Raiman Time, is John Titor.......?


Epochal Historian
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1076630438creedo299">

Is Rainman Time really John Ttior?

Had some really discussing mail today.

However' reads between the lines and I have to ask this one, on the evidence given, is Rainman Time in reality John Titor?

Both have a technical base.

Both seem to know about time travel.

Rainman has access to high tech equipment.

He knows, it seems by instinct, the relationship between static energy and scalier space time.

Both know how to handle people.

Rainman seems to know about everyone here, even those who have fulfilled contracts to government.

Rainman acts like he is a savior.

Rainman is concerned about all of our welfares, and helps people across the street.

Rainman, is in a place where he might know Hollywood actors, writers, script producers, who could have constructed the base of the John Titor story?

Rainman Time possably knows how to dance and very well..?

Are Rainman Time and John Titor, one in the same?
Heh, heh, heh. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ohhhhhhhh, Creedo. Did I offend you again? Why does it seem that whenever someone either asks you to clarify something you post, or criticizes it (constructively, or otherwise), and you can't deal with it, you drum up something like this?

And then you get frustrated when someone corners you on a topic that YOU started, so you throw-up your hands and say you don't want to talk about it anymore...and then you continue to talk about it!

C'mon, dude. I've really tried to "reach" to be considerate to you, and try to understand what you are talking about, and the basis for your beliefs. And instead of engaging me in a meaningful dialog, you cast aspersions. Do you think you might ever be willing to extend a little courtesty to me, maybe by answering some of my honest questions to you? Is that really so much to ask?

Paint me however you wish, Creedo. If you think I am "hurt" by it, and that makes you feel good, so be it.

Kind Regards,
This inquest is not mean to hurt you Rainman.

Why I have asked this at all, is there is an instance via, random Monticarlo numbered events, where you, yourself, could possibly be in the place of John Titor?

This has to do with two people, one was from the L.A. area, with similar names, both involved in time travel wants.

The second phenomenon, is a person who had technical abilities and this was Thomas Dehn, who is what is known as a fractal master.

The last place that they would hide John Titor, is right here on this board, as his real self member, using an aliase.

This is why I'm sincerely asking for the poll?

Some elements of the question, on the poll are not real, but must be balanced in numeric values, in order for these series of question to continue.

So let the poll begin.

Again, don't take this as a personal attack, or a process to belittle you, but an honest search to see how your possibilities compare to said John Titor.

A person by who went by the handle of just visiting, had verified some of the Titor story.

I would like return input on this thread, please?
"Inquest" eh? Too funny. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman....Ms. Lewinsky. I swear it!" :D

So let the poll begin.

Sure! See what people think. But now if I told you I REALLY WAS a time traveller, but I was from 2013, would you believe me? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif This could be more fun than I had planned.

Kind Regards,
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Sorry Keven! Since my eyes are light blue, they make bigger reflections on pictures and the effect gets worse the smaller the picture is. I don't look so spooky at normal size. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Maybe a picture of one of my best buddies is better. His name is Chili Dawg... son of RainmanTime! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,
Re: Rebelious fish in stam co-form

First set of coordinates in time travel affialtions as I had said.

One a man who ran a photo-shop in Los Angeles, who had both phoned me and e-mailed me, saying that he had wanted to go back in his life and stop himself from taking drugs.

This man by coincidence also has the same last name, of an old Tec Time posting board member, which indicates flow of characters in time.

When I met Pamela, I said to myself, no matter how weird this gets, simply tell the truth.

This is what I did.

When she got her computer troubles and harassment phone calls, as she had said, by coincidence, I had gotten them the same time.

I did not know what was going on then and still don't today.

The Thomas Dehn affair relates to the very first character I have encountered, as both were picture oriented.

The technical component within this case is understood to be hidden at this point in time, so this component is hidden till Rick Donaldson brings it out at a much later time.

All of a sudden, there are other characters, that start to appear.

One is The One and another character I will not name.

They do their thing, however go into recessives.

The second set of characters appears, but either by or not by association and these are Rainman and Sigmund.

Sigmund is the caustic mental component, and Rainman is the newly realized technical component.

Rainman may or may not be involved to his knowledge?

Charticters in this game are sometimes used, not to their knowledge.
This is as timelines used by others, carry a placement almost as if they are chess pieces and at times really do not need to be knowing if they are involved.

I get a new harassment phone call, however Pamela may not have gotten any?

The technical components are finally dealt with as the C204, as being a possible series of military surplus devices. That being from a diver's communications transducer, to a microwave producing calibration tool, to a radio frequency, dummy load provider.

What said time machine is not necessary to know, by ut only that the technical component is exposed.

Rainman Time and Danes, of the early set, are so diffenrt, that they are counted as the same,. the reason for this logic, is that the pattern of time, heals itself as a fabric does.

So Dain was woefully imperfect, when Rainman Time, is very perfect.

This is times unforlding stance, equal zero parody and means that the equation of John Titor finally floats.

Pamela goes to her family.

Darby makes any and or all amends, in assuming a role of MOP at Anomalies.

Rick Donaldson says everything is figured out.

Creedo is given brand new adversaries, to occupy his time with.

However look what is happening now, in Time Travel Hotel, many, many said time travelers show up.http://invisionfree.com/forums/Time_Travel_Hotel/index.php?showtopic=338&amp;view=getnewpost

One of these people is a fellow by the handle of, (just visiting), who says that elements of the John Titor story is correct.

So this avenue of investigation, leaves two binary states, of Rainman as one being John Titor, as the place in which he stands in, is composed of by all the Ttior variables.

Or Rainman holds the place of the false Titor, who is only counted as always holding a value of fifty percent.

&gt;&gt;From imperfect to perfect.

Dual states of harassment in both Moore and Creedo.

The buddy who is T-12002, who is an active technical assistant, with probable missing time to, by saying the man in the bent test laser film, looks like him, but he has no memory?

So this leave the states of people being sucked into roles, in more than one probable timeline, without their knowing it, as all players can function without their memories having to be known.

&gt;My anomaly was the extra two fish antibiotic capsules, that were counted as being placed in the fish tank to kill ick, however an extra set materialized out of nowhere.

Note, the object of perfection, will always be placed as a barrier to hide the truth, but maybe not be himself, but by others.
Re: Rebelious fish in stam co-form

Wow... Just wow.

Let's develop this a little, creedo.

If I were "manchurian candidate", or even a knowing conspirator, somehow influenced (directly or indirectly) by parties acting from the future... I, uh.. I don't even know where to *begin*.

But here's a little something that might tickle your noodle. I'm going to tell you something that no one on the forum knows about me yet.

I am currently in the process of applying to the United States Air Force Officer's Training School. Hmm... Maybe, just maybe, I am known to "Mr. Titor" (or some other, as yet unidentified, conspirators) in the future. Perhaps... just perhaps Titor (or other, said, conspirators) went back in time (crossed the multiverse.. whatever) and communicated with me, altering the timeline... and coaxed me to unknowingly interdict the attempts of you, and others, into discovering the TRUTH about Mr. Titors fascinating little box. You'd have to admit... the timing would be perfect, with the impending civil war; and just when you're all so close to stumbling upon the truth!

What would make it even queerer would be if I were to confess to you that I started having dreams about four months ago about meeting an older version of myself- A version of myself with only one eye, and scars on his face... Maybe you are on to something...

Or maybe I'm just a cantankerous empiricist with ambitions of serving his country in the armed forces who can't take midless dribble.

Kinda makes you go: "Hmmmm."
Re: Fish Foam in Rebellious Time Tensor

Hey, this is becoming a bit weird and interconnected. I never would've guessed any real connection between me and Siegmund, and yet he's going into the AIR FORCE.... and certainly my whole career has been in AERO SPACE, mostly AIR CRAFT. Creedo, you might be on to something here, and you're right, I might just not be aware that I am being used in this ploy!

So Dain was woefully imperfect, when Rainman Time, is very perfect.

Awww, shucks. I ain't really nuttin' but a boy who grew up in rural Ohio who always liked flying things. WHAT? WAIT! Note: The Wright Brothers were from Ohio too! I always felt, growing up, that I was more Wright than Wrong. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,
Re: Fish Foam in Rebellious Time Tensor

Rainman... I'm from Cleveland. Another connection. Holy crap. Any weird dreams?

This is getting a bit too odd. I am totally serious when I tell you that I lived, for a time, in Bay Village, Ohio, which is on the west side of Cleveland. Not only that, but I lived in a house that was 3 doors down from an infamous house. There was a big murder and trial in Bay Village in the 50s. A doctor named Sam Sheppard. His wife was killed in their house on the edge of Lake Erie in Bay Village. It was the inspiration for "The Fugitive" TV series and the movie remake with Harrison Ford. Three doors down from that murder house, I was born in 1964.

I've had wild dreams all thru life, probably like most people. But some dreams I had about Sam Sheppard killing his wife were pretty weird and graphic. I don't know if I want to share them here, or at all. Maybe I should share them back-channel with you.... whaddya think?

Kind Regards,
Re: Fish Foam in Rebellious Time Tensor

No [censored] WAY!

I grew up in Fairview Park!
I used to hang out at Huntington Beach in Bay Village... RIGHT BY THE SHEPPARD HOUSE! I'm sure you know Baycrafters?

This is kind of weird.

I'm not giving away ANY more personal information on the public boards.
Re: Fish Foam in Rebellious Time Tensor

Small world. Me and Rainman just figured out that we went to the same freakin High School, albeit 12 years apart.

Re: Fish Foam in Rebellious Time Tensor

Small world. Me and Rainman just figured out that we went to the same freakin High School.

Yeah. I don't think we should tell Creedo about that. But maybe he can analyze the Huntington Beach connection. You know, Creedo, your thought about me being close to Hollywood is really not on. Being in aerospace like I am, I don't know squat for people in Hollywood, just because I live here. But I am in Huntington Beach, which houses several companies that participated in Apollo, Space Shuttle, and now on new space access projects.

What do you think about that connection? Kind Regards,
*RainManTime is tied up and a rubber mask is removed revealing a face that no-one has seen before but everyone recognises without a doubt - IT'S OLD MAN TITOR*

RainManTime:"Bah, and I would've gotten away with it too, it wasn't for that pesky Creedo!"
Chilli Dawg:"Woof"


Sorry had to throw it in.


Sorry had to throw it in.

Hey, do I get some royalties if this makes it into your time travel story, James?

Kind Regards,
Or: Is John Titor RainmanTime....?

I just had another wacky thought:

Given the significance of February 14th, and fraternizations of said Titor character with said PamelaM....

Does this mean if I am Titor that PamelaM is my valentine? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif

Kind Regards,
Re: Or: Is John Titor RainmanTime....?

It's kinda a catch 22...

If you are Titor then you're a lying SOB

If you're not, well then... can't see much happening
