Into status mode, if and when I am called.These are probable eminent situation that said time traveler John Titor had warned of There are two other issues disclosed here.At this point in time please understand that since time may be precious, I am receding into my own interest.
1.John Titor may have been a real construction and not a made up entity.Note the asking for parts for his said time travel machine, at the Art Bell website.
2.Titor predicted that year 2015 may be the year of a full nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia.
3.That during the years of the Bush and Clinton White House, Pentagon scientist had said that they then were going into in an ice age; not global warming as told of now.
4.That by telling of the nature of ice ages by university textbooks, that rapid stages in evolution in general, almost always accompany ice ages.This factoid my explain as to where people's house pets in general, may be showing sterling abilities demonstrated at this time.
5.That Russian Premier Vladimir Putin is now be told of in the news media, that he has has Asperger's syndrome.As with a school shooting of a student within the United States who had the same affilaction, that this student could not socialize out feelings of frustration.So he acted out these feelings by a shooting at the school.What is odd about Putin's predicament, is that the KGB goes over the personnel records as well as both a very thorough mental along with physical examination.So it is an unlikely set of circumstances that Putin had been placed in Russia office with Asperger's syndrome not being known.
1-A.Probable outcomes guessed at, but not in a scientific mode::If Putin is unstable and calls in a first strike, plus he lives, then Russian health insurance companies would have to ask if Vladimir Putin had been in control of himself?So the only outcome that we can guess at, is that this is a very suspicious set of circumstances.Term known as to re-paint history.
2-B.Know that when evolution would be going on at an ice age rate, coupled with a dramatic increase of radiation within the atmosphere, it is probably a good guess that many mammal body types would be greatly affected by this level of radiation._Not only these animals mentioned, however the central sun which has been defined by NASA as a form of semi-white dwarf variable sun.
Other missed points::Ex U.S. Air Force Major Ed Dames has predicted violent solar flair give-off in the time to come.If I were in a position as a provost in either the Russia Space Agency, or The National Aeronautics And Space Administration and asked if it would be a militarily wise act to launch a full sale strike against another country, my answer would be a definite no. The reason is that by the action of a massive object over a smaller given off, very highly concentrated emissions from atomic weapons, can make the sun either explode, or rapidly age, or go into the pre-nova or full nova stage.
Why I am here in this section of TTI. Is I wanted to give high quality time travel information in my disclosures.I feel that with the chance of massive solar flairs coming up anyways, that there is a very strong chance of more time travelers having their machines affected. So maybe in the realm of possibilities many time traveler's risk the peril of becoming, also stuck in this time.(What I have given is no more complex that is what's in TTI archives.
The MOD or board moderator has told me that people are having problems adjusting to me.This posting crew, I suppose has not had the level of technology exposure that I may have.So it is here I will stay untill needed.If you are having a problem with your time travel question, I can be reached through e-mail by the MOP-MOD. Truly, and thank you, Pinterest