Bomberman, it is not a good practice to taken any kind of drug to augment the various states of consciousness. I have seen far too many civilizations fall following those enslaving practices. When people use drugs to achieve altered states they grow accustomed to the "easiness" of the process, putting aside the important aspect of being able to do it on one's own. Its like using a shortcut, one which is not good at all. It ends up enslaving the person to a host of many other things I don't dare say. Furthermore, the power to achieve an alternate state of consciousness is right within you, you only need to practice. And for what I gather you are not that far from achieving it.
We have to be very careful on who we decide to listen to. Most are very eloquent, informative and outright controversial in a good way and many even stimulate you into thinking good things, but sometimes these people can be very dangerous, guiding people into horrible paths which are not apparent until the very end. Recently, I helped a person who was an avid UFO enthusiast, following a group of people that according to them were "channeling" a spiritual entity from another ended up being mumbo-jumbo and the group's morale was shattered beyond belief. All I say is to be very careful Bomberman.
Once....when I was studying the metallurgical dynamics of copper in Anga I sat next to a wandering homeless and gave him some water. He then looked deep into my eyes and as if knowing me completely he said; "The only true wise masters, whose steps you must follow into illumination, are those who never show themselves to the world. You must find them behind the Veil." as he said this he walked away and disappeared from my sight into the distance, but had left me with a great message.
I hope my experience can help you too.
About my experiences, I have talked about them amply in this forum. I observe time and that's what I do. By observing you do not change, you do not interfere and you do not tell. You simply observe.