But.....time traveling into the future and giving a prediction, unless you're as gifted as Nostraumas was, it's a tough. And I'm not 100% sure that Nostraumus was always accurate. I suppose it would depend on how well one reads old French and also how well one can interpret. Now....if everything is ever changing. I don't believe anything is static. I mean, is anything eternally frozen? I don't think so. I believe that the past is not fixed. So, if that be so, then the future certainly isn't. Why? Ok, we think of the past as having happening, the present as happening, and the future as something that will happen. But.....if time is an illusion....and if it only exists in our minds as we have programed it, then everything that is happening...PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE, is happening NOW. It's all very flixible. So, maybe the timing is a bit off for the physical injury of one of our political leaders.....or....maybe it's all a joke.....or....maybe that is only the reality of one person and not consensus reality. At best, we can roughly see the probable future. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]