Not everyones that smart Ovrlrd. In Israel, they have to say a little more than 'STOP' in at least 3 languages before they're allowed to open fire, even if they're under fire themselves. The rest of the world could take a note.
I can understand those sentiments...however, this is not the world we live in today. It would be nice to be able to use different languages in all situations, but, not realistic. The English made a mistake, but under the situation, it was justified. IF...he had been a terrorist and the police took the time to shout stop three times in different languages... we would be reading how incompetent they were for allowing the guy the time to detonate a bomb. I am sure that anyone in the same situation would do exactly what the English had done.
Sad, yes...but, the real blame should be on those who ARE doing the bombings.
Guns speak there own doesnt matter how many times or what language is used...the guns themselves make a fairly clear statement all their own. I learned a long time ago, when I was in my teens, running from the police never resulted in positive benefits. And, once I did have guns drawn on me and I might as well have been frozen in ice. In the excitement, I couldnt really hear what was being said, but the police officers body language told me all I needed to know.
And if you are that stupid to run away..then the principles of natural selection come into play.
As a side note,
our police officers usually yell "STOP"
after they already emptied their guns. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif