I know I may come on here seeming very ignorant, but a friend of mine sent me a John site, and I have been obsessed over this ever since. I am not yet 20, and this is VERY frightening to me. If a civil war breaks out in less than 2 years, or a world war starts in 2015, that means my life may come to an end very soon. I want to know, please, if you all think this is true, or is it just a very creative man who wanted to make people think about their existence in the world today?
If you think about everything that John or the others has said that is supposed to happen, about civil war, or our government, or world war, or natural disasters, and think about it logically, then you need not worry. Some people forget the simplest concepts of sociology and psychology. Our world is sculpted by what we believe and what we fear. It is not hard to predict anything really, especially if you make enough noise about it, or play into a persons fears or current physical/emotional state.
We used to do little experiments in Psych all the time. Make some one hungry by eating in front of them when you know it has been a while since they have eaten. Make some one thirsty by drinking in front of them if youknow they have not had a drink in a while. Right now John has made LOTS of noise and played on the greatest fear America has. War on our own soil. He appears during a time when the government is already under fire and terrorism is crushing our will. There are demonstrations that turn violent constantly, but now you look at them differently thinking that there is something wrong and maybe it could be true. Not realizing that it is just everyday life and has been happening for hundreds of years. You pay closer attention to certain news events: Murders, government scandals, cover-ups, terrorism, national debt, a large distrust in our current administration, but this stuff always happens. The reason you are paying more attention to it now is because some one said something that could actually happen. America has been in a civil war before because of disagreements in how the country was run, why couldnt it happen again?
Its like the Oracle said in The Matrix "what's really going to bake your noodle is, would you have knocked it over if I hadnt have said anything."
If some one is a time traveler, then we would not know about it. Do not buy into that theory of multiple temporal realities. We have no proof of that. Everything we have now our theories.
If there were time travelers going through multiple realities, it would still be unethical for them to make themselves known to tell us about a future that might not ever happen. Also, how would a person know which reality they are in? How would they get back to their own time? The questions and theories are endless. Also, if there are endless "temporal realities" why study a different one, especially since the things that happen in this one is different from the things that happen in the "time travelors" world.
The simplest thing to do is just to look at the facts presented to you logically. 30+ years from now, they have time travel. People are being sent back to do a history report. So either there is no one over the age of 30 in 2030whatever, and every book, computer, internet site, technological advancement, song, story, theory, school, scientist, archeologist, poem, writing, hospital record, CD player, CD, Tape, VCR, DVD, (any form of recordable media) has been destroyed.
See my point?