Rainman qualifies as a timelord:

Hey They have Internet Translators You Know :)


For those who want to decode this nonsense.


A supersecret message for you all to decode /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Le CigMan est un voyageur dimensionnel inter de temps avec des puissances incroyables. Il peut lire votre esprit ou votre ordinateur. Il peut commander le survivre à /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Le gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique l'observe toujours. Prenez garde ainsi des partisan d'Illumanti prennent garde de RainmanTime, de CAT, de DARBY, d'OllyB, de Razimus et d'OvrLrdRegion qu'ils sont tous les espions de capot interne.
Re: Hey They have Internet Translators You Know :)

Zut Alors!!

"CigMan is a dimensional traveller inter time with incredible powers. It can read your spirit or your computer. It can order to survive it the government of the United States of America always observes it. Thus take guard of the partisan of Illumanti take guard of RainmanTime, CAT, DARBY, OllyB, Razimus and OvrLrdRegion which they are all the spies of internal cap."

Sometimes the Babble Fish is so inundater with Ear Wax, it juxtaposes meanings with encroiable humor.

Traveling without your MIB Card is like asking le garçon for ketchup.
Re: Hey They have Internet Translators You Know :)

"Thus take guard of the partisan of Illumanti take guard of RainmanTime, CAT, DARBY, OllyB, Razimus and OvrLrdRegion which they are all the spies of internal cap."
Crashing crass is nameless when vein is spoken, with or without mushrooms. Evidently, your tannins have exposed more than you vomited. Erstwhile, perhaps, CigDig?
Sometimes the Babble Fish is so inundater with Ear Wax, it juxtaposes meanings with encroiable humor.
Starlord enthuses more than the average lutefish. Closer, closer, closer, until GLITCH! We all can someday compile on Rainman's solar churchkey.

Goodiness and Betterness to sin!

Re: Hey They have Internet Translators You Know :)

> If you go back to that time and sit in an establishment of that era, don't flirt, too much with the Farrie Queen.

She does exist and will take you for her lover.|

Source, Creedo and Rainman, at the holo-suite, prior to a review of violation of the safety protocols in holo, Rains not realizing that he was flirting with a god and Creedo prescribing to warned safety cautions, ordered by the holo-suite: