Poll: Best use of time travel in a film...

I'm ready now for an answer. I fear, but I'm going. Mop, can I stay here with all of you, or leave forever?
I believe using humor is not an offense. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Just want to be one part.
I promise not to repeat anymore posts. If your answer is "no", I'll leave then (no return) "forever".
Time is an illusion and overcome gravity, and you overcome the dimension of time. . .There are already experiments being undertaken by certain organisations, that have actually distorted time by 100th of second...These are of synchornised clocks, one in orbit at thousands of miles an hour, and one stationary on the ground...In order to travel through the vastness of space, you need to control time...As for the topic, I have to say that Star Trek TNG time stories have studied the subject well, and is extremely thought provoking...That is my best use of time travel in movies or tv...
PS Its heavy. . .
Sorry for posting again. I was reading what I wrote here. Please listen: "I wasn't referring to me, I was referring for the one who wants to learn, and give ideas. Sometimes the worse idea is the solution".