Poll 6 in 10 Americans think WWIII Likely!


Quantum Scribe

Jul 23, 8:04 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans are far more likely than the Japanese to expect another world war in their lifetime, according to AP-Kyodo polling 60 years after World War II ended. Most people in both countries believe the first use of a nuclear weapon is never justified.

Those findings come six decades after the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The war claimed about 400,000 U.S. troops around the world, more than three times that many Japanese troops and at least 300,000 Japanese civilians.

Out of the ashes, Japan and the United States forged a close political alliance. Americans and Japanese now generally have good feelings about each other.

But people in the two countries have very different views on everything from the U.S. use of the atomic bomb in 1945, fears of North Korea and the American military presence in Japan.

Some of the widest differences came on expectations of a new world war.

Six in 10 Americans said they think such a war is likely, while only one-third of the Japanese said so, according to polling done in both countries for The Associated Press and Kyodo, the Japanese news service.

"Man's going to destroy man eventually. When that will be, I don't know," said Gaye Lestaeghe of Freeport, La.

Some question whether that war has arrived, with fighting dragging on in Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the U.S. campaign against terrorism.

"I feel like we're in a world war right now," said Susan Aser, a real estate agent from Rochester, N.Y.

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I read that on msn, and the first thing that came to my mind was john titor, so I came here. Crazy. The article is a lot better read when listening to The Two Towers remix of Requiem for a Dream.
I have said beforre, WWIII has already started, but it is not the way you think. It isn't entirely the way everyone else thinks too.

Its not going to be the world against the arabic nations, entirely. and it wont be those who think f things that are 'right' vs those who think things are 'wrong.' It will probably be somewhere in the middle. I have words that I won't use for Bush who sped up everything by at least 50 years. I was hoping it wouldn't happen in my lifetime.

Just take a look at world history from just before WWI untill now and you will see that I am right. we'll only know for sure when it happens. sad thing is, that by the majority thinking it will happen, means that it will happen. I hate the way the world works nowadays. everyone cares too much about whats fashionable at the moment. it upsets me that I am a part of it.
No we don't. The thing is that people see world war as a Nuclear world war, with everyone fighting with each other. The world is at war, countries that don't condone Bush's 'war on terror' still supply troops to the UN which is in all these places. Same goes for Israel, though UN is scarce enough when the cameras are off.

War is not a good thing. War is never a good thing. As adults we realize that sometimes fighting IS neccessary, war accomplishes nothing.
My books WW3 started when the Brazilian was shot 5 times after they had control of him. Time will tell.

But that's just what the terrorists would want, isn't it? Not only do they induce casualty by bomb, but by paranoia. I in no way blame the British cops...under the circumstances, the man should have stopped. But then again, I don't know all the facts. As Tony B. said, had the man been a terrorist with a bomb and blown himself up and the cops not done anything, we would be dogging them for that.

Have you seen this?

Liberty and security are strange bedfellows. For one to increase, it appears the other must decrease? How do you provide true liberty with acceptable security?
I in no way blame the British cops...under the circumstances, the man should have stopped.
I was wondering when this event would hit the forum. And I must say, I don't see the uproar against this action that I know would occur if it happened in AMERICA. And let me just point out (for those who think they have America all figured out), an event like this happening in America would cause a huge outrage within our own country. Shooting a suspect when it is clear that you have him subdued is a MAJOR no-no for US law enforcement. Discharging your weapon at ANY time while on duty is cause for an automatic investigation. Methinks that the good old Bobbys could use some help from the American cops who have been trained on when to shoot and when not to shoot.

So far, I am witness to a double standard, because of all the crap I have heard from non-Americans about how "gun crazy" we are. Isn't this event just a bit of evidence for "gun craziness" in the UK? I don't blame the London cops, as it appears their training may have been substandard to what our cops in the US receive when it comes to firearms and performing their duties. All I know is that the world would be in a MUCH bigger uproar if it had happened in America, and all the people who think because guns are legal that we are crazies would be coming out of the woodwork.

All I know is that the world would be in a MUCH bigger uproar if it had happened in America, and all the people who think because guns are legal that we are crazies would be coming out of the woodwork.

Yes look for the Civil War to come.
Yes look for the Civil War to come.
I'll give a hearty "BS" to that statement! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ren, you have shied away from my discussions on the civil war thread. I wonder why?
You have yet to show any sort of evidence that even remotely approaches the level of disagreement that lead to secession in the American Civil War. Point to something that would really cause states to vote to secede from the union... then, and ONLY then, will you have "evidence" for a potential civil war.

And don't confuse Civil War with WW III. One is more likely than the other, and even your average Joe on the street knows the diff.

Ray: Who said they had him subdued? According to reports they told him to stop, he ran, they shot, he died. He clearly had something to hide if he was running from the cops, maybe he spent the night before with a prostitute, who knows. who cares.
The use of excessive force was unnecessary, they could have easily sent a radio to the control booth in the station and gotten the train to stop. Unfortunately when under pressure in any situation, even those trained to think, can't. Back to NYC's Penn Station because if there's any better place to show the extremes we're going to, I'd be hard pressed to find one. Anyway, the soldiers there now carry guns, they didn't before, we're talkin handguns here. US Army regulations say that if someone is to have a rifle of any kind, which they need an express order to have, the ammunition must be held by someone else. So basically, its just for show... it's really just no good. So what are they trying to do? Scare someone who's gonna kill themselves anyway?

Iridium: Since afghanistan we've been doin much worse than stripping people with scissors. While over there one of the most intiresting tortures I've heard of the the combination of the following two. They would use a certain lighting 24 hours a day so that they couldn't tell what time of the day it was and when transported they'd be blindfolded. This really screws up your system, the second thing they did was to put you in a room and blast the Barney theme song. Yup, the purple childrens dinosaur. The person who devised it tested it for 30 min in a room with it playing. When he got out he said he wanted to kill someone. They might leave them in there for one to four hours at a time. It's enough to make you go mad. Now that is something I'd be scared of...
Shooting a suspect when it is clear that you have him subdued is a MAJOR no-no for US law enforcement.

I had originally said 5 shots, but today in a BBC article it said 7 times in the head, 1 in the shoulder.

Was he denied due process, should I go back to being scared?

I do blame the cops, I can't blame the terrorists until they are proven to be real. For all I know, the suspected bombers with families who said they were active in the community (far more active than I've ever been), maybe they volunteered to help the police run drills and were given the rucksacks. I'm in Canada so I know people from Egypt and Lebanon who love Canada and would probably volunteer for something like this to help arab relations, where as I would say "Strap that to yourself, Imma go play video games".
Ray: Who said they had him subdued? According to reports they told him to stop, he ran, they shot, he died.

So that's cool with you, a society that just kills people because they run away?

He was followed from his home, they let him get on the bus to reach the tube.

And ya, they had him pinned down and told people to get off the train before they shot him.
In reply to:

Whatever. We need a good world war anyway.


I agree with this if no-one else does.
Guys. I got news for you. This war started in the early 90s (yes, during Clinton's watch). 9/11 was simply the final, shocking understanding that we were, indeed, at war with terrorists. So all this talk about comparing it to WW I where we didn't really know it was a world war is correct, and 9/11 was when we (at least those of us in the US) finally woke up.

Many in my country used to say "We've been in 2 world wars now that we did not start, but we had to help end. We'd like to sit out WW III if that is OK with the rest of the world." Apparantly it is not, because it still seems like the USA has to clean-up the murderous criminals of the world!

If someone else has a better way to handle terrorists who enjoy killing innocent people, I certainly don't seem them putting their plan into action! Complain about the USA all you want, but at least we are DOING something about the problem!

So is Canada
"We're not going to let those radical murderers and killers rob from others and certainly we're not going to let them rob from Canada," he said.

He pointed out that during the Second World War, Canadian soldiers did not shy away from fighting the Nazis.

"Did they say, 'No we might be attacked over here if we actually stand up against those despicable murderers and bastards?' No, they did not," Gen. Hillier said.

We sent JTF2, the toughest soliders we have. They are so tough, they had to change the name from "canadian airborn" after an "incident" over some stolen food in Somalia.

Too much psycological warfare, I'm sure they choose their words scare the enemy but it probably scares me more, and makes the enemy really mad and more determined to fight back...
Hi IS,

Ray: Who said they had him subdued? According to reports they told him to stop, he ran, they shot, he died.
The reports I read on both CNN and FOX on the day it occurred said that at least two officers had tackled him first, and then the shots happened. And yes, shots to the head from what I heard.

As I said earlier, the London cops need some firearms training. We don't shoot if we have someone subdued, if for no other reason that you could accidentally hit one of the subduing officers!

I wouldn't trust FOX, but CNN is pretty reliable. I had heard that he wasn't from underground london news sources which are right about 70% of the time, believe it or not their minds arn't on this one, they're busy with other things. How they remain in buisiness I don't know. hah.

Yeah, why exactly would they shoot a subdued man?
I'd like to see the security footage from the tube on that one. 7 times in the head? wow. yeah. uh. hmmm.

I'm just plained stumped with this one other than, well, they're morons.
Not everyones that smart Ovrlrd. In Israel, they have to say a little more than 'STOP' in at least 3 languages before they're allowed to open fire, even if they're under fire themselves. The rest of the world could take a note.