
...because there is no power source identified, and so no (appreciable) energy will flow thru this device... thank goodness!
LOLOk, that made me laugh, 'cause it's true. :D

Of course, I'm sure they'll say "oh, but it's not supposed to be ELECTRICAL energy so we don't need an electrical power source! Nevermind the fact that we use electronic components..." ;)

I have only just recently started reading up a little on radionics and don't know very much about it. Is anyone here familiar with this concept? I gather that it can be used for healing purposes and from some further reading I have done, can even be used to manifest desired outcomes in people's lives.I hope this is the correct forum to post this in, I wasn't quite sure which to choose.
Radionics is just an old name for a discipline of science that didn't take off, or was swept under the secrecy rug, because the majority of scientists weren't satisfied with giving one scientist the credit for his research, or following his lead/inspiration and adding to his research, or shunned from development due to government defense measures. What can heal can also kill when not used properly. Now I think it's called spintronics or scalar energy, or zero point energy. The crystals of radionics are just lab-grown and miniaturized these days.

Go find some physics articles about how scientists are trying to use frequencies to kill bacteria/viruses. New generation, new name, same old stuff, just more refined.

Hmm. Radionics. Belongs alongside Wilhelm Reich and his 'orgone generator'...or L. Ron Hubbard and 'Dianetics'. All a load of utter baloney....
The baloney just gets repackaged the more decades you're around. It's just what is prevalent, and it's mostly dependent of acceptance of vocabulary terms.
I went through those materials too for a while, chucked them in the "cult" file and went on. Then came to reading about ELF and Schumann resonances, LIDA machines and Russian woodpecker machines, and the modern US military S-quad technology.

Then I realized that if you take the ELF waves and multiply them by 5 you get their tone scale; so the Schumann resonance is around 8, their tone scale is up to 40. It's not all cult. Sometimes it's not about if it works, but who is it working for?


Radionics—also called electromagnetic therapy and the Abrams Method—is a form of alternative medicine that claims that disease can be diagnosed and treated by applying electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves.

Shamanic journeying helps some. I got a drumbeat CD. Blindfold. Visualize entering a cave or other entry point. Accept complete justification for doing so regardless of what the world says. Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Be careful with it.
