is another term for a hidden trance state just as the brain leaves the Beta range...

So i would say that films are more than the sum of their parts. It would be very correct to say that key titles recieve Tens of millions (occasionally hundreds of millions) of dollars of funding for personal interests from outside parties. What better a medium to generate thoughts within the viewer, that upon stepping out of that 'state', will percieve as their own deduction.

Hint: Time travel is one such subject that has recieved the 'treatment'.

Not all 'private' funders have bad intentions though. Quite the opposite in many regards. The King and the Beggar both have deep pockets.
Movies (or rather 'Film') is art. All art is subliminal, it hits the deeper layers of the human psyche. "Suspended disbelief" is another term for a hidden trance state just as the brain leaves the Beta range...
it`s sound like the Wingmakers...
