Question regarding the paradox of time travel


Hypothetically, if an object's velocity was imaginary, its relativistic mass could be smaller than its rest mass. I think this would correspond to the object moving in time

Correct. You've defined a timelike object in a tachyonic universe. It looses energy to speed up and gains energy to slow down. Though it can never be at rest, its greatest momentum is when its velocity approaches zero and is least when its velocity approaches C.

If you lived in that universe it would look the same to you as this universe looks to us. You would be made from the same "stuff" that everything else in that universe is made from- matter that has the property of negative mass and travels though negative space and imaginary time.

That's just a switch in signitures - a symmetry of reflection. Nothing unusual for the inhabitants of that universe. It would appear to them that they add energy to speed up and remove energy to slow down because they are "adding" negative energy to slow down and "subtracting" negative energy to speed up.
Cool, i was about to start my own thread but this one seems cool to use.

Hmm. Where to start... now im lost ><

Well let me start with a few views:

This paradox thing can be real confusing especially that grandfather paradox thing.

If event1 interferes with a past event2 then how would that event1 even exist?

That makes me think then why does it have to be event for a change in worldlines?
Wouldnt it be that endless amounts of worldlines are being created right now no matter what events happen?
This alone raises endless amount of questions on my behalf at least.

If there are worldlines then where the hell are we or better, where am i now?
In which worldline do i exist or do i exist in all or is my consciousness just in one place?
Hate to think there would be one place where i would be a bad person but would that person really be me?.

This stuff hurts me head.
The possibilities of alternate worlds with our same life force just traveling along on different paths is a question that was posed in the movie The One. Oddly enough to make things somewhat beleivable and far less complex they only had approx. 130-140 alternate universives. Unfortunately real life would not be confined to this set number of universes. What I wonder is if all universes run along a specific time frame that is mirrored to ours or can they run at half speeds, twice our speed? And if you can time travel would it not be more likely that you would travel in time to through your own universe (especially if time runs differently in other universes)because then the question comes in that if there are (hypothetically) an infinite number of alternate universes for every choice we could make, and we travel to that one (randomly as we have not even discussed on how to choose the universe that you would travel to) how could you possibly hope to go back to your same universe based on the fact that you randomly travel to universe x and you want universe y in an infinite pool of universes??
The problems I have with the Alternate Timeline theories is this...

Given that in this theory, for each decision that I must make in life another timeline splits off sometimes multiple timelines depending on the complexity of the decision to be made. Some end suddenly due to the possibility that while I exist on the timeline that didnt jump off the bridge with my friends, another me did. So now here I am, somehow blessed with the knowlwdge to travel back in time (or in this case, travel to an alternate timeline) would I be restricted to only traveling within my own lifetime? If this is the case, I could not erase my existance.

Then there is the whole mass problem. If the theory that there is a specific amount of mass in the universe is true, then when I go back and arrive in the new timeline I will force someone else out to another timeline (most likeley my other self).

More later, I am out of time right now.
Questions regarding the paradox of time travel?

From another show on TV today, called the McLaughlin Group and the Proliferation of the Middle East, and of Mr. Ahmadinejad, showery talk, about politics. (wanting to visit Ground Zero?)

How about 4 letter acronyms?

SNOT (Symbiosis Nuclear Offensive Terrorism)
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) (used during the Cold War)

and upon thinking up a new acronym to describe this world and time travelling.

The SNOT of this world is a MAD conclusion.

There! Let's all wipe our eyes and blow our noses and feel better.