315,000 years ago us humans evolved, the Intelligent Dinosaurs have developed Quantum Technology 160 to 77 million years.
315,000 we homo sapiens evolved, why cant intelligent Dinosaurs evolve and fly off this planet within 160 million or 77 million years?
16 And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The mark can be seen on your right hand with lizard scales, the Darwin evolution theory was wrong. Men came not of monkeys.
The mark of the beast on your right hand, your lizard scales on your knuckles and the mark on your forehead, the Reptilian Brain.
The name of the beast is Reptilian. The Mark of the Beast on your forehead is the Reptilian Brain.
Many disinformation agents who work for the dark one, this dark realm, known as Draco star system. They don't want the truth known about Reptilian.
They are anti matter, negative polarity.
Terra (this planet Earth) and Draco constellation.
The 3D hologram projection on this sphere of the Draconian warlord who reign. Quantum. Many evolved lifeforms from another dimension, understand the higher ether planes of existence.
Noah was 900 years old, you a 2nd man replica. Revelation speaks of Judgement as the test of your race, faith in God.
The angels of the Lord despise mortals, few are chosen for communication with the faith within them. Long ago there was a war with an angelic realm, you were cast out of Eden with a gate. (New Jerusalem, Holy Zion). The presence of the Lord is in Zion with the commander, Messiah Christ Michael.
Commander, Archangel Michael came to Bethlehem as the name Jesus Christ / Jeshua, he was born of a Virgin Mary without sin. The three wise men knew about the star of the east. The Garden of Eden was East, think about this as Space Constellations travel from the East, then to the west.
Every night we see more stars and constellation are beginning to appear in the eastern part of the sky.
This planet rotates East in motion.
The book of Enoch describes Gabriel, east of Eden in Genesis. Enoch was a witness and in the book of John the Baptist, “is he Elijah?”
Enoch never died, he ascended. Elijah never died.
The Christ said “come out of your tomb, Lazarus.” Jews never understood, Commander, Archangel Michael.
Christ would always talk about the cross, the compass navigator of north, west, east, south. +, The cross is used in math.
Michael is coming back.
Jesus said he was the lineage of David “born of a Virgin Mary.” The Messiah has no wife, neither did the Archangel Michael.
The secret of Archangel Michael in Holy Zion, New Jerusalem, where the presence of the Lord dwells. Jews, where is the body of Jesus? Ask yourself the mystery.
Archangel Michael left back to Zion in his sacrifice, he came as a Jesus Christ (Jeshua)
The angels have no wives. Remember what the book of life with your name in it said? The angels of the Lord can shape shift into homeless beggars, testing your faith for judgement on this planet. Are you the one resurrecting in the future?
Lot and Sodom was one example of an angel walking the land, the mortals wanted to rape them.
They said monkey to trick you about ancient history of Lemuria and the truth about Dinosaurs. Intelligent, evolved lifeforms were on this planet who knew science. Men are selfish, even brainwash to believe they're alone in the Universe.
Dinosaurs were on earth walking around for 160 million years to 77 million years. What makes you think a race could not evolve and fly off into space?
Think about us humans, we evolved into Homo sapiens 315,000 years ago according to atheists. We have space satellites, and now the Chinese are on Mars.
315,000 years ago us humans evolved, LESS than 1 million.
Dinosaurs were on earth 160 to 77 million years.
If a race of dinosaur with intelligence has evolved, they may have left this planet.
If an intelligence dinosaur evolved, they may have reached quantum technology in space. 60 million years on earth is plenty of time to build Quantum Technology.
Us humans evolved 315,000 years ago.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six a hundred threescore [and] six.
The second beast is a “kingdom rising out of the sea” which “is not humane, civil, or supportive of its citizens.”
The sea “was a place of chaos, danger, and evil for the Hebrews.”